Translation of Dragon Ball Z Movie 10: A Dangerous Pair. A Super Warrior Never Rests !!
Translated by Usagi North

Gokuh: Dragon Ball Z !!
Gokuh: Gohan, you've grown into a splendid young man
Gokuh: How's life with Chi-Chi and Goten? 
Gokuh: Goten's becoming more and more like me
Gokuh: Goten ! Trunks ! You're dads worked hard to collect the Dragon Balls too ! Don't give up !
Gokuh: Gohan ! Help those two !!
Gokuh: Dragon Ball Z: A Dangerous Pair. A Super Warrior Never Rests !!
Title: Translated by Usagi North -- A Division of Z-TV Enterprises
Broli: Kakarotto !! Kakarotto !!
Title: A Dangerous Pair ! A Super Warrior can never rest 
Goten: Got it !!
Trunks: Tada !
Goten: Trunks ! 
Goten: You came at a good time !
Trunks: Your too big a klutz !
Goten: We did it ! We got the Two Star Ball !
Bideru: I found it !
Bideru: Why'd this happen to me !?
Trunks: It's because you're lousy at flying that that happened to you !
Trunks: I almost had it too !!
Bideru: You can't talk to me like that !
Trunks: You're the one that said you wanted to see Shen-Ron !
Trunks: If you don't like it you can go home !
Bideru: I've come this far !
Bideru: There's no way I'm going back now !
Goten: Found it !
Goten: Here it is !!
Goten: It's in a bird's nest !!
Bideru: This is a village of bird's nest...
Trunks: Now we only have to find the Four Star Ball
Goten: Trunks it was a lot easier to get the Dragon Balls than we thought
Trunks: It's because of this Dragon Radar that mom made
Bideru: I should have brought a change of clothes
Trunks: I wanna get my wish granted soon
Trunks: I want it to make a all you can ride for free amusement park
Trunks: What about you Goten?
Goten: I want it to make a country of candy and cake that I could nevr finish eating
Bideru: Hey !? What's going on here?
Trunks: Goten, put down that egg now !
Goten: Trunks what did you do to the Dragon Radar?
Trunks: Hey you ! Give that back !
Trunks: The last one should be around here somewhere !
Bideru: After we find that we'll be able to see Shen-Ron
Goten: I'm hungry !
Goten: I'm hungry !!
Bideru: It's a crystal !!
Bideru: It's so pretty and nifty, I love it
Trunks: Girls are push-overs for sparkly things
Trunks: Goten ! I wanna go too !!
Bideru: We can get a lot of crystals here
Bideru: But if it's so easy to get crystals here...
Bideru: Why does that village look so poor?
Bideru: Are you trying to ditch me !? Come back you shrimps !!
Shaman: Gods, please protect our village !
Gramps: Koko !! I'm sorry ! Please forgive me !
Koko: You don't have to cry any more Grampa
Gramps: Koko
Bideru: What is it?
Shaman: Who are you !?
Bideru: I'm Bideru
Goten: I'm Goten
Dareka: What are you !?
Dareka: Where did you come from?
Dareka: I've never seen you before !
Kitoushi: Where did you come from?
Trunks: From the sky !
Dareka: From the sky? Are you trying to make fools of us?
Goten: We're not trying to make you into fools
Goten: See !
Elder: The monster has come back to collect the sacrifice we owe him
Bideru: Huh? A monster's coming to collect a sacrifice !?
Bideru: Why don't you trust us?
Bideru: You can't be serious
Bideru: I don't know about these two...
Bideru: But I'm a Champion of Justice in Satan City
Elder: Our village of Netade used to be famous for it's crystals, but that all changed 7 years ago
Kitoushi: It's a curse from the mountain gods !
Elder: Seven years ago this area started to experience unusual weather...
Elder: If that was all we would have been able to endure it somehow...
Elder: However at the same time a monster's grown gigantic by eating all of the animals of the
mountains began to attack the village...
Elder: The monsters grown worse over the years...
Elder: According to our Shaman we must offer a sacrifice to the mountain gods
Elder: So that they will destroy the monster for us
Bideru: I don't believe that !
Bideru: Even if you offer a sacrifice nothing will change
Kitoushi: Don't speak foolishly about the gods !
Bideru: You're the one that's a fool from the point of your head to the souls of your feet !Kitoushi:
Unbeliever !
Elder: We have no choice but to follow the words of our Shaman
Bideru: But...
Bideru: We've done everything in our power to fight off the monster but...
Elder: All that accomplised was the deaths of our youths
Elder: If this continues our village will be destroyed
Koko: I'll go ! I'll become the sacrifice for my village !
Bideru: Don't do it ! The sacrifice is just a lie !
