One day their homeroom teacher asked for some volunteers for help with an experiment and, out of those whose hands were raised, they had been chosen. Who didn't want extra credit?

    But it turned out that, instead of technical assistants, they were to be the guinea pigs. Information that hadn't been forthcoming until some contraption had been placed over their heads.

    The only reason why they didn't run away was because they thought the idea of transferring minds was ridiculous, although that didn't make them any less disturbed about it.

    In the end, however, they were relieved that it hadn't worked. In fact, by the look of things, the device itself had broken down.

    So they laughed away their anxiety and left, where they went their separate ways.

    Not too long after, however, did they begin to feel strange. They both felt like fainting, so they each found a place to settle themselves down.

    When they were next aware of their surroundings, they realized that they occupied the other's body. And while the girl in the boy's body sought out where she last knew her body to be, the boy in the girl's body found a nearby place to hide in case he made a spectacle of himself, since he didn't know what to do.

    The girl eventually found her body and surprised the real owner of the body that she was now in. It was only then that she really paused to think about the situation and felt embarrassed. Being in another's body was quite an intimate invasion of privacy. Which brought up the question of why the boy in her body had sought privacy.

    And so it came to pass that another boy found a reason to panic in light of a girl's tendency to make assumptions regarding any imagined slights against their body and feelings.