A bit butch, gun happy, and the exact opposite of Yuri. Kei keeps her hair short and wouldn't be caught dead in a skirt, preferring pants instead. Fiery, she can be very single minded and when she sets herself to a task, she'll let nothing get in her way. Prone to violence at the drop of a hat, her solution to any problem is to blow it up. She's oil to Yuri's water and is firmly convinced that the only partner she needs is her trusty blaster.
Yuri Born: 03/03/2231 Home World: Shack-G
Sugar coated death is the best way to describe Yuri. With long flowing hair and a strong concern for her appearance, she is the more feminine of the Lovely Angels. Boy hungry, she is always on the prowl for a rich handsome man to marry yet always seems frustrated in her attempts to find wedded bliss. Though she appears to be very delicate, she can can stand up to the best of them. However, she's not above using her feminine wiles and the "helpless little girl" act if it will get someone else to do what she wants. She has a natural young girl's attraction to cute, cuddly animals.