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Tales of Phantasia Walkthrough

This is the first walkthrough I written, therefore I'm not really good at this. I'm not planning on making this a very detail walkthrough because: 1)I don't want this to be a major spoiler, and the game is funner if you figure things out on your own. 2)I'm Lazy. Anywayz on with the Walk through!

Town of Totus
The game starts off with you (Cless, the hero) and Chester, your best friend, going on a hunting trip. You go through this long conversation scene, Chester saying bye to his sister, blah blah blah. Then you get to move around on your own, leave the town and head south to the forest.

You enter the forest and encounter this funny looking boar, follow him into the forest. You then fight a wild boar, the first boss. After you kill the boar an alarm rings, you and Chester head back to Totus

Totus destroyed
You go straight to your house and look for you mom and dad. You find everyone dead. After a long dramatic scene, Cless decides to seek revenge for his parents. Chester on the otherhand stays. Leave the village and head north, you will come across this moutain pass, keep on heading north.

You reached the city of Euclid, head for the house north east in the city, in the corner. The man in the house welcomes you in and lets you spend the night. You accept, but is turn over to a bunch of soldiers.

You wander around the jail cell, then you hear a voice calling you. Search the hole in the wall. You find this beat up lady in the cell above yours, she gives you an earring and a sword. Equip the sword and go through the upper door. You will then find another girl . She's Mint. You exit through the lower right hand corner. Next part is straigh forward, save, level up, and open a couple treasure chests. You will fight a very easy boss. After you leave the jail, you get knock out by a couple of ogres (they look like ogres). You wake up at this nice looking house

In the house you a guy named Tornix explains to you why your pendant was stolen. Tornix leaves you and Mint at the house. Then Chester rejoins you. Leave the house and go to the cave east of the house.

You enter the cave and you find a passage to this underground shrine. Explore the shrine, you'll find a lot of good treasures. You will come across this puzzle when you reach a save spot. Search it, fight it, and kill it. Now push the statue on to a switch, a door opens, you recieve a key. You go back to the begining of the shrine, now you can open the main door. You will arrive at this area with lava, step on the platforms. Your amulet will fall, step on this glowing circle thingy and you will be able to float. Go back on to the panel, down this stair and you will find the ruby. Go back to the platform with the green circle thingy and head up the stairs. You will fight an easy boss. After you beat the boss Dhaos is released. Tornix teleports you and Mint before Dhaos has a chance to kill you.


You end up in the Past world with Mint. You'll find Chester's bow, don't sell this bow, it'll come in handy later. Go to Totus and talk to the mayor. Leave the village and go through to moutain pass to Euclid.

Go to the house on the top right hand corner of the town. You will meet Klarth, talk to him and he will join your party.

Sylph's Mountain
Before you enter the mountain make sure you have a rope and pick axe, you can buy them at the town north of the moutains. Slyph's Mountain is located north east of Euclid. Enter and house and talk to the man, you can rest before you enter the mountains. This part is pretty straight forward. When you reach areas of the cave with poisonous gas find a nearby rock and push it over the pits. After covering the pits go outside and go to the right, you will cross a little bridge. Search the tree. You will have to fight Slyph (pretty easy boss). After that you will get Slyph summon spell for Klarth.

Go back to the forest, the one below Totus, and Mint will try to heal the big Tree, but fail. Now go back to Euclid.

There's a pink hair girl standing under a tree and a blue hair man in a shop. Keep talking to them back and forth until they both leave the town. Go to the town north west of Slyph's mountain, its next to a bridge. The town will be destroyed, talk to the pink haired girl in the town and she will join your party as non usable character.

Venetia is located north of the destructed town. Go back and forth in this town, like in Euclid, to talk to this blue hair and pink hair girl. They will meet in front of the fountain, talk to them there again, and they will leave, Go to the left hand side of the town and you will reach a harbor. Take one of the boats to an island. There are some good weapons in this town so pick some up before you leave.

Demitel's Castle
You can rest and save on the ships. Once you reach the island go up into the castle. The castle will contain 4 rooms, 2 on the right 2 on the left. Search the rooms (in the closet) one of the rooms has a key. After you find the key go into the room on the right side. You will fight a tree. After you kill it go back to the main room of the castle. Now light will shine through the curtains. Adjust the cyrstals so that the left cyrstal point down and the other two point up. Also open the middle curtain. A passage will open leading to the boss. There are a couple of treasures on the left hand side. When fighting Demitel keep attacking him in order not to let him cast spells. After the battle the pink hair girl will reveal herself as Arche and join your party.

