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“Ken!” Lita called from behind him.

“Hey Lita!” Ken smiled at her and greeted her as she jumped into his arms.

“We’re still on for our date tonight, nay?” Lita inquired Ken.

“Of course!”

“Great!” Lita smiled at him and brushed some loose strands of hair behind her ears.

“Ken!” A strange girl called from behind.

“Huh?” Ken looked at the beautiful girl with vacent eyes.

The girl looked hurt. “You really don’t remember, do you?” She smiled, “But I’ve grown so, I didn’t expect you to.”

Ken looked at her, his eyes kindeling and he felt stupid. “How could I forget?”

Lita looked about confused. “May I ask who you are?”

The girl flushed red. “Gomen, I was rude. My name is Miyuki, pleasure to meet you!” She held out her hand to Lita’s.

Lita shook it and opened her mouth for a proper introduction, but Ken interupted, “This is Lita, she’s just my friend.”

Lita gave Ken an evil eye. They were more than friends. They were an item who had been together for 2 years and best friends for way longer. Why did he want to hide that from this girl? There was something going on, and though this girl wasn’t Negatrash, she sure was making the moves on Ken.

“Good bye Miyuki.” Lita walked away, and turned quickly on her heels.

Ken looked shocked, “Bye Lita.”

Lita ignored him, and Miyuki whispered, “What’s up with her?”

Ken shrugged, “I don’t know.” He felt hurt as he watched Lita running towards her apartement.

Miyuki smiled. “Maybe I should cheer her up. I may not know her well, but I might as well get to know her.” She walked away and gently kissed Ken.

Ken smiled back and couldn’t help but feel passion for this girl. “What was that for?”

Miyuki smiled, “I still haven’t forgotten your promise!”

Ken looked baffled and kissed Miyuki. “Bye.”

Miyuki giggled, “Bye, catch ya’ later!” She ran towards where the girl was running to. She had remembered that when she was little, he always used to go to this apartement complex. The one where his best friend lived. She supposed that Lita still lived there. She stopped by the receptionist’s desk and asked for Lita’s apartement number. She ran up several flights of stairs and found her apartment. She knocked lightly.

Lita heard the knock and wiped tears from her eyes. Friend, he had called her just a friend. She couldn’t help but wonder why he was so embarrassed by her. She opened the door only to find Miyuki.

“Hi, Lita! I know it’s sudden since we just met, but I figured that we could talk for a little while.”

“Oh, sure!” Lita smiled at Miyuki. At least she was nice. Even so, she had to wonder of her relationship with Ken.

Miyuki walked in and gawked at Lita’s spotless apartment. “Goodness, what a nice place!”

Lita smiled and shut the door behind Miyuki. “Thanks. Sit down.” She motioned to the couch and sat down beside Miyuki.

“I bet that you’re wondering of my relationship with Ken. I can explain. When we were children we were best friends. We were inseperable, and our parents expected us to be married, but let us decide rather than betrothing us. Howver, I moved when we were seven due to a business switch that my papa had made, and when we were seven he had started to befriend you. He wrote of you all the time in his letters to me. Though I never met you, he spoke well of you, and I trusted him. Anyhow, when I moved away, we cried for months. We wrote each other as best small children could. However, we lost touch, but I never stopped loving him. We promised each other that we would meet back when we were 16, and we would get together if we weren’t seeing anyone. Well, I was asked out by many men, but turned them down because of my loyalty to Ken… We also promised to be together forever. He even gave me his mother’s ring.” She showed Lita a London Blue ring inset in 14k gold. And noticed a tinge of jealousy in Lita’s eyes.

“But you’re only fifteen! You’re a year early!”

Miyuki smiled, “Yes, but you’ll learn why soon. I can’t explain it yet.”

“So, he gave you a promise ring?”Lita asked.

“Yes, his mother saw how much we loved each other and gave him a ring for me that his father had given her when they first started to date. I couldn’t fit my finger into it then, but now it fits perfectly.”

Lita looked at her enviously.

“Don’t be jealous of me! You’re so lucky. When we corrosponded, Ken always spoke of you. How he never spoke of me to you hurts, but I can’t hold it against him. I was so envoious of you.” Miyuki smiled at her.

