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Tuxedo Libra

Full Name: Kane Hunter Kidwell
Japanese Name: Kamen Lee
Senshi Of: Complete Constellation Senshi Power
Age: 17
Birthday: October 23rd, 1983
Favorite Color: Green, Red, Purple
Favorite Food: Pizza, hamburgers
Least Favorite Food: Most Everything healthy
Favorite Subject: Theatre and PE, Sciences
Least Favorite Subject: Spanish, History
Hobby: Computers and talking on the phone (or anywhere!) with Sailor Virgo
Dream: To become a geologist
Best Friend: Sailor Virgo - "I can tell her anything and she can always make me smile. I swear, we're connected somehow! It's all in the stars *wink* "
Family: lives with his father and twin sister (Sailor Libra)
Favorite Past-time: video games, threatening his sister and late night phone calls w/ Sailor Virgo
Best feature: "I've been told I have a great laugh, but I've been told a lot of things"
Worst Feature: "I have an evil sense of humor that can offend people if they aren't cool like me *wink*, but I don't really care what most people think of me in that respect."
Significant Other: Sailor Virgo (duh!)
Likes: Horror movies, video games, Sailor Virgo's laugh, being alone w/ Sailor Virgo
Dislikes: Annoying children, obvious questions asked by people, stupid people, not getting all the information from his sister when, afterall, he IS the leader...
Best part About Being a Scout: "I look sexy in a suit...*looks around* just joking, it's great to finally have COMPLETE control over my sister, and all her cronies, and for what I do, I'm respected and looked highly upon by a lot of people, especially those I save."
Worst part about being a Scout: "It's really annoying to be called on w/o warning! I mean, i could be doing anything (I'll leave that one to your imagination) and get buzzed to transform! It's like being on call 24 hours a day, you don't get much time to yourself"

History: Kane Huter lives with his father and sister in an apartment in a metropolitan city. Kane had been attending a public school all his life until his dad got transferred to a different city for job reasons that forced him to attend a higher-ranking school because of his dad's new job status. Here, he met his girlfriend and sister's best friend, Aedyn (Sailor Virgo). Kane started noticing power when he had control over anyone, physically, mentally, or other. His sister noticed the same type of powers, but misused them for her own selfish purposes. He warned her not to abuse them, or they might actually end up having a purpose in the end but Sloan (his sister) ignored him and kept using her powers of control. One day after school, Kane came home to find his dad passed out in the living room chair with his sister kneeling beside ihm under a bright flashing white light. When he went to help his sister and father, he was hit by a flash of light radiating from the room. He heard a muffled voice, one of a woman, and it said "You have been chosen to fight where others can't. Protect our galaxy in the name of the stars. You are Sailor Libra, and your duty has been bestowed upon you to find the other 10 scouts to help in this ultimate task. Behind you stands Tuxedo Libra, your brother, Kane. Go, the two of you, and gather the last 10 scouts so that our galaxy may rest again." With that, the light faded, and the 2 stood in the living rom in full garb, ready to become the first Sailor Scouts.

Power Status: Tuxedo Libra is the most powerful "scout". He was directly hit with the power light and gained every power available to the other senshi. From him and his sister come the power of the senshi, and the last to recieve gets the least amount of power.

Attacks: His attacks include any of the attacks possessed by the other Constellation Senshi and his own special power:

"Libra Power of Persuasion"