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Sailor Libra

Full Name: Sloan Kennedy Kidwell
Japanese Name: Reiko Hideko - "Excellent Child of beauty"
Senshi Of: All Senshi Powers except Tuxedo Libra's individual Power
Age: 17
Birthday: October 23rd, 1983
Favorite Color: Orange and Red
Favorite Food: Cheeseburgers and frensh fries
Least Favorite Food: Tofu
Favorite Subject: PE
Least Favorite Subject: Math
Hobby: Talking on the Phone
Dream: To become a famous athlete
Best Friend: Sailor Virgo - "She's like the little sister I never had"
Family: lives with her dad and twin brother (Tuxedo Libra)
Favorite Past-time: Running in track meets
Best feature: "I have great legs"
Worst Feature: "I wish i wasn't so hot-headed"
Significant Other: Single
Likes: Fast food, school track meets, talking on the phone, making fun of her brother (trying)
Dislikes: Her brother and Sailor Virgo's constant cuddling and kissy-face, Sailor Virgo's sarcasm, Sailor Pisces vanity, annoying people and stupid people
Best part About Being a Scout: "2 Words - Ultimate Power!"
Worst part about being a Scout: "I have to withstand all the complaining from my fellow scouts, and I have to look at my brother make goo-goo eyes at my best friend at every battle!"

History: Sloan Kennedy lives with her father and brother in an apartment in a metropolitan city. Sloan had been attending a public school all her life until her dad got transferred to a different city for job reasons that forced her to attend a higher-ranking school because of her dad's new job status. Here, she met her current best friend, Aedyn (Sailor Virgo). Sloan noticed signs of power when she could tell someone anythign and get imediate results, even if the person she told was her least favorite person in school. She started taking this power for granted, however, for love interests. Her brother noticed the same type of powers, but didn't misuse them. He warned her not to abuse them, or they might actually end up having a purpose in the end. Sloan ignored her brother and kept using her powers of control. One day after school, Slaon came home to find her dad passed out in the living room chair. She rushed to his side to see if she could help, but a light shown before her and stopped her from touching her father. At that moment, Kane (her brother) entered the room and was hit by a flash of light radiating from the room. A voice cried out, one of a woman, and said "You haev been chosen to fight where others can't. Protect our galaxy in the name of the stars. You are Sailor Libra, and your duty has been bestowed upon you to find the other 10 scouts to help in this ultimate task. Behind you stands Tuxedo Libra, your brother, Kane. Go, the two of you, and gather the last 10 scouts so that our galaxy may rest again." Witht that, the light faded, and the 2 stood in the living rom in full garb, ready to become the first Sailor Scouts.

Power Status: Sailor Libra is the 2nd most powerful Senshi. Gaining her power at the same time as her brother, however, her brother being directly touched by the light of power. She has control over every scout power, except Tuxedo Libra's.

Attacks: Her attacks include any of the attacks possessed by the other Constellation Senshi