Title: Translation of Dragon Ball Z Movie Number 11
Title: Translated by Usagi North -- A Division of Z-TV Enterprises
Title: The Destruction of the Super Warrior -- I'm going to win
Jogger: These look pretty strong
Jogger: You did a great job Professor Koli
Jogger: Do you have enough money?
Jogger: I want you to use it like bath water
Koli: Thank you very much Baron
Men-Men: What's the use of that?
Men-Men: Even if he has enough money, he doesn't have enough brains
Jogger: Now at last I can pay back Mr. Satan
Kulilin: I hope Number 18 doesn't get too violent
Goten: After Number 18 gets the money from Mr. Satan, you were going to buy us all we could eat,
Kulilin: Yep! You can't eat till your stomachs burst.
Kulilin: I'll pay for it all
Trunks: If you're lying to us I'll rip all your hair out!
Kulilin: Don't do that! I worked to hard to grow it out this far
Musume: Papa! Bubu!!
Men-Men: Get back here!!
Kulilin: What's that?
#18: Fork over the money
#18: Give me the 20,000,000 zeni you promised to give me if I let you win the Tenka-Ichi Martial
Arts Competition
#18: I told you to give it to me quick
Satan: I still haven't gotten my prize money
#18: You want me to hurt you, don't you
Satan: I'll pay!! Just wait a bit!!
Satan: Give me some time
Satan: Did you make an appointment with my personal secretary?
Satan: I'll give you an autograph later, right now I'm busy
Letter: Challenge
Men-Men: My cousin gave me this to give to you
Satan: `A Challenge?' I get hundreds of those a day
Men-Men: You've got some nerve!
Men-Men: Especially for someone who wet his bed in sixth grade
Satan: You told you that!?
Men-Men: My cousin
Satan: The only one who knows that....
Satan: Is your cousin `Jogger?'
Men-Men: That's right! Jogger Batter! Don't tell me you don't know him!
Satan: He knows everything about you
Satan: Ya, we were childhood friends
Satan: We trained with each other hoping to become martial artists
Men-Men: Weren't you more like rivals?
Satan: It's too bad Jogger had to compare himself to a Super Genius like me
Satan: He was defeated by me when we were in sixth grade and he gave up his dreams of becoming
a martial artist
Goten: I always have to do this
Satan: I don't have time to fight someone like Jogger
Satan: I'm busy. Go home!
Men-Men: Jogger told me to tell you this...
Men-Men: If you're not man enough to answer this challenge, he's going to take your championship
Men-Men: He also knows about you wetting your bed in sixth grade
Satan: Don't you dare! I only did it once during summer camp!
Men-Men: Once or twice it's all the same
#18: Hey! I was here first! You're damn rude!
#18: He can talk to you after he's done with me!
Men-Men: If you say no, he's going to give the media a picture of you wetting your bed
Paper: Mr. Satan! A Bed-Wetting World Champion!
Satan: Okay! All I have to do is fight Jogger, right!?
Men-Men: Nope! You have to fight his Bio-Soldiers!
Satan: What do you mean by `His Bio-Soldiers!?'
Goten: Trade places Trunks! I wanna see too!
Satan: None of them have gold hair that sticks up do they?
Satan: Don't be stupid!
Satan: Okay!
Satan: I won't have any problems. Wait here
#18: You can't fool me like that
#18: You're trying to get away from me. You're a lousy actor
#18: I'll go with you
#18: So you can go back to Kame-House
Kulilin: I'm going with you!
#18: You have to take care of this kid
#18: Didn't you hear what I said?
Kulilin: Okay, I'll take care of her
Kulilin: Be careful! Have a good trip!
Kulilin: Darn them! I wish I was single
Musume: Papa, I need to pee
Kulilin: Hold it! We're almost at the bathroom
Kulilin: Too late!
Girl: Get it!
Satan: It doesn't look like anyone strong is here
Satan: I'm the World Famous Champion! Mr. Satan!!
Satan: \IThat was perfect! I'm brighter than the sun
Jogger: It's been a long time Mr. Satan
Jogger: Welcome to my May Queen Castle!
Jogger: Men-Men, good job
Men-Men: Baron Jogger Batter!
Satan: Is that you? You've changed!
Satan: You've inherited your father barony, but how'd you get so fat?
Satan: You need to train more
Jogger: Who's this cutie?
Satan: She's my number one disciple
#18: What!?