Trunks: We'll defeat the monster for you !
Trunks: But in return we'll take you neckless !
Goten: I'm starving ! Can't I eat any of the bait?
Bideru: No !
Goten: But I haven't had a thing since this morning...
Bideru: Shhh ! Be quiet !
Trunks: I'm hungry too !
Bideru: You two are obnoxious ! You can leave this up to me and go home !
Trunks: But I want to see you be eaten by the monster
Bideru: What did you say !?
Boys: I'm hungry !! I'm hungry !
Trunks: I can't stand it !! 
Goten: Me too !
Bideru: No !
Goten: Bideru hit me !!
Bideru: It's because you don't listen to me....
Goten: Why'd you only hit me !? Trunks ate some too !
Goten: Why'd you just hit me !?
Bideru: Shut up ! Do you want the monster to hear us?
Goten: Trunks ate some too !!!
Goten: You only hit me !! I hate you !!
Goten: You hurt me !!
Broli: Kakarotto !
Goten: Why me !!
Bideru: Okay already, you can have something
Goten: You didn't give me anything !!
Bideru: Here
Trunks: You're too easy. You fell for Goten's fake crying again
Trunks: Here it comes
Bideru: NOW !
Bideru: You're the one responible for the village's troubles !
Bideru: I, Bideru, have come to defeat you !!
Goten: Trunks ! Doesn't the monster look like a dinosour?
Trunks: All it can do is howl !
Goten: What? Can't you breath fire?
Bideru: Get out of here !!
Bideru: This is too hard for you two !
Goten: An eye !
Goten: Can you see me?
Goten: There's nothing like this on Paozu Mountain
Goten: Your nails are too long
Trunks: If you behave yourself this won't hurt a bit, okay
Bideru: I don't believe these kids
Dareka: Thank goodness
Elder: Now Natade village can return to peace
Koko: Thank you very much, Miss Bideru, Master Trunks and Master Goten
Trunks: It was no problem was it Goten?
Goten: Ya
Trunks: Thanks Mister
Goten: Onbatchaman Jicha...How'd it go?
Bideru: We forgot all about looking for the Dragon Balls
Bideru: What do you think you're doing this early in the morning !?
Bideru: Why'd you do that?
Bideru: Now you're going to get it !
Trunks: Mister, we're not in a good mood when we get woken up in the morning
Broli: Kakarotto
Goten: What's he talking about 'Kakarotto?'
Goten: I've never eaten that before
Broli: Kakarotto !!
Goten: I said I've never eaten that before !!
Goten: Owie !!
Gohan: That's an incredibe 'ki !'
Gohan: No ! It can't be
Trunks: It looks like we're faster
Goten: Yep !
Goten: Isn't he going to try to chase us any more Trunks?
Trunks: He's probably worn out and taking a rest. After all he's an adult
Trunks: I didn't know anyone that strong was on the Earth
Goten: There's always someone stronger than you are...
Trunks: That can't be happening
Trunks: What's wrong Goten?
Goten: Trunks, look over there !
Goten: Look at his feet
Trunks: There it is ! It's the Four Star Ball ! If only we had it...
Goten: If only we had it...
Boys: We can ask Shen-Ron to defeat the monster for us
Trunks: Goten, I'm going to distract him. You can use that chance to get the dragon Balls
Trunks: It's not very adult to fight little kids
Trunks: If you don't like it, why don't you really fight us !
Trunks: Eat my shorts !
Goten: I got the Four Star Ball !
Goten: The Four Star Ball's gone !
Goten: Oh no !!
Trunks: Goten, what are you doing?
Bideru: I can't let him get away with that
Goten: That feels better
Goten: It's time to get the Four Star Ball !
Trunks: Goten ! Get up here !
Goten: It's not this one either
Goten: Or this...
Goten: Or this...
Goten: Or this...
Goten: I found it !
Trunks: That idiot ! That's no fair !
Trunks: Go away !
Trunks: I'm being a coward ! If my dad saw me like this he'd get pissed of
Trunks: I gotta pee
Goten: Trunks !
Goten: Trunks ! Where are you !?
Goten: Trunks !
Goten: Trunks ! Trunks !
Goten: I've found the Four Star Ball ! Now we have all seven Dragon Balls
Goten: Where are you Trunks?
Trunks: Foolish monster ! This is as long as you live !!
Trunks: We have Shen-Ron with us !
Trunks: Goten ! Hurry and summon Shen-Ron !
Trunks: This is your last chance to apologize !
Goten: Shen-Ron defeat that monster !
Goten: Shen-Ron, destroy that monster !
Goten: Hey !
Goten: Shen-Ron !?
Goten: Maybe we knocked 'em around too much and they broke
Trunks: Go...Goten !!
