Here is an episode list for the Outlaw Star Series.

       #      Episode title 
       ---  --------------------------------
        1.   Outlaw World               
        2.   Star of Desire                       
        3.   Into Burning Space                           
        4.   When the Hot Ice Melts      
        5.   Beast Girl, Ready to Pounce              
        6.   Beatiful Assassin                         
        7.   Creeping Evil                 
        8.   Forced Departure            
        9.   A Journey of Adventure ...Huh?                      
        10.  Gathering for the Space Race                
        11.  Adrift in Subspace       
        12.  Mortal Combat with the el Dorado             
        13.  Advance Gaurd from Another World                  
        14.  Final Countdown                     
        15.  The Seven Emerge                 
        16.  Demon of the Water Planet              
        17.  Between Life and Machine                    
        18.  The Strongest Woman in the World            
        19.  Law and Lawlessness                   
        20.  ---(Don't know yet)---         
        21.  ---(Don't know yet)---         
        22.  ---(Don't know yet)---           
        23.  ---(Don't know yet)---             
        24.  ---(Don't know yet)---                   
        25.  ---(Don't know yet)---              
        26.  ---(Don't know yet)---                  

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