Trunks: Stop it Goten! You're tickling me!
Trunks: I'm not good with those
Goten: It's cute
Goten: That's a good boy
Trunks: I guess he's used to those on Paozu Mountain
Jogger: If it weren't for you, I would've become the World Champion!
Men-Men: That's right!
Men-Men: Jogger Batter has lived to see the day when he gets to humble you!
Satan: You're as vindictive as ever
Satan: When I used to beat you as a kid, you'd follow me back to the bathroom and cry
Jogger: I'm not like that anymore
Jogger: I've used my wealth to have these biotechnologist make me Bio-Soldiers to defeat you
Jogger: You're going to fight my soldiers in my special Battle Stage
Satan: What a waste of effort
Trunks: Goten, this looks exciting!
Goten: Trunks, what's a `Bio-Soldier?'
Trunks: It's a soldier made with biotechnology
Goten: What's `biotechnology?'
Trunks: You don't know anything do you
Trunks: You use genetic engineering to create new life with cells and stuff
Goten: Wow Trunks!
Goten: Mama and grandpa are scientists so I know all about this stuff
Goten: Say Trunks! What's `Genetic Engineering?'
Trunks: Genetic Engineering....
Trunks: Don't be stupid, it's biotechnology stuff
Goten: Oh, really!?
Satan: Ouch
Jogger: Satan, this is the Battle Stage!!
Satan: What!? There's no audience, and not even any TV Cameras
Satan: You can't the World Champion like that!
Jogger: You always have to be the center of attention
Jogger: Men-Men!
Men-Men: Yes sir
Men-Men: There's a camera right here
Trunks: Cool! I want to fight here!
Goten: He must be really rich!
Goten: Who's that?
Goten: The guy behind the Baron
Trunks: That's the Shaman from Natade Village
Goten: What's he doing there?
Satan: Let's get this over with, I'm busy
Satan: Hey, Number 18! Do you want to give this a try?
#18: Only if you give me another 20,000,000 zeni
Satan: Okay
Satan: Who's going to go first?
Satan: I'm going to let my number one disciple handle this
Jogger: What!? I get to decide who gets to fight who!
#18: I want to go back with Mr. Satan fast
#18: This is annoying. Let's just have a battle royale!
#18: I'll defeat all of them for Mr. Satan
Jogger: No way! We spray fair here!
#18: Dumb ass, it's fair play
Trunks: We want to fight too
Satan: It's them!
Jogger: What're they?
Trunks: It's been a long time Mr. Honored Ancestors!
Jogger: Do you know them?
Shaman: Yes sir!
Satan: You kids are too young for this! This is only for people over 18!
Men-Men: Our Bio-Soldiers are too strong for you!
Trunks: Don't underestimate us!
Trunks: We can do this
Jogger: Are you Mr. Satan's disciples too!?
Jogger: I can see the trick you pulled! I don't have wholes for eyes!!
Jogger: Okay Bio-Soldiers, you can have a village festival with them!!!
Boys: Village Festival!?
#18: Don't you mean, `Blood Festival!?'
Jogger: They're both festivals!
Goten: Owie!!
Goten: That's not fair!
Jogger: I don't believe them!!
Shaman: Crap, I hope they haven't noticed yet
Satan: Jogger, what do you think of my disciples strength?
Satan: There wasn't even a chance for me to fight
Shaman: It's getting worse
Shaman: I've got to get out of here
Jogger: Shaman, where do you think you're going?
Shaman: To the bathroom...?
Jogger: Hold it in!
Shaman: Yes sir!
Jogger: Okay Mr. Satan, you've forced me to play my last card!
Jogger: You'll be surprised when you see him
Jogger: This is your last chance to give up!
Satan: All I hear is the barking of a losing dog
Satan: Bring out anyone you want!
Satan: Against me and my disciples, it won't even be a good fight
Jogger: You talk good, but take a look at this!
Jogger: Satan-chan! You're evil life is at an end
Trunks: Cool!
Goten: How do you make a Bio-Soldier?
Nine: It's probably too hard for you kids
Trunks: I know that biotechnology is genetic engineering!
Nine: That's impressive
Trunks: My mom's good with mechanisms too!
Goten: Trunks!
Trunks: What is it Goten?
Goten: That one's got a tail
Trunks: It's just like a Saiyajin
Trunks: Didn't we destroy him with a Kame-Hame-Ha!?
