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Majin Buu
Buu was created by the magician Bibidi at around five million BC. Buu went from planet to planet destroying life. This original Buu was very small and looked like a kid. The only problem was, he was absolutely insane and HIGHLY dangerous. Bibidi had a very hard time controlling him. Finally, Buu arrived at Kaioushin Kai, the planet of the 5 Kaioushins. He killed one at a time. First the Kaioushin of the West, and then the Kaioushin of the North. He progressed to the strongest of the group, Kaioushin of the South, but instead of killing him, he absorbed him and he became Huge Buu. He basically looks like he downed a truckload of steroids. (this Buu is only seen in the manga for an instant during his final change). After that he moves on to the Kaioushin of the East, (the one we know), but Dai Kaioushin defends him, and ends up getting absorbed himself. After absorbing Dai Kaioushin, he become what we refer to as Fat Buu. He takes on the physical characteristics of Dai Kaioushin, and also inherits Dai Kaioushin's intelligence. He becomes very child-like and obiedient who will do almost anything for food. So anyway, time passes and Buu is sealed up by Bibidi. Couple million years pass and Babidi locates the sphere his father sealed Buu in. He starts to form a very small group of soldiers and begins his quest to ressurrect Buu. Lots more years pass. Buu is finally ressurected in 774 AD. He does Babidi's bidding and goes on a rampage. Eventually, he kills Babidi, and strikes out on his own. He befriends Mr. Satan and reforms himself. All is well with the world. UNTIL, the human hunters shoot Mr. Satan and Buu's dog Bee. Buu goes nuts and the steam that shoots out of the holes from all over his body gathers together and forms Old Buu. Old Buu is a tall, lanky, dark skinned and evil version of Buu. The two face off against each other and Fat Buu gets turned into a piece of chocolate. Old Buu eats the chocolate and turns into Super Buu. Super Buu is a tall muscular light-skinned version of Buu. He's intelligent, but not very vocal. Super Buu rushes up to Kami's Tower and the whole Gotenks fight takes place, yadda yadda yadda. Skipping ahead, Buu absorbs Gotenks and Piccolo. He takes on Gotenk's physical characteristics, and due to Piccolo's brain power, he becomes a frickin rocket scientist compared to what he was before. Gohan fights Buu and gets absorbed too after Gokou shows up. After absorbing Gohan his face changes slightly, his forelock becomes HUGE and his torso is covered by Gohan's gi. In short, the world is screwed. Luckily for Gokou. Vegita is taken back to Earth by Uranai Baba at that excat moment, and he teleports over to Vegita, yadda yadda yadda, and they fuse just as about Buu is about to kill the both of them. Buu gets his posterior end served to him on a silver platter, but eventually absorbs Vegitto. After being split, Gokou and Vegita run around inside Buu's stomach and eventually happen upon their buddies encased in little capsules attached to Buu. They rip out their friends, and cause Buu to revert back to normal Super Buu form. Buu realizes that he's in trouble so he phases out and actually fights them inside of himself, until Vegita finds a gold mine, Fat Buu! Buu pleads Vegita not to rip it out, but since when does Vegita listen to pleas? After ripping out Fat Buu, Gokou and Vegita escape Buu just in time to see how royally they've %##^$@ up. By removing all of their friends and Fat Buu, Buu no longer has anything that was previously in him, and reverts back to his original child-like form popularly reffered to as Kid Buu. Kid Buu wastes no time proving that he's insane by blowing up the Earth with him on it. It's after this event that the final battle takes place on Kaioushin Kai. Kid Buu is completely destroyed by Gokou's Ultimate Genki Dama. And that's just about everything you need to know about Buu.