“Really?” Lita felt confused. “I’m mad at Ken, but we go through these things all of the time!”

Miyuki smiled and heard a knock on the door. “Oh? You’d better see who that is.”

Lita got up and smiled. “That’s Ami. You’d probably like her.”

“Hi Lita!” Ami smiled.

“Hi Ames. This is Miyuki.” Lita pointed to the girl who was now standing in a bow to meet the girl.

“Hi, Ami.”

“Oh, hello,” Ami smiled yet again, but was getting a strange feeling eminating from this girl.

“Miyuki, would you like to stay over tonight? Ami is, and we could all bond, ya’ know?” Lita said.

“Of course,” Miyuki smiled. “I’d love to. Arigato!”

“Any time,” Lita smiled. “Sit down with us, Ami Chan.”

Ami nodded. “So Miyuki, what are you doing here?”

“Well…” Miyuki went to explain about her and Ken being best friends when they were young.

“But there’s still another year. How come you’re here?”

Miyuki smiled, “That’s a secret.”

“Sure…” Ami said.

Miyuki got up. “I’m going to turn in Lita Chan.”

The next morning, Miyuki went out into the garden beside the apartment complex, only to see Ami coming.

“Hi Miyuki.”

Miyuki smiled and nodded, “Hi Ami Chan.”

“You’re a ghost aren’t you?” Ami said directly.

“How’d you know?” Miyuki inquired afraid that everyone might know by now.

“I did a scan on you last night. Tell me what happened.”

“Well, last night I was walking home after I had bought something for my parents. There was an accident, let’s say. When I asked to see Ken, God allowed me to see Ken. Only, I’m a spirit. I was surprised to see how much he loved Lita, and I wanted to be sure that her love for him was true. Please, don’t tell anyone. I’m not ready to yet! I need to be sure that when I leave this world, Ken will be well taken care of. Please…” Miyuki felt tears in her eyes.

Ami grabbed her hand. “I’m so sorry. I won’t tell. Just, please, promise not to test their love rashly.”

Miyuki wiped her eyes. “I won’t…”

Lita came out when Miyuki threw something at her. “Please, forgive me.” She attached some sort of VR machine, and watched as she tested Lita.

Lita looked around and saw Ken. “Lita, I have to move to Rome. You have to come with me or I’ll never be able to see you again.”

Lita looked at him, “But I hate planes!”

Ken sighed and took her hands. “Lita, I really love you. You’re going to have to get on a plane to see me.”

Lita swallowed down her fear. “Ken, I love you too. I won’t let my fear get into the way of that!” She hugged him.

“We leave tomorrow.”

Lita nodded, and when they got on the plane, Lita looked around and felt butterflies in her stomach. “I can’t do this…” She looked into Ken’s eyes. “No, I can. But I’ll miss everyone so much!”

“They’re going to come later, I promise.”

Lita smiled. “I’m sure that you’re the one I’ll always love. I’m going to ask them to come next weekend.”

Miyuki took the VR thing off of her and Lita. “What wwas that?” Lita asked as she came to.

Miyuki explained about her love for Ken and how she died. “I’m sure that you have love for him. I can now leave this world in peace… Because I know that Ken will be well taken care of!”

Just then, Miyuki grew wings and became an angel. “Goodbye Ami Chan and Lita Chan. Take good care of Ken for me!”

“Miyuki!” Ken called in confusion. “You’re an angel?”

Miyuki smiled and gently kissed him. “Your friends can explain. You’re very lucky to have people who care so much for you.”

“You’re dead?” Ken asked in a low voice about to cry.

Miyuki nodded. “I’ll always love you though. And I’ll wait for you in Heaven always. Just don’t be in a rush to join me. You have some wonderful people to live for!”

Ken held her close to him. Lita watched through the doorway, and smiled. Ami wiped some tears from her eyes.

Miyuki looked down. Oops, my time here is done.” She smiled at Ken. “Goodbye, thank you so much!”

Ken touched her hand once more. “Goodbye, I’ll never forget you.”

Miyuki smiled playfully. “You’d better not!” With that, she dissapeared.

Lita came up to Ken, and she put a hand on his shoulder. Ken turned around, and Lita hugged him tightly. “Lita, I miss her.”

Lita looked up to the sky. “I know you do…”