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My Opinion On Each Scout
Sailor Moon-
Okay, this crybaby (as everyone calls her) annoys me in the series up to the Doom Tree series when we find her starting to mature. I personally find her very brave after that, and start to feel like she truly is admirable. Usagi is very sweet and loyal to her friends, and I don’t think that she would ever betray them.

Sailor Venus-
Minako is very sweet and kind of the light-hearted one of the group, and that makes her one of my favorites. I find her to be one of the nicest scouts, and her grades, atrocious as they are, aren’t a reflection of her best. To me, she under-acheives. I feel that she likes to cheer people up and help them to feel like they have value. She is hiding something, in my opinion, under her bubbly extrerior. Something that tortures her.

Sailor Mercury-
Ami, now there’s something to say about her. I don’t mind Ami, but she is one of my least favorite scouts. I don’t know why, but it seems like she is too obsessed with her grades. She’s a loyal friend, but she’s too perfect!! In a lighter way, however, she uses herself to be couragous, even though she’s not really very strong of anything of that sort. She is loyal to those she trusts, but never fully trusts anyone…

Sailor Mars-
Rei is alright, but her temper really tries me. She’s very sweet around Usagi later, but in the begginning, she’s really mean to Usagi, and that makes me upset. Her life is full of pain, in a sense, and she doesn’t know how to express herself. In my opinion, she needs to get rid of her ‘tude, because no one likes it. She’s also really bossy. On a positive note, she is sweet sometimes, and admits later as Usagi and Momaru’s wedding that she really thinks of Usagi as her best friend. She is very loyal towards Usagi, and is very popular at her school.

Sailor Jupiter-
Makoto is my fave scout! She is very loyal, even more so than all of the other scouts put together. She’s fairly quiet, (as Naoko didn’t give her many speaking parts) but loves to be around friends and clearly expresses herself. The negative about her is that everyone reminds her of her old boyfriend, and that gets kind of old after a while. In any case, she is very talented, and seems to make people feel good vibes. Except for when she’s upset. She doesn’t like to make other people feel intimidated by her, but many do because of her strength.

Sailor Chibi Moon-
I like Chibi Usa. She’s very sweet, but can you blame her for being kind of moody? The poor child was forced to grow up too fast and always is switching between the future and present times. She really loves her mom, I think, and she has to be a sweetie under her protective covering. She can be very optomistic or she can be a pessimist.

Sailor Neptune-
Michiru is very sweet and kind, but seems to be very quiet and mysterious which is why I like to watch her. She’s gentle and loves Haruka. She doesn’t associate with the inners much, but gets along quite well with the outers.

Sailor Uranus-
I don’t much like Haruka. She’s nice and a good friend, but she’s just really annoying. She gets jealous of anyone that Michiru talks to, but flirts with everyone she can get her hands on. I like her, but not very much. She cross dresses and misleads everyone. I remember that when Minako and Usagi met her, they thought she was a guy. She kept encouraging them to think so.

Sailor Saturn-
Hotaru is alright. She’s very weak physically, but has the power to destroy the world! Her life is fairly friendless, and I find it pitiful. I feel so bad for her because of that, but she’s really quite nice. Hotaru is very secretive and quiet. Much like Pluto and Neptune.

Sailor Pluto-
Setsuna is an interesting individual. She can be a total quiet type person, that keeps everything a secret, or someone who gives all info that she knows and will be very talkative. I find her to be very sweet.