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Moomba Kick Ass!!

What to Update....

My Favorite Web/Links

Enchanted Castle Chat
Information About Din Techo
The Greatest Cheat Codes in the World.. this is new!
World Fighters Federation (WFF)
Fantasy Anime (Still a cool place)
Active Worlds .. 3-D Chat System!
Neopets.Com - Its Like Raising Internet Pets!
Hyper Chat
Information About Din Techo and behind the face of Goten! (Coming soon, DeviJim!)
My Art Gallery (I'm ALSO going to update this some!)
The Techo Saga (The Game Which Needs To Be Updated!)

Hey everyone!

Sorry, I haven't been on alot, I been with my girlfriend and everyone else! I am going to send out new letters about Final Fantasy and other stuff like news every month or so. Got to go now!


din69898691 got their NeoPet at

din69898691 got their NeoPet at

    Chris Gray
  • Chief Editor
  • Web Designer
  • Links Connections!

    Jimmy Wells
  • Games
  • New Reports

Jimmy's Web Page!

Chris's Stuff To Contact Him!!!

ICQ: 69898691

Email Me By Clicking The Picture Above!

Man, this is the last thing tonight!
Ok the music tonight is... "Staff Roll" By Final Fantasy 7