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Sailor Aries

Full Name: Madelyn Harley Brunner
Japanese Name:
Senshi Of: Fire and Smoke
Age: 15
Birthday: April 22, 1986
Favorite Color: Purple, green
Favorite Food: Junk
Least Favorite "My sister's chicken"
Favorite Subject: PE and Math
Least Favorite Art
Hobby: conrolling her temper, watching movies, hanging with friends
Dream: To become a teacher
Best Friend: Sailor Taurus - "we have fun together" Sailor Capricorn - "she's just cool in her own way, and she lets me borrow her history homework *giggles* "
Family: One sister (older), mother, father
Favorite Past-time: going to the lake with her grandpa
Best feature: "I love my hair and eyes"
Worst Feature: "I dun really like my legs"
Significant Other: N/A
Likes: junk food, pop music, buggin her sister, showing off her Math knowledge to friends, fighting villians and being aggressive
Dislikes: being picked on, being told "no", tattle tales
Best part About Being a Scout: "I can be mean and nasty, and get the job done"
Worst part about being a Scout: "They sometimes have to restrain me, I have a really bad temper!"

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