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Guess what! I won in a contest! I won first place in a "design a senshi" contest at my sister site's site, Defenders of the Realms! Yay!!!
Check out this award!

So Cool!! Thanks 'Nesa!

I added an award I got from Defenders of the Realms a LONG time ago (sorry 'Nesa!!) because I decided to notify you guys about changes here and it popped into my head >_<

Award applications are being temporarily haulted b/c I have a LOT of homework this school year and it comes first (sorry!) So I'll still get to them, but please, if you have applied within the last month, reapply! I've lost track of all my applications (deleted a few on accident!) due to lack of organization, so sorry guys!

Please still look around and do what u wanna do, the only thing is a response from me on anything may take a bit longer ^_^
