Ok, here's the current scoop:

Go ahead and apply for an award, but it's gonna take a while before I get your application processed. I have a LOT of school work this year and school comes before ROTS this year (unfortunately >_<)
So don't think I'm ignoring you or think your site is bad!!! I just haven't had time, and I accidentally deleted the last 2 or 3 apps I got, so please re-apply if I haven't responded to you yet!

To qualify for one, your site must folow these simple rules:

1. No Hentai
2. No more than 5 broken links
3. No mis-spellings that are SO bad that I click out because it looks VERY unprofessional (no StIcKy CaPs either)
4. Has to be about Sailor Moon....


I DO have an award I made up for OTAKU Senshi and a strictly anime award that I think is REALLY pretty, so I use that on occasion instead of my others ^_~, so u can apply for that, too.

I apologize, I don't have a "Great Start" award, becuase if I think your site is cute, even if it is just beginning, I give out "Great Site" awards, because, wow, for a beginner, it looks really good!!!


Those are the rules, and here are the awards ^_^

Award for a Beautiful Site
Award for a Beautiful Site, personalized upon receiving

Award for a Kawaii Site
Award for a Kawaii Site, also personalized upon receiving

Award for a Great Site
Award for a Great Site, again, personalized ^_^

Like em?

Think you qualify? KNOW you qualify? Then apply!!!

Sign Up Here For An Award!

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