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How to Be a DBZ Fighter/How to Control your Ki

In this section, I will be explaining how one can control their personal ki, and how to be a fighter like in the DBZ series. I will start wil Ki.

The katakana for "chi".

Ki is pronounced 'chi' and translates to 'life-force' or 'life-power'. It is your living energy and everyone has some amount. The Z Fighters have a higher amount of ki than normal humans and that is why they can shoot ki blasts from thier hands. It is referred to in the dub as your 'power level' which isn't a bad translation. Working out and building your muscles can give you a higher level of ki. Meditation and yoga can also heighten your energy level.

To feel your current ki, hold out one hand. Extend two fingers and look at them. Concentrate on moving all of your power to that spot. Blank your mind down to nothingness except that one spot. You should be able to feel a tingling or an unnatural-feeling warmth on that spot. If you look, you should see a small distortion of vision right around that area. Do this often and excersize moving your ki around, you should eventually be able to shoot your ki from any point on your body.


If you eject all of your power from your body, you will become incredibly weak until you eat again. During the time that you are weak, you may faint, become nauseated, get dizzy, or vomit. Please use your power responsibly. I hope that this section helps you to be able to control your ki.

Besides mastering your ki, you will also need to build your muscles. Push-ups, sit-ups, and Tae Bo are recommended. (If you don't want to buy the Tae Bo tapes, just take some 2 pound weights in your hands and shadowbox.) Also, you will need the proper attire. Weighted clothing is easy to make and wear. Take some old shirts, a needle, and some thread. Tear up the worst shirt. Sew the others together at the neckline and at the sleeves. Turn this new shirt inside out and take some of the rags and sew them in the armpits. Take the rest and sew them around the collar, making a Piccolo-looking collar. (Pic coming soon.) You will also need wristbands and pants. Wristbands can be purchased from a Rite Aid store for only $1.79 a pair. The pants must be loose-fitting, relatively thin and breezy. They should not be denim or sweatpants. If you have ever taken a karate class then you should use the pants that come with the gi. You also need a belt. The belt can either be a karate belt (VERY good material) or you can use a strip of colored material. I will provide instructions on how to tie it soon. If you want to get really strong, take the straps off of an old backpack and tie them to a piece of material that can cover your back (like the backpack was). Lay it flat. Take some flat stones (large, but not lumpy, FLAT) and lay them on it. Lay another piece of material on top. Sew all around the edges and sew between each rock to keep them in place. Double-check all stitches and put it on a scale. (It needs to be at least ten pounds.) Whenever you go out, put it under your clothes to build your strength.