Spells For Arche
Now you can go back to previous towns and get spells for Arche. In Venetia a person in the house left of the fountain will sell you the lighting and storm spell. Euclid, search the bookshelves at Klarth's house for Arche's Tornado spell. Then talk to the mayor at Totus to get the cyclone spell. Go back to Venetia and take the ship on the right. On the boat Cless will have to fight a small boss.

You should probably save the game right after you arrive. After you save go to the inn and sleep. In the middle of the night the party agrees to sneak into the castle. Don't let the guards see you, sneak over to the right and enter the room. You will fight Symil. Another jail scene will take place, after you are let out explore the castle (best to talk to everyone at the castle). You can buy the Beam and Thunder Blade spell for Arche in the castle. The king and Runeglom (pink haired elf, you can find him at the research/mage center in the castle) will give you permission to enter Morlia Gallery. Go to the southwest building, below the pharmacy. Talk to all the people in the bar. A soldier will sell you a skill, and get a pass from one of the person in the bar. A man sitting at the counter will give you four japanese words if you pay him. Copy this down. After this you are to find 3 other elemental spirits. You can go to these places in any order you wish.

Note:If you get stuck in the game, talk to everyone in the town or previous town or another option is go to sleep. Usually that helps.

Nome's Dungeon
You can find Nome's dungeon/cave east of Totus. You will encounter a door with a combination lock on the right. Enter the four japanese words you got from the bar. On the second floor talk to this little guy, he will follow you around, walk slow enough so he can keep up with you, but at the same time avoid all the other little people. The little guy will then run off with four other little guys. When you reach the save spot there will be an alarm at the right hand side. Hit it, The little guys will run off, go to the room in the middle and Nome will be there. He's a pretty hard boss, keep on letting Mint use heal and attack him when he's not like..flying everywhere. You will get Nome for Klarth and stonewall spell for Arche.

Undine's Cave
Take the boat on the left at Venetia. You will arrive at a small sea port. Head north for the entrance to the cave. The trick is to hit the switches on the wall. The switch will cause the water to rise or drain the water. The enemies are fairly easy, depending on your level. Just remember not to cast any water spells. After you beat Undine you will get the Undine summon for Klarth.

Ifrit's Cave
Travel across the bridge to the right hand side of Alvanista. Then head southeast. there you will find a little seaport, take the ship. Once you reached the desert head northeast untill you reached the cave. In the cave you will find the Sorsala ring. Equip it to use it. Use the ring to hit switches on the wall, light up torches, and also to hit wooden logs. Ifrit will be at the north end of the cave. Keep on attacking him, and let Arche use to the Ice Tornado spell. Once defeated you get Ifrit summon and firewall spell for Arche.

Morlia Gallery
After you aquire all 4 elemental summon spells (Slyph, Ifrit, Undine, and Nome) go to the land south of Alvansta, head to the little port that took you to Ifrit's dungeon, except this time head to the north of the port and go into the cave. A guard will be standing next to the entrance, if he stops you, go back to the town and talk to everyone again. There are 10 floors in the gallery. On the first floor you have to hit a switch to open a door. Second floor, move statue on the switch, Third floor, there will be this little circle that enables you to float. Fourth floor, you come across a puzzle (up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right). The entrance to the save point ont he first floor will open. Hit the switch that's above the save point, then go back to the room with the puzzle. Move the statue over the switch and go down the floor. Go to the room in the right and equip the Sorsala ring (ring that shoots out fire). Head to the left and down the stairs. Head to the right and you'll end up in a room without spikes. Head down stairs and you will reach another save point. Light the candles and a transporter will appear. Keep on going through the transporter, after a couple of rounds you will finally be able to continue on. Here you will have to light each candle to open the door. Head up right and you'll reach a spot where you need a pick axe to pass. Go through and talk to the candle (in other words throw the switch on by not lighting it). Keep on following the path until you reach the 10th floor. Hit both the switches and go to the right transporter first. Arche will read a tablet. Go back up and this time go to the left transporter. You will come across another puzzle (Up=1,Down=2,Left=4,Right=3). Go to the right transporter and you will fight a boss. After you defeat him head up to a treasure room. You will receive broken contract rings, which you will need later.

Go back to Alvanista and talk to that pink/red head elf person again. You will recieve a letter to Edward. Go to Edwards house, looks kinda like a castle, located south west of Alvanista, it is surrounded by trees. Knock on the door and talk to this lady. After that head to Olive village. Olive village is located next to Ifrit's Cave.

Olive Village
Go to the town and a man will tell you Edward is at the southern oasis. Go there and a person will tell you to head to the middle oasis, go there and talk to another person, then head for the northen oasis. After you get there head back to olive village. Then go to the inn. The innkeeper tells you to look for 5 egg/rock thingys. Head to the desert and fight those big teeth, fish thingy. Becareful and remember to save after you receive the rock thingys. The rocks show up randomly, and this fish thing can cast petrify and kill your party all at once. Keep the magicians away from the fish. once you get 5 egg thingys, go back to Olive village and sleep at the inn. After that you meet Edward, Tornix (turban guy's descendant). Edward said he needs help from elves so you go back to Alvanista.

