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Radditz rocks! He is Gokou's older brother who is one of the four survivors of the destruction of planet Vegita. He comes to Earth searching for his brother to force him to come work with him and the remaining Saiya-jin. Although the word "work" really means destroying planets and wiping out entire civilizations. Gokou wants no part of it, so Radditz steals his son as an impetus. He threatens to kill Gohan if Gokou doesn't kill 100 Earthlings by the next day. Gokou and Piccolo team up to take down Radditz, (who at the time is absurdly stronger than either of them). During the battle, Gohan reveals his hidden power for the first time, (well, that is if you're not counting the movies or anime). In order to defeat Radditz, Gokou sacrafices himself and holds him in place while Piccolo fires the Makkankosappo straight through both of them. Radditz dies, but not before gloating about how Piccolo, and everyone on Earth will soon feel pain and suffering when his Saiya-jin buddies arrive to utilize the Dragon Balls. Piccolo delivers the final blow which is not seen in the manga or anime.

The Super Saiya-Jin Radditz pic I made myself.