~ By Jordan

A cool, hit anime becomes popular. Cool, hit anime has it's first major motion picture come out ..... Anime can only get better.

Just like the TV Series, Endless Waltz focuses mainly on a complex war story. The Story of EW tries to continue where the TV Series left off : Tres Kush Rinata's daughter Tries to take over the world in the name of her father, and what she thinks he would want. She gathers an army to fight for her, kidnaps Relina, and goes gun-ho in order to take over planet earth, and thats where the Gundam's come in. All in all, the story was done very well. My only main gripe is that this movie still hasn't cleared up any of the questions that the tv series left me with!!

Gundam Wing allready had pretty damn good animation, so the motion picture really coundn't improve more than just making everything look crisper. And thats exactly what it did. The only other difference in animation is the extremely sweet face-lift that some of the gundams got. Namely Wing Zero, and Heavy Arms.

The good variety characters of the tv series return with the unwelcome addition of Madimaya Kush Rinata. Madimaya is the main villian of this movie, and if I had a villian of the week, she would probably be it. Probably becuase she is a little kid, and obnoxious, and like a little kid, she says stupid things without thinking. So I guess she did her job by making me thoroughly dislike her. The funny thing is that at the end of the movie you are supposed to feel sorry for her, but I just hope she gets it two fold! ^_^

A motion picture is not complete without great sound effects, and a great new soundtrack to go with it. Great sound effects it got, A good new soundtrack it did not. Some new crisp, mech sound effects were put into this movie to give the movie alittle extra. It got a new vocal theme song for the movie, which is so-so, but doesn't hold a candle to "Just Communication," (the theme song to the tv series.) Which reminds me ... where the hell did all of the original music go?? Also all of the voice actors from the show are back, with a new and obnoxious voice for Madimaya.

I have said before in my review for the tv series that close to only 1/4th of the show contains action sequenses, and that the rest was all story. That repeats itself in this movie, but the only problem is that this is 90+ minutes, which means that there's only like 15 minutes of action in the whole movie!!! But just like i said for the show, thats not necisarily a bad thing, seeing how the story is very well done. Just don't go buying this movie if your looking for an action packed gundam wing!

A good continuation of the allready great gundam story.
Crisper Gundam Wing animation with the gundams and a sweet slightly new look.
the same gundam wing characters, only with the obnoxious Madimaya Kush Rinata.
Great sound effects, but the music is lacking, especially where a motion picture is concerned. And where is the originaly Gundam Wing music??
Mostly story, but has some (short) cool battle scenes. Alittle boring at times though.
Final Thought
Big Gundam wing fans will love this movie, but everyone else should look elsewhere.

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