All right gather round everybody to hear the tales of the Pixie's. It all started back in the 1970's when I decided to walk to Australia and get myself a pet
Actually these are the stories. For real. And they have nothing to do with the 70's or kangaroos.
Piccolo and Pokemon? - Here it is folks. The story that inspired me to make a page such as this one.
The BIG Question - The first part in continuing series written by our newest pixie Scap.
Piccolo Get's a T.V.! - He's even got sattelite!
Piccolo Meets the Sailor Scouts! - Not your average DBZ/Sailor Moon cross over.
Piccolo Meets the Negaverse! - The sequel to Piccolo Meets the Sailor Scouts.
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? - Piccolo does!
Krillin's Revenge - Here is why you shouldn't torment short bald guys.
Transportation - Maybe Piccolo should have taken a bus instead.
And Kami Said, "Let There Be Stupidity." - What happens when me and Piccolo switch bodies?