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Information About Din Techo

Din Techo
Old SeeD Cadet, explorer
Group Techo
Voice Mail: 1-800-Excite2 Ext. 3607481392

Well, I'll update this also.. Din Techo is a moomba from Final Fantasy 8. But he lives different form other moombas. After the FF8 series ends, Din is born and for awhile. Nothing happen until when he was 7 years old. He was taken away from his parent and almost killed. Din finds a way out and trains himself to do allot of stuff that normal moomba couldn't. With his 4 other little friends, they explore the world. Then as Din turns 14, be comes to Trix and he lives there after his friends turn up missing. Then after she turned to a SeeD Canditdate. He joins up and turns SeeD Cadet after he was 15, then after his major quest against Recon (Tell me and I'll give you a copy of the sotry, well, parts of it) and his master, he drops ouof SeeD Cadet and travels the world on foot, searching for his parents. Now he is 17 and hasn't found them yet, but he comes across a magical sword named Conkango in the hills. A New Saga opens up for Din now, he now has the save the world from danger as he trys to stop the lifeforce (FF7 rip off) from losting its touch from the 3 worlds. Now, this is where Din lefts off at.