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Alone... Chibi Usa sat in the Crown Fruit Parlor, carefully sipping on soda. She watched as Lizzy, Andrew's sister, walked by and stopped by her.

"Hi, Chibi Usa!" Lizzy said cheerfully.

"Oh, hi Lizzy..." Chibi Usa said dryly.

"What's wrong, babe?" Lizzy interrogated her.

"Oh, nothing much," Chibi Usa said lying.

"Okay, well, you can always talk to me if anything's wrong, you know that right?"

Chibi Usa nodded. "Thanks Lizzy."

She was scared, the scouts needed her. But she couldn't help them. All of her life she had wanted to be a graceful lady like her mother, Usagi, but couldn't. Now, all of the scouts were captured, and she was all alone with the fate of Crystal Tokyo resting on her shoulders. She got up, and walked out the door, only to see Diana waiting for her.

"Hello, Small Lady!" Diana said jumping into Chibi Usa's open arms.

"Diana Chan! I'm scared, but I thought they had taken you too..." She said looking a bit perplexed as to Diana's appearance.

"Well, they did, but I got out. Luna and Artemis are worried, but I know that we can rescue the scouts together, Samll Lady!" Diana replied.

Chibi Usa smiled and nodded, "I hope so! But they aren't going to make me into the Black Lady again, right?"

"Nope, we rid you of that evil, remember?"

"Oh, right, I'm almost as ditzy as Sere..." She shook her head, "Mm, I mean Mommy!" She giggled and started to run ahead with Diana close behind.

She looked around and made sure Diana was at close pace. "Moon Crisis Power!" She cried hoping that her super transformation with her mother would work all by herself, but it wouldn't. Chibi Usa sat down with her knees to her chest.

Diana looked at her sympathetically, "Small Lady!" She morphed into her human form. "I promise, we can do this, but you have to have faith in the future queen and king of Crystal Tokyo. Remember what Hotaru-Chan taught you?"

Chibi Usa nodded, "I remember, but how am I to get my super powers?"

Diana smiled, "Trust me, you'll get them from within! But let's go!" She grabbed her friends hand.

"It's still strange to see you in your human form!" Chibi Usa smiled to her buddy. Diana turned to her and giggled.

They arrived near the palace of Sumario, the emporess of evil, only to hear screams that sounded like that of the scouts.

"Diana Chan..." Chibi Usa whispered tightening her grip on Diana's hand.

"I know, Princess..." Diana replied solemnly.

They walked along behind the columns ducking and trying to stay away from all of the gaurds. Chibi Usa looked to one guard dog charging at them, and gasped. A gaurd came over and spotted them!

"Diana!" Chibi Usa cried in fear.

"Run, Princess!" Diana called back, and the two of them ran through reeking havoc throughout the dark, dim castle. The screams rang through the crown princess's ears and she covered one ear with her free hand. She shook her head, and suddenly noticed that Diana's legs were all wobbly and shaking from fear.

"Got ya'!" The guard called as he grabbed Diana's hand, and she loosened her grip on Chibi Usa's hand.

She spoke telepathically to her, "Chibi Usa, it's Diana, run! Please, you have to save us, because you're our only hope!"

Chibi Usa ran so fast that her heart was beating like a drumb, and her breath was heavy now, but as she looked back at Diana struggling against the harsh guard's grip, she realized how much the fate of the scout's rested in her hands. 'Please, great gods of magic, help me!' She cried out in her mind.

Suddenly, Chibi Usa was in the throne room. "Ah, the little princess. You're all I need to complete my collection. Do you see all of these people?" She pointed to the scouts suffering in moving portraits. "That's what they're going through, but little princess, you won't reach them!" She pointed to 11 doors. "Each scout and guardian cat has their own door. You must make it through each door with a certain task. However, you must defeat me first, Little Princess!"

Chibi Usa looked frightened and out of her morphed she said to her, "How did you know? I'm not transformed!"

"It's quite obvious..." Sumario said with a sip of her wine. "But you're true form will prove to be more than that scout form! Show it to me!"

Chibi Usa looked at her befuddled, "What do you mean?"

"You'll see my dear, you'll see!"

Part 2