I had met this mysterious girl in the forest not too long ago, one that I had quickly grown to like. What got to me was that I didn't know whether I had more of an interest in her as a lover or as an example of the kind of serenity that anyone would normally only dream of achieving. When I finally expressed my frustration to her, about how she showed no response to my interest in her, as well as how my lack of enlightenment had led to my growing feelings of jealousy, she merely smiled and led me to a rather large and old tree. Once there she said to me, "If you wish to understand my feelings, you must find a tree of your own and step into a world that is more suitable for fostering the perceptions that I hold so dear." And with that said she stepped into the tree and vanished before my eyes. I had been so surprised that I had fallen onto my rear. But I was soon back to my feet and I attempted to enter the tree as she had, because I simply had to follow her and join her. But despite my desire I couldn't accomplish the amazing feat that she had. I had almost given in to attacking the tree out of anger when I recalled a portion of her final words. It was then that it dawned on me: perhaps I could not enter because it was her tree. So I tried another tree, one that was close to hers, and tried again. At first it didn't work, but it did once I had become upset and really put a lot of feeling into it as a last-ditch effort. When at last I was sure of my success I was relieved and allowed myself to be swallowed up by the tree. |
Ages passed while I was inside of my tree. At first I was confused and a bit scared, and in particular distraught over the fact that I could feel her yet not be with her. But I could feel her assurances in some obscure way and I was able to wait it out and absorb my new environment. It wasn't like I knew how to leave my tree, anyway. In time I saw things as she did and understood the reason for why she had never shown the kind of interest in me that I had been looking for. She was my mother, my sister and my daughter, much as I was in relation to her. I felt as if I were one with everything: everything had a piece of me and I had a piece of everything else. And because of this interconnection I could see without seeing, hear without hearing, and the same could be said of every other sense. As a passive observer I was able to understand that I didn't need to marry and have sex with the person that I loved. I now know the true nature of love, and it wasn't so one-dimensional as I had once thought. Which was why I gave her my best wishes when she felt that she could leave her tree and allow me to grow without my dependency for her. We would be as close as ever no matter how far we were to be apart, and I was sure that I would be able to enjoy her company on the physical plane at some point in the future. Until then I was content within my tree, basking in the energies that flowed through everything. But a time did come for me to leave my tree, and I chose to do so right when a young man happened to be passing by. I knew, without knowing, that my decision to do so would be right. |
It came as no surprise when the young man took me in. While with him in his home he helped me to catch up on the times, and he also gave me a new, if small, wardrobe. He also enrolled me into the local school, but I had a feeling that he would have rather preferred monopolizing my time. I had been quick to note that he had been enraptured by me, much like I had been by the kind of girl that I had now become. I now bask in the morning light while I take the scenic route to my school. I also enjoy the breeze's light caresses upon my skin. If only he knew what I felt at this moment he would understand the reason for why I seem so far away from his grasp. Perhaps I could help to enlighten him... I will have to consider it a bit longer, for now. |