Graphics From Moi

Hey all!

I'm making graphics now! But i have a few specifications if you ask me to make one for you, ok?
1. I DO make custom image maps, BUT, I DO NOT have a program for it, so making image maps takes longer than other graphics because I have to do it manually, i.e. getting coordinates and such. Due to this factor, I DON'T do HUGE projects, like mapping individual characters on a big clickable picture, forget it. Find another site to do that. This will change when I get another map maker program, but that won't be any time soon.
2. I make pretty much everything BUT animated gifs. I don't have a program for that, either. I have a Sister site, however, that does. Defenders of the Realms. However, we are both pretty busy, so you can ask, but don't swamp her with stuff, ok?
3. I have some things already made, Image map wise. Go here to see what I've got on display. If I have something already made, feel free to take it, but I would prefer you to ask me and link me back somehow, ok?
If you know what u want, I need you to specify it somehow, k? If you know the address to the picture that you want made into a graphic of some sort, let me know, okie? I'll tell ya what, just fill out the form below, and we'll get down to business that way, ok? Cool.

E-mail me if you have any questions about my policies, k?
All graphics require a link back to my site somehow. And,
PLEASE!! If you are ASKING for a LAYOUT KNOW SOME HTML! I have been able to help all the people I can with HTML, I'm too busy to help everyone!

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