Translation of Dragon Ball Z Movie 1
Translated by Usagi North -- A Division of Z-TV Enterrpises

Piccolo: Son Gokuh...
Piccolo: Next time we meet I will kill you!
Piccolo: What's are they!?
Piccolo: You!?
Dareka: Die!
Garlic: Piccolo and god share a single life
Garlic: Therefore, god is dead too!!!
Kami: Piccolo's been defeated...
Kami: Did Son Gokuh do that!?
Kami: No, he wouldn't do that...
Kami: Impossible...!!
Gohan: I didn't know that some 17 year locusts spent 17 years a pupas
Gohan: and others only spent 13 years...
Gohan: They spend 17 years buried in the dirt, that must be rough
Chi-Chi: Gohan! Dinner's ready!!
Gohan: Mother's acting cheerful again today!
Ox-King: Heyya'! Gohan!!
Gohan: It's grandfather!
Chi-Chi: Dad!
Ox-King: How're'ya doin' Gohan!?
Gohan: I'm fine, how are you?
Ox-King: I'm doin' great!!
Ox-King: Here's some presents
Gohan: Thank you!!
Ox-King: Chi-Chi said you'd like some books, so I brought you some
Chi-Chi: Dad, what stunt are you pulling now?
Chi-Chi: Dad! Is something wrong?
Gohan: Grandfather...?
Chi-Chi: Dad!!
Gohan: Mother
Chi-Chi: Who are you!?
Chi-Chi: What do you want!?
Garlic: I came to take that Dragon Ball from that kid's hat
Chi-Chi: Gohan, get back in the house
Gohan: Mother!!
Gohan: Mother!!
Chi-Chi: Move it!!
Gohan: Mother
Chi-Chi: Gohan!
Gohan: Mother!!
Gokuh: Chi-Chi~!!
Chi-Chi: Gohan...
Ox-King: Get outta here Gohan...
Gokuh: Chi-Chi~!!
Gokuh: What happened Chi-Chi~!?
Chi-Chi: Gokuh...Gohan's been kidnapped
Gokuh: Gohan!?
Gokuh: Who did it!?
Chi-Chi: I don't know
Chi-Chi: They were after the Dragon Ball
Gokuh: The Dragon Ball~!?
Gokuh: Where did they go!?
Gokuh: Chi-Chi~!!
Garlic: I now have five of them
Garlic: There are only two more to go
Garlic: Ginger, as soon as I have all seven Dragon Balls I will ask Shen-Ron for eternal life
Garlic: Only two more to go...
Dareka: And since we know where they are it's only a matter of time
Garlic: Even god dies, but I will have eternal life
Garlic: That takes care of the first part of my revenge!
Garlic: I will show all living things the true depths of pain!!
Gohan: Take me home right away!!
Ginger: Shut up!
Ginger: If you don't shut up, we'll never return you!!
Gohan: Father will come to save me
Gohan: My father's Son Gokuh, and he's the strongest man on the Earth!!
Garlic: What!?
Garlic: Son Gokuh!?
Garlic: Is that the same Son Gokuh that defeated the Arch Demon Piccolo at the Best Under
Heaven Martial Arts Tournament?
Gohan: That's right!
Gohan: I'm Son Gokuh's son!
Ginger: You're a big cry baby for being his son
Garlic: We were able to defeat Piccolo
Garlic: That's right! We easily defeated him!!
Garlic: He was a push-over!!
Garlic: I don't believe it...!
Garlic: I feel a strange power coming from this kid
Garlic: I've never felt anything like this before...
Garlic: If I prepare him right, he could become a great help to me
Garlic: I know! You can be my servant!!
Gohan: Servant!?
Nikki: Kid, you're incredibly lucky!
Nikki: You won't have to be killed!!
Garlic: You'll be able to get as strong as us
Gohan: Strong?
Gokuh: There weren't after Gohan, they were after the Dragon Ball~!!
Gokuh: They've already gotten five balls!
Bulma: Here they are
Gokuh: Here, huh?
Kame: That's to the south...
Kulilin: Here?
Bulma: It's near the Red Sea
Gokuh: I'm going to borrow your Dragon Radar!
Bulma: Uh...sure...
Kame: Gokuh!!
Kame: Remember, they're strong enough to easily defeat Chi-Chi and the Ox-King!!
Kame: Take care!
Bulma: Son! Be careful~!!
