
    I've written a lot of things over the years, and the vast majority of them are unfinished and/or haven't seen the light of day. Here are a few stories that are either finished or will be worked on until they are. Because I have a bad habit of thinking up new story ideas and starting some of them, the number of incomplete stories will likely outnumber the complete ones for quite some time to come.
    Much of what you'll read here will be stories that have a sex-changing theme, and (thus) Ranma will often be the protagonist. Despite that I write for the sake of each plot, and whatever ideas that I hope to incorporate into them. I don't expect to target a large audience (nor am I trying), but I will do my best to write a good story, which (I do believe) is a common expectation.
    NOTE: Hovering over underlined words should reveal information. If not, then... *Shrugs*


    I do not own any of the series that I base these stories in, nor do I write these stories for profit. One must also assume that I am not aware of any restrictions on writing fan-fiction in regard to any of the owners and/or authors of the series in question. Please notify me of any series used in my fan-fiction that are expressly prohibited by the aforementioned owners and/or authors.