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Anonymous Poems

I Love You,
I always will.
You sweet kisses and hugs,
My heart they fill.
You mean the world to me and much much more,
I'd even give my life for you the one i adore.
I know we'll be together forever,
We were meant to be.
Thats the was God planned,
For you to be with me.

What is love?

Love is seeing him how no one else does
Love is when u no hes not perfect but u see him
Love is thinking about him day and night
Love is when he means the world to you
Love is when noone else nos how you feel
Love is the best feeling u can feel

I am here and you are there
Only the ground separates us
But as each day goes by
We see the same sun rise and fall
And I know that you will always be there

As lovers sit beside each other
eye to eye they see
how meening full and full of love
each other shall always be
Love they say is to strong for words
and to strong to throw around
but nothing feels more like love
then listening to their hearts' which pound
Love is the most incredible feeling
one usually describes with sighs
you can feel the warmth and respect
when you look in to your lovers eyes
If Love should ever come within two hearts
their souls will colide into one
Then life will turn into a wonderful place
and seem there is good to be done