Kulilin: Gokuh...
Nikki: Come back here!!
Gohan: No way! I going home!!
Nikki: I'm sick of this!
Nikki: Why in hell do I have to take care of this kid!?
Nikki: Damn him...
Gohan: I'm thirsty
Gohan: I'm hungry too
Nikki: NO!! DON'T EAT THAT!!
Gohan: But you were eating them!!
Gohan: Delicious
Gohan: That was wonderful
Nikki: When kids eat those...
Nikki: ...they get drunk...
Nikki: Hey you! Get back here!!
{Insert Stupid Song Here I'm the greatest genius in the world}

Nikki: I told you to get back here!!
Nikki: Brat!
Nikki: Get back here!!
Garlic: That's no normal child...
Nikki: This kid's a handful
Sanshou: Garlic Junior, here are the last two Dragon Balls!!
Garlic: Now they're all mine!!
Garlic: Shen-Ron will now grant me a boon!!
Gokuh: There he is!!
Garlic: Come forth Dragon!!
Gokuh: He's trying to call Shen-Ron!
Shen-Ron: \C5Name thy boon!
Shen-Ron: \C5I shall grant any single wish thou shalt ask!!
Garlic: Give me eternal life!!
Shen-Ron: \C5Easily done!
Garlic: Pathetic humans, I am now the ruler of this world!!
Garlic: Everyone trapped in the pits of darkness
Garlic: I release you from your long imprisonment to rain blood upon the Eareth!!
Garlic: There will be no end to my life, I can conquer this planet!!
Garlic: Pathetic humans, there will be no end to your terror!
Shen-Ron: \C5I have granted thy desire
Shen-Ron: \C5Farewell~!!
Garlic: Now I have nothing to fear!
Garlic: I can revenge my father by killing all people enlightened by god!!
Garlic: This world is now my plaything!!
Mina: Long live Garlic Junior!!
Mina: Banzai~! Banzai~!
Gokuh: Give me back Gohan!!
Mina: Give me back Gohan!!
Dareka: Give me back Gohan!!
Garlic: So you're Son Gokuh...
Gokuh: That's right!!
Gokuh: You really hurt Mr. Ox-King and Chi-Chi~!!
Garlic: I'll do the same to you!!
Gokuh: What!?
Garlic: God!!
Ginger: Wasn't Piccolo dead!?
Gokuh: God, don't get in my way!!
Kami: You never change, do you Gokuh?
Garlic: Welcome god!!
Kami: So it's taken you 300 years to be reborn Garlic
Kami: You've chosen the same way as your father to bring forth your evil
Garlic: What!?
Kami: Like father like son!
Kami: Your father, Garlic, wanted the position of god, but I was the chosen succcessor
Kami: Because the previous god knew about the evil that Garlic planned
Kami: Because Garlic thought it was unfair, he rebelled against god
Kami: So because of that god sealed him away
Kami: He vowed to return in 300 years to get vengeance with his last breathe
Kami: But I didn't expect him to impose his revenege through his son
Garlic: If you hadn't stolen his position as god, I wouldn't have to get vengeance
Gokuh: I don't care about that!!
Gokuh: Where's Gohan!?
Nikki: Your little brat's still `sleepy-bye'
Gokuh: In there!?
Garlic: Do you think I'd let you do that!?
Gokuh: Gohan!!!?
Sanshou: You'll have to defeat us if you want to climb these steps!!
Ginger: I'm Ginger, of Garlic's three man team!!
Nikki: I'm Nikki, of the same team
Sanshou: And I'm Sanshou
Gokuh: Come and get it!!
Ginger: Ginger Fry!!
Nikki: Throat Candy!!
Sanshou: Unaju!!
Gokuh: Not bad
Gokuh: You got fast too, when you got big!!
Gokuh: Follow me!!
Kami: Did you really think god is that easy to kill?
Garlic: I've received eternal life from Shen-Ron, you can never defeat me!!
Kami: You're a fool puffed up by another's gift
Gokuh: Did you think that technique could work against me!?
Gokuh: Where's Gohan!?
Nikki: What!?\n\C6What!?
Gokuh: Kulilin!!
Kulilin: Let me play too, Gokuh!!
Gokuh: But there's someone else!!
Piccolo: Son! Don't forget I'm here too!!
Gokuh: Piccolo!?
Ginger: Piccolo!?
Gokuh: Why're you here!?