Goten: Trunks, Shen-Ron isn't appearing !
Trunks: Wha.... What're you talking about !?
Trunks: I... I'm going to get killed !!
Goten: Maybe this cave is too small...
Goten: That's gotta be it ! Let's take 'em outside
Trunks: That's stupid !!
Trunks: NO !!
Trunks: It's no good !!
Trunks: I wet myself...
Goten: Trunks?
Broli: Kakarotto
Broli: Kakarotto
Broli: Kakarotto !!
Broli: Kakarotto !!!!
Gohan: Broli ! Were you still alive !?
Trunks: Gohan !?
Goten: Brother !!
Goten: Brother !!
Gohan: Hiya Goten !
Gohan: I'm proud of you not getting hurt fighting Broli !!
Goten: Broli?
Trunks: Who is Broli?
Gohan: He's the legendary Super Saiyajin that dad beat seven years ago
Trunks: So that's why Gten, Bideru and I couldn't beat him
Gohan: Bideru's here too !?
Broli: Kakarotto !!
Gohan: You must've followed dad all the way here...But I'll have to beat you now that dad's not here
any more
Trunks: Wow !!
Gohan: He's still a monster ! I've powered up a lot since the last fight and...
Broli: Kakarotto !
Gohan: Bideru !?
Goten: Brother?
Trunks: I knew he didn't fight fair
Bideru: Gohan !
Gohan: That's it !
Gohan: That's my only chance to beat Broli !!
Gohan: I did it...
Gohan: Piccolo
Gohan: Piccolo !!
Gohan: What !?
Gohan: Kulilin !!
Kulilin: I've always wanted to do that !!
Kulilin: I'm glad I made it in time
Gohan: Thanks Kulilin
Gohan: If you hadn't have shown up I would have met the same fate as Broli !
Kulilin: It's the least I can do and still stay in the series
Kulilin: I never thought Broli would've followed us all the back to Earth
Kulilin: He must've really hated losing to Gokuh
Kulilin: But that's the last of him
Gohan: Yep !
Gohan: I don't believe it
Kulilin: I don't believe him...
Kulilin: Surviving being buried in a sea of magma like that
Kulilin: I'm shaking down to the depths of my heart. I've never been this scared before
Kulilin: I'm sorry Number 18. I leave the rest up to you
Gohan: Kulilin !!
Kulilin: Not again 
Goten: Brother
Bideru: I...
Bideru: I'm Mister Satan's daughter !!
Gohan: Bideru !
Gohan: Damn you !!
Broli: You're wasting your effort
Broli: Now you can rest in peace !!
Gohan: Kame !!
Gohan: Hame !!
Gohan: HA !!!
Goten: Brother !!
Goten: Kame Hame...
Goten: HA !!!
Gohan: Goten !?
Trunks: Gohan...Goten...
Gohan: We don't have enough power. We need more power !!
Goten: Shen-Ron ! Please help us !!
Gokuh: You two are going to have to work harder than that to do anything
Gohan: Father !?
Goten: Father !?
Gokuh: Use all the power you have !!
Gokuh: There's nothing else you can do !!
Goten: Shen-Ron brought back father !!
Broli: Kakarotto !?
Gohan: KA....ME....HA....ME....HA !!!!
Gokuh: Gohan, we still don't have enough power !!
Gokuh: Goten ! Don't give up !!
Gokuh: Or do you want Broli to destroy the Earth !?
Gokuh: Without us there's no one left to protect it !!
Trunks: I never thought there could be someone we couldn't beat...
Trunks: If this is a dream I want to wake up !
Gokuh: NOW !!!
Broli: Kakarotto !
Broli: Kakarotto !!
Gohan: Dad !
Gohan: Dad, you came to help us didn't you?
Bideru: Gohan !!
Bideru: What was that monster?
Bideru: I see
Bideru: Gohan, did you beat him?
Gohan: It wasn't me !
Bideru: Are you trying to hide something from me again !?
Gohan: Of course not...I'd never...
Bideru: I won't let you get away with it this time !!
Bideru: Tell me everything !!
Bideru: Come back here !!
Bideru: Come back here !!
Bideru: Gohan, why do you always try to do this !?
Goten: Brother...?
Trunks: Let 'em be !
Trunks: That's how those two have fun
Trunks: I'm hungry ! Let's go back to the village and have 'em feed us something
Goten: Wait for me Trunks ! I wanna go too !
Gohan: It wasn't me !!
Gohan: Really !!
Narrator: What was the meaning of Gokuh's appearance? 
Narrator: Was it a miracle of the Dragon Balls or was it a moemtary illusion? No one knows
Kulilin: Excuse me ! That doesn't really matter
Kulilin: But what's going to happen to me?