The story of Gundam Wing revolves around two feuding colonies, and 5 young men who take roles in-between them with there gundams for the fight for peace. Within the 48 episodes, this story is bended and stretched in every dirrection, but it's always around my original summary.
Gundam Wing animation falls under two categories. Character animation is good. in my opinion, the guys look cool, but the girls have something to be desired. the hair just looks ..... ummmm ... too normal. (doesn't that sound wierd?) But on the other hand, the gundams, and mobile suits all look sweet. Especially during the battle scenes. (Talk about eye-candy!)
Gundam Wing has a great variety of characters. From the easy-going, nice guy Quatre, to the quiet, super bad-ass Heero. The voice actors also do a great job portraying these characters. It's hard not to like these characters.
The music selection of Gundam Wing goes along perfectly with its many moods. The theme song, and ending music to Gundam wing is also pretty cool. But my alltime favorite is that cool sad trumpet music before each episode.
Almost every episode of Gundam Wing consists of about 15 minutes of story, and about 5 minutes of action sequences. Now this doesn't take away from the overall entertainment of the show because the story is very good. But to someone who doesn't know what the hell is going on, Gundam Wing can be a pretty boring show.
Story A complex space war story thats hard to follow, but still keeps your interest |
8 |
Animation Good character animation, but great mobile suit animation. |
9 |
Characters A good variety of characters. |
8 |
Music A great selection of music for the many moods in the series. |
9 |
Entertainment Alittle bit of action, and a lot of complex story. Overall a decent comination. |
8 |
Final Thought Gundam Wing is a series that you have to see from the first episode to the last. If you do, you will like it. If you don't, you will have no idea whats going on. |
8 |