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Realm of the Senshi
v7.0 - Beautimous
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Updated May 23, 2002

Hi all! I made a new layout!!! I'm so proud ^_^ I love it, what do you think?

Black, White, Olive Green, and Dark Red are my fave colors, so I guess that'll be the common layout trend here ^_^ I dont mind ^_^

It's gonna take a while to perfect this one, I want it JUST RIGHT before I post it permanently, heh.

Anyways, below is the new guestbook, it's a private guestbook, you can sign that to post comments, to ask for help, to just say hey, whatever, please, if you for some odd reason have flame mail, send it on that. I don't want to have to delete it from my guestbook host site.

Thanks for poppin by! use the navigation to look around!

I'm Part of the GX Topsites!

Onobori the Fire Shoyru!Kyocai the Faerie Kacheek!HaippariDako the Spotted Mynci!MaeriBlythe the Skunk Usul!Runeglum the Glowing JubJub!
I Got These Cute lil' Guys at
Sign up there and make your OWN lil' pet!