What's New?

January 4, 2004
What a year 2003 has been!
I have just finished the bulk of the artwork for a how to draw Superhero Book for Impact/ North Light!
Manga Madness is out this March!
More info here

December 1, 2003
Manga Madness is out in March!
I am scrambling to finish the How To Draw Superhero book this month.

June 1, 2002
Thank you to everyone who visited me at Anime North this year!
I really appreciated your business. Mini Meks has been doing a brisk business.
More Mini Meks information can be found at this link

January 18, 2002
I am finally getting around to posting my Role Playing work on the Big Eyes, Small Mouth page. There will be information on everything from my Batman campaign, original work and a Star Trek campaign I haven't even run yet.

August 21, 2001
Wizard World 2001 in Chicago was overwhelming, but very worthwhile. Thank you to everyone who said hello and were kind enough to view my portfolio.

Email: okumarts@hotmail.com
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All images on this website, unless otherwise noted are copyright 2004 David Okum and Okumarts. It is illegal for anyone to use or copy these images without express written consent from the artist. Please e-mail me if you want to purchase an image.