Piccolo: I didn't come here to help you
Piccolo: I owe these fools a debt
Gokuh: Gohan!!
Dareka: Shit!!
Gokuh: Gohan!!
Gokuh: Kulilin!! Take care of Gohan!!
Kulilin: Sure thing!!
Sanshou: I won't let you!!
Piccolo: I haven't finished paying you back yet!!
Piccolo: I guess the only way for you three to fight me is for you to ambush me!!
Sanshou: Don't make me laugh
Sanshou: I'm more than strong enough to defeat you by myself!!
Piccolo: Is that all the power you have!?
Sanshou: He's a monster!!
Piccolo: Alone they're nothing!!
Garlic: I will remake a world of darkness
Garlic: You can go to hell without worry
Garlic: Damn you!!
Gokuh: Grow! Complaint Staff!!!
Gokuh: KAME...
Gokuh: HAME...
Gokuh: HAAAAAA!!!
Garlic: Another old warrior is about to fade away!
Garlic: Learn the hatred of my father!!
Garlic: I'm going to finish you off right here!!
Kami: But I'm still the god of the Earth
Kami: Who knows what kind of disasters you would cause if you controlled the Earth
Kami: Even if it takes my life, I will stop you!!
Garlic: Fool! Will you sacrifice your life to kill me?
Kami: That's exactly what I'm going to do
Kami: That's the only thing left for me to do!
Garlic: Even if you die, I won't!!
Piccolo: You might not die
Piccolo: But even if your life continues, if you can't do anything you'll still be in hell
Piccolo: I'll make you fell the pains of hell~!!
Gokuh: Piccolo!!
Gokuh: Kulilin, take care of Gohan!!
Kulilin: Okay!!
Garlic: Too bad, Son Gokuh and Piccolo
Garlic: You're too weak to help this corrupted god!
Gokuh: I felt an incredible power!!
Garlic: Take this!!
Gokuh: God, watch us from here!!
Kami: I'm counting on you Gokuh!
Gokuh: Piccolo, outta my way!!
Garlic: Is that the best you two can do!?
Piccolo: Shit! He's strong!
Gokuh: Unless we get serious he's going to kill us
Piccolo: So you're taking those off
Piccolo: I guess he could be dangerous unless we fight for real
Gokuh: Piccolo, I didn't know you were wearing heavy clothing too
Piccolo: You're not the only one who's training
Gokuh: I can't belive we're fighting on the same side
Piccolo: After I kill him, you're next
Gokuh: Piccolo
Kami: Piccolo...You...
Piccolo: Stay out of this!
Piccolo: Son! It's you turn now!!
Gokuh: It looks like we're just going to have to fight
Garlic: I though I told you that I can't die!!
Gokuh: Piccolo!!
Kulilin: Where's Gokuh's kid?
Kulilin: Don't tell me he's in that hole
Gokuh: Gohan!!
Piccolo: Damn you!!
Piccolo: You think you're smart!!
Garlic: You all will be sucked into the dead-zone of my creation!!
Garlic: You'll be locked into an abysss unpierced by light, where your body and sould will freeze
until you die
Gokuh: Gohan!!
Piccolo: What!?
Gokuh: Gohan!!
Garlic: That kid's untouched by my power!!
Garlic: Why is he so powerful!?
Garlic: I knew he wasn't normal~!!
Garlic: I'm going to extend my full power!!
Gokuh: Gohan!!
Kulilin: Gokuh!!
Gohan: Father!!
Garlic: I can't die!!
Garlic: I've received eternal life!!
Kulilin: God, what happened to Garlic Junior?
Kami: He dropped himself into a hell of his own creation
Kami: He will live there for ever
Kami: He's probably regretting eternal life now
Gokuh: Gohan!!
Gohan: Father!
Gohan: I knew you would come to save me!!
Gokuh: Gohan...You don't remember a thing do you?
Gohan: I knew you were the strongest in the world!!
Gokuh: Gohan, you've had a rough day
Gokuh: Let's go home to your mother
Piccolo: Son Gokuh, eventually we will finsih things off between us!!
Narrator: Garlic Junior's evil intentions ended as the dream of a dream due the the Zed Warrios
Narrator: Gokuh thought about telling Chi-Chi that he was saved by Gohan but...
Gokuh: Chi-Chi won't believe me anyway
Gokuh: I'll tell Gohan all about it after he's gotten bigger

Title: The End