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This page is starting to fill up and I guess some of you notice that some of these pages appear in my Miyu's Broken Link Shop. Thats just in case I find a bigger page to replace it with another webpage you can still find it here. Also you may find some of the banners broken well there not. The reason they dissapear is because sometimes I link up to the banners and if there from geocities they like to go "poof". But they return in a n hour.


This is my other homepage I created almost 5 years ago.

A lot of SD's here the owner Bulma is part of bigger page called Brisen's Anime

Ueno Park
An assortment of Tokyo Babylon info, galleries, bios, etc.Subaru ^_^

All the men you could wish for including X, Yu Yu Hakusho, Weib Kreiss, and much much more.

Lets see lots of images of kamui, fuma, sechiro,etc.

A fairly large sailormoon webpage almost completed a.k.a. senshi sushi bar the hang out of the sailor senshi.

This girl has virtually the biggest saint seiya gallery, fanart, ect. I've seen thus far. Virtually no broken links that I haven't seen yet.

A great Inuyasha site with virtually all characters info but can it keep up with the compatitions ...will see soon enough ^_^.

An Inuyasha site that contains lots of goodies of Sesshmaru ^_^.

Sengoku o-Togi Zoushi

So far this page has all the translations of the Inuyasha manga. So if you dont want to wait for them to come out go here.


What can I say the title says it all and totally dedicated fluffy!!! Has images,desktops, fanfic, etc.

Dreams of Sakura

A clamp site that features the latest manga called Lawful Drug.

Questions, Comments, Threats

Email me at
