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Sailor Gemini

Full Name: Alisia Kerrigan Stolp
Japanese Name: Aiko Megumi - "blessed, beautiful, affectionate, child"
Senshi Of: Earth Constellations
Age: 16
Birthday: May 31st, 1984
Favorite Color: Pink, green
Favorite Food: junk
Least Favorite Food: some veggies
Favorite Subject: Math
Least Favorite Subject: English
Hobby: collecting anything alien, collecting movies
Dream: To become an actress
Best Friend: Sailor Pisces - "we get along great, like sisters" and all the scouts - "i can get along with everyone"
Family: Mom, dad, one sister (younger)
Favorite Past-time: trips to the lake with her grandparents
Best feature: "everyone says i have great hair"
Worst Feature: "I'm too much of a pushover, i'd do anything for anyone of my friends!"
Significant Other: a couple ex's, single currently
Likes: aliens, hanging with her friends, buying movies before she watches them
Dislikes: when people take her kindness for granted, being left out, being talked down too
Best part About Being a Scout: "I always get to hang out with my friends, we're all just like sisters. Also, you can get away from your annoying siblings in a moments notice b/c of the call to transform!"
Worst part about being a Scout: "Sometimes i have to see TOO MUCH of my scout friends, and it can get kinda hard to take sometimes."

History: Alisia Kerrigan is one of two children, the toher being her little sister, Monica. She had been going to public school for most of her life, and in her first year of high school, she met her current best friend, Torrence (Sailor Pisces). Alisia is an average student, with her best grades in math and worst in English. ONce when Alisia was visiting Torrence at her house on the weekend, Aedyn (Sailor Virgo) showed up with Sloan (Sailor Libra) and Kane (Tuxedo Libra) and revealed to Alisia and Torrence that they were Sailor Scouts from the outer galaxy, and told them that they were chosen, too, to be Sailor Pisces, and Sailro Gemini.

Power Status: Sailor gemini is the 5th most powerful Senshi arriving 5th, minutes behind Sailor Pisces.

Attacks: "Sailor Gemini Star Power!" (transforming from Alisia to Sailor Gemini) , "Earth and Sky Unite!" (brings earth constellations together as one to make an earthbound attack) , "Gemini Star Staff Crash!" (forces pull the constellation Gemini from the symbol on Sailor Gemini's staff to attack the enemy with a great force)