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Sailor Scorpio

Full Name: Bevin Paige Rich
Japanese Name: Kiyomi Seiko - "Beautifully pristine, sincere child"
Senshi of: Force
Birthday: October 27th, 1988
Favorite Colors: Light purple, black
Favorite Foods: Basically everything
Least Favorite Food: turnips
Favorite Subject: English
Least Favorite Subject: Science
Hobbies: writing, hanging out with the scouts, critisizing people
Dream: to become a journalist
Best Friend: "I'm practically friends with everyone, but I can talk to Sailor Virgo the best b/c we're a lot alike."
Family: Mom, Dad, 2 brothers, one older, one younger
Favorite Past-time: playing with her dolls when she was little with her best friend
Best Part about Being a Scout: "It's really fun to be a hero. I've never been anything important before, it's just a great change."
Worst part: "too many responsibilites. I'm only a kid! I need help with that kinda stuff. I'm so not used to it!"

History: Bevin Paige is the only daughter out of 3 kids. Her two brothers are 2 yrs older/younger than she.

Power Status: Sailor Scorpio is 6th most powerful behind Sailor Gemini. Her power is ties with that of Sailor Aquarius.

Attacks: "Scorpio Star Make-up!" (transformation from Bevin to Sailor Scorpio) , "Scorpion Whip!" (a scorpion-like tail appears from her ponytail and attacks the opponent) , "Scorpio Summon!" (summons the constellation scorpio to appear and make a blinding/painful light spontaneously appear to temporarily blind the opponent)