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Information About Chris Gray

Chris Gray
My Information about me!
WF West (School), Light Sêêd (Company and Group)
Washington... you have to ask me!

Below is my friends Nathan Page About Him!!

Well, I guess this is me everyone! I am 5'8", I have brown hair and green eyes. I do have a girlfriend named Brieana and I love pets. I'm typing as I look outside the door and see Brieana walking into the room and back out with a vest. A Blue and yellow vest. Anyways..... enough about Brieana and more about me. I write for a living sometimes, I take place in Tae Kwondo sparing slash fighting. I am not really afraid of anyone but myself. Sounds odd? I know it does but who knows, everyone has a weak point in there lifes and I think I fear to become something mad and evil, my father.

My life at home is around 4 girls in the house. My Grandma, 2 sisters and my mom. They are all nice but they also have too any problems. I don't usually tell them about my problems since they do alot of stuff and act to girly. I guess I keep to myself because I don't want them to feel sorry for me really.

When I grow up I want to be into some type of computers/enginnering types. Not really putting together a computer but putting in problems for the computer. I am not really that smart nor do I have alot of people I can call my best friends. I do have a close friend named Nathan Dickerson, my bro, but he moved to Kelso. I also have a friend call Jimmy which I am getting closer to him everyday as a friend, learning about him slowly but surely. His name over the internet is DeviJim.. Nathan's is Goten. I, of course, is Din Techo.

Nathan is a Kelso "Blue" .. ya... gang sign.

What else can I say? I have two cats.. well 3 cats... one is named Rootbeer, he is an old cat with tons of wiskers, Zippo is the next one, mostly my sister's cat because she raised from a baby. Now, a new cat called Rex... a black and white cat. Nice but stupid. The cat ran away from its mean owner and I guess he came to us. He still acts stupid but who knows.

Chehalis is quiet a stupid town I guess. Next door, I live next to a sex defender. Sina, the other nextdoor neighbor isn't that worried but I worry about her dsometimes, even if I don't say so. I kinda keep a watch out over her house and the guys. Sina really doesn't know I do this but I do so she wouldn't get raped or anything.

Penny Play Ground is just right behind my house almost, a little kids park but alot of good places to jump off to the ground. The swing set is alright but hey, its better then nothing.

I guess this mostly about it for me. I do have alot more details about me but if you want to now more about me, just ask.
