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Sailor Aquarius

Full Name: Aria Dora Carmen
Japanese Name: Miwa Moto-"beautiful harmony, true, gift"
Senshi of: the Constellations
Birthday: February 19, 1988
Favorite Colors: White, Purple, Pink, and Aqua
Favorite Foods: Almost everything! especially oriental foods
Least Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Subject: Science
Least Favorite Subject: History
Hobbies: Reading, Singing, Writing, Drawing, Dreaming, and Fixing herself up.
Dream: To be a singer, actress, author, marine biologist, model, mother of three, and to become the best Sailor Scout she can become.
Best Friend: Sailor Pisces-"We hit it off and something just clicked! It was like we'd known eachother forever. It may be that at times I can be a pisces as well. All of the scouts are my really good friends though."
Family: Mom, 1 older half-sister and 1 younger half-brother
Favorite Past-time: Christmas mornings when her parents were together
Best part of being a scout: "I've met so many new friends and I love transforming into a whole new person! I can just feel the power flowing through me, its great!"
Worst Part of Being a Scout: "I hate seeing one of my friends get hurt and especially when I get hurt, but its worth it!"

History: Aria is the middle child of 3. She's been attending public school since kindergarten and she is a straight "A" student

Power Status: Sailor Aquarius is 6th powerful, power tied with Sailor Scorpio. She and Sailor Scorpio recieved their powers simultaneously walking home from school one afternoon and meeting Sailor/Tuxedo Libra by chance.

Attacks: "Aquarius Star Make-up!" (transformation from Aria to Sailor Aquarius) , "Aquarius Star String Smash!" (summons a group of stars to appear from the sky and wrap around the enemy, equivelent to Venus Love Chain) , "Aquarius Sprinkle Dust Paralyze!" (temporarily paralyzes enemy with star dust from the constellation Aquarius)