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Sailor Virgo

Full Name: Aedyn Blythe Murray
Japanese Name: Akiko Tomoko - "Autumn's child of wisdom"
Senshi Of: Mind Control and Telekinetics
Age: 15
Birthday: September 16th, 1985
Favorite Color: Olive Green
Favorite Food: Mint-chip/coffee ice cream and broccoli and cheese quiche
Least Favorite Food: Spinach, ham, eggplant, and turnips
Favorite Subject: Computer Arts
Least Favorite Subject: Spanish and PE
Hobby: Computer art and drawing
Dream: To become and animator
Best Friend: Tuxedo Libra - "he know's me better than I know myself!" and Sailor Pisces - "we're total opposites, but we get along like sisters!" and Sailor Libra - "she understands me"
Family: Mother, Father, 1 brother (older)
Favorite Past-time: Hearing stories of her parents when they were younger
Best feature: "I like my eyes the best physically, and I'd die without my sarcasm!"
Worst Feature: "My sarcasm can be offensive to a lot of people, and it can cause a problem in a serious situation..."
Significant Other: Tuxedo Libra
Likes: Alternative music, talking on the phone, screwin' up Sailor Pisces computer, drawing her favorite cartoons, singing, being alone w/ Tuxedo Libra
Dislikes: Annoying children who don't know when to stop anything, obvious questions asked by people, stupid people, not knowing what's going on
Best part About Being a Scout: "People look up to you, and I don't have to worry about hurting people I love with my mind control because I only use it for things I want really badly, like fighting what no one else can!"
Worst part about being a Scout: "I don't get to spend a lot of time with my mum and dad. It gets kinda hard making excuses about missing dinner after a while!"

History: Aedyn Blythe is one of 2 Kids, the other being her brother Tanner Sutton, who is 18. Aedyn first noticed her powers when she wished a curse upon an "annoyance" in her life. Immediately she inquired to her parents about it and dicovered that mind control ran in her family. Discovering this, Aedyn was wary to her powers and kept the bad thoughts to a minimum. She is not a bad child at all, on the contrary, she is very personable. She keeps to herself and rarely mingles with the "in-crowd"
Aedyn joined the Constellation Senshi second, when her boyfriend, Kane, told her she was "the one" to fill position of Sailor Virgo. She began her training, along with Torrence, Sailor Pisces, Sloan, Sailor Libra, and Kane himself, Tuxedo Libra one of the leaders of the senshi along with Sailor Libra. Together, along witht the other constellation Senshi, they fight to protect the Solar System from the evil forces that lie outside the grasp of the Sailor Scouts of the Planets.

Power Status: Sailor Virgo is the third most powerful Constellation Senshi. She joined the group second and gained power from Sailor and Tuxedo Libra, who were the first. From Sailor Libra and Tuxedo Libra all the scouts' power was developed, hence, the last senshi to join will have the least amount of power.

Attacks: "Sailor Virgo Star Make-up!" (transforming from Aedyn to Sailor Virgo), "Virgo Star Release!" (launches a string of stars from the constellation Virgo from her Star Staff) , "Virgo Mind Control" (allows Sailor Virgo to control one's thoughts) , "Virgo Curse" (allows any curse wished upon opponent to take effect within 10 minutes)

Aedyn in a Jean Jacket

*Alternate Pictures (Experiments with hair)

Aedyn in her UniformAedyn in a Jean Jacket

Which style do you like better? E-mail me and I'll poll which Aedyn to keep!