
Hooray! You wanna know more about my site! ^_^ Well, here's a history of Realm of the Senshi as it started out in 1999.

When I was 14 I had one friend who was obsessed with Sailor Moon. At first, my friends and I thought she was out of her wit so we teased her about it, I mean, what sane person would ever like one of those cheap Japanese cartoons? But she liked them anyways, and she was cool, I'm still wondering about the sane part though ^_^.
We had this "clique" thing in 8th grade and we would make up code names for writing notes back and forth and such. We went through Saturday Night Live characters (I was Mary Katherine Gallagher), band members, etc. We got tired of each phase though, so Morgan (my Sailor Moon friend) came up with - da da da! - Sailor Moon names! We all thought it was kinda lame at first, but we got used to it after a while. We had Sailor Mars (Morgan), Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Saturn (moi), and Sailor Pluto.
When Morgan told me she had a website, and that one of her friends has a Sailor Moon website, I started to make my own on Angelfire. The web address was anime/outerplustwo because it originally started out as a shine for the Outer Senshi, Mars and Jupiter! I never really intended to make it anything more than a mini shrine, but it grew tremendously! If I had known that it would be such a big site I woulld have named it anime/realmofthesenshi!
I started out with a really bad layout (but back then it was awesome!) with lots of slow loading pictures and music (which still sounds pretty cool...) and navigation by clicking on pics (Click here to check out a sample, w/o the music ^_^. When I made it I had profiles and image galleries (like I have now) with very little information and very few pictures. It wasn't that great, but I thought it was awesome.
I came across a lot of sites that gave out free layouts, so I started using those when I realized mine was really bad...but it was just a site for me, right? Thats what I though until I got a hit counter, which hit 100 really fast! So I started working on layouts, and I worked up to this current one, (which I adore!) and I plan on making many more in teh future! Maybe even some for sites...if you guys like them enough ^_^

Well, that's about all...there's not too much to say about this site ^_^ Hope you enjoyed reading it, it's not written very well, but, I don't think anyone really cares that much ^_^

Thanks for poppin by!

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