Go back to the pink haired elf guy. He will give a seal that will allow you to enter the elve people's territory. Go to the inn and sleep. Half-elves are not allowed to enter the forest though so Arche tells you she will be waiting at the inn while you head to the forest with the rest of the party.

Elf Forest
The forest is located south of the small port on Alvanista (the port you used to get from Alvanista to Ifrit's cave). You will come across this small island joined to the main land by a land bridge. Enter and the guard should let you pass through. If not just go to the previous town and keep on talking. Once you enter the forest head upwards. When you reach the elf town you meet this ligth blue haired elf guy. Talk to him and he will leave the village. Head to the north exit of the town. You will reach the 2nd part of the forest. There are many paths to take and a lot of treasures. To reach the main destination keep going to the far right. When you see a 2nd save point, head up and you will find a tablet. You get the two rings repaired. Head back to the elf village and you will find Arche there. Arche gets in major trouble with the elfs but a pink haired lady begs them to release Arche. After you leave the village Arche realize that the lady was her mother.

The Tower
The tower is located north of the desert with the oasis. It took me a while to find this place, its surrounded by a bunch of trees and next to a moutain. Each floor in the Tower is identical, the trick is to play the right song on the right floor to unlock the door to the next floor. To play the music go up to the statues that are in the room and searh it.
Floor 1- go left, then down
Floor 2-go down, then left (left hand door)
Floor 3-go left, then down
Floor 4-go down, then right (right hand door)
Floor 5-go right, then down
Once you reach the top floor you will meet Luna. After a long conversation you will get Ray for Arche and Luna for Klarth.

Mid Galds Exit the Tower and head to the castle with the moat. There are a lot of great weapons in the town and try to stock up on items here before you fight Dhaos's armies. Go to the castle in the middle of the town and the guards will check your ID and let you enter. You will meet up with Edward in the castle. Head down starts and to the right to evesdrop on this magician and the kinds advisor. Then go meet the king of Mid Galds. After a long conversation exit the castle, Arche wants to consult her father so you head back to Slyphs Mountain. Arche asks her father about her mother, you get to see this flashback scene, and then you head back to Mid Galds.

Dhaos's Army
When you get back to the castle you go through this long scene, everyone is in a hurry to prepare for the battle. Klarth is appointed as a commander, he has to stay behind with the other commanders. Go to the inn and rest, then head back to the meeting room, and you will meet Klarth. Another conversation will take place and then you'll end up in the Vahalla Plains. In the fields just keep heading northwest, once you reach the save point, head right and you will fight a Dragon. Let Arche cast her strongest spell continuously. After the dragon is defeated you will end up at the castle and recieve a large sum of money for your good work. Then you get to see this cool FMV scene of the evil demons, and the evil demons getting trashed. Head out of the castle and Cless will get teleported. He then returns back to the castle with a pegasus. Arche will team up with Cless to fight the rest of the flying demons and another dragon. The party thanks the pegasus. Arche will recieve the indignation spell.

Dhaos's Castle
Before you head to the castle rest and restock again, also check your equipments. Pass through the snowfield and the plains to reach the Castle. their are many treasures in the dungeon, so besure to check all the rooms. Head to the right to hit the switch, and head through the door to get Firestorm. Then make a loop around and hit the switch. You will then reach 4 switches, combination is up, down, right, left, down,up. You will reach a dining room with a bunch of switches, you get to play this game with Arche where you have to step on the switches exactly the same time. Fortunatly if you mess up 20 times, Mint and Klarth will do it for you. Then you reach another place with a switch, push the statue on the floor above over the switch. You will encounter an identical switch, this time you have to leave a member of your party behind. On the top floor you will fight a boss and get this mirror, head back down and get your party member. Go all the way back to the mirror where you saw a ghost and you will fight a mini boss. After you beat the boss, walk through the mirror and open the chest. Search the statues and yes, then you'll find a metal ring, keep headin gright and you will run into another combination puzzle (up, down, left, right, down, up), then you'll find a key. Go back to the top floor again, and leave Arche behind (she'll fly up and join your party later). You can now open all the locked doors on the top floor. You will come across a save point and fight a mini boss and then you get to fight Dhaos. Try to surround Dhaos and keep Mint away from him. As always keep casting the strongest Arche spell and Klarth summon you have. Keep Cless close to him to prevent Dhaos from casting too many spells. After the battle Dhaos disappears.
