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Awards- Page 3
Page 1: Page 2:Page 4: Awards For You: Form

This award was awarded to me by Mina at the Sailor Scouts Home on March 29, 2000. Thanks bunchies!! :)

Thank you to Lindsey at SMTEMP for this next award for passing a quiz! :) Thanks so much! I got this March 31, 2000.

Thank you to Lindsey at SMTEMP for this next award guessing the right person in the picture! Thanks soo very much! I got this on April 2, 2000.

Thank you very much to X-Fighter for the next award! It's so pretty! I recieved this on April 11, 2000.

Thanks bunches to Neo for the next three awards! They are so pretty and nice!! I received them on April 12,2000.