Trunks: He's supposed to be dead
Trunks: This isn't fair!
Satan: It doesn't matter how you bring out, you've just wasted your money!
Jogger: Shut up! Professor Koli, bring out the Super Soldier!
Koli: Nine, drain out the bio-fluid
Nine: Yes Professor Koli
Goten: Trunks!
Trunks: It feels like I need to pee again
Satan: I'll defeat this next one. Number 18 you stay out of this!
#18: Whatever
Satan: Who's next?
Trunks: You must've brought Broli here!
Shaman: You destroyed my position as the shaman of that village!
Shaman: No one needed my work any more!
Trunks: How did Broli survive?
Shaman: He died!
Shaman: You destroyed him, there was nothing of him left
Shaman: The Broli up there was resurrected by biotechnology!!
Shaman: I took the frozen blood of Broli from his space pod..
Shaman: and sold it to the Baron
Shaman: And then the Baron and his team of top researchers were able to bring him back to life
Goten: Why'd you do?
Goten: You knew what would happen if he was brought back!!
Shaman: That's why I'm leaving the rest up to you
Goten: What're we going to do Trunks?
Jogger: Hey, so you know how strong he is too huh?
Jogger: Don't worry, all of the Bio-Soldiers have to obey my commands
Jogger: He's on our side
Trunks: Goten, let's kill Broli before he's released from his pod!
Boys: Kame...
Jogger: What about the Camera?
Satan: What are those kids planning on doing?
Boys: Ha\~
Boys: me\~
Dog: Bark bark
Koli: The Bio-fluid's overflowing!
Koli: Put up the number 13 containment wall
Nine: Yes sir!
Trunks: He's out!
Goten: What'll we do?
Dog: Bark bark bark!!
Jogger: Stop it! He's on our side!
Satan: What's that fluid!?
Koli: Flush the Bio-Fluid!
Koli: The Bio-Fluid'll absorb simple cell and grow
Koli: If that happens we won't be able to control it!
Nine: Yes sir!
Jogger: Super Soldier, show me your strength!
Jogger: Defeat Mr. Satan!!
Satan: Number 18, why don't you take this one!
#18: For another 20,000,000 zeni I'll defeat him for you
#18: After we get back you'd better pay me quick!
Satan: Sure! Whatever! I'll pay whatever it takes!!
#18: Don't forget you said that!
Trunks: Number 18!!
#18: I didn't think anyone was this strong
#18: 20,000,000 zeni was too cheap!
Jogger: This is perfect! What do you think Satan, doesn't that look painful?
Jogger: This is the real thing, it's too late for you to apologize now!
Jogger: Rip to shreds, and put all of my hate for him into it!
Satan: I'm going to get killed!
Satan: Time out! My stomach hurts!
Dareka: Help me!
Trunks: Mister, what are you afraid of?
Trunks: Aren't you the world Champion? You have to fight!
Satan: Yeah, but my stomach hurts
Goten: Trunks!
Trunks: Goten, we're not going to lose this time
Satan: It's the Golden Warriors!
Satan: Everything's okay now!
Trunks: We're not going to let ourselves get beaten again!!
Trunks: You can't get us the same way twice!
Koli: Stop it!
Koli: We can't let any more Bio-Fluid get loose!
Trunks: Broli! You're moving too slow! I can tell exactly what you're going to do!
Goten: How long did you think that energy blast would work against us!?
Jogger: Stop it! That's enough!
Trunks: We're doing it Goten!
Trunks: I can see his movements!
Goten: I can see him too!
Dareka: Help me!
Dareka: We're falling!
Dareka: It's no good! We're going to die!
Shaman: Good, this is all the money
Shaman: What's that!
Shaman: Honored ancestors....
Scientist: What the hell!?
Scientist: Someone hit the emergency button!
Scientist: What's going on here!?
Scientist: Open the door!!
Scientist: Thank goodness!
Trunks: Goten, hit him from over there!
Dareka: What?
Dareka: Help me!
Satan: No number of extra lives could get me out of this mess!
#18: Damn you!
Kulilin: Are you okay?
Kulilin: I got worried about you so I came here
Kulilin: After all a husband should help his wife
Goten: Kulilin!
Goten: Okay!
Trunks: Now's our chance Goten!
Trunks: We're doing it Goten!
Satan: Someone save me!
Trunks: Goten!
Trunks: What are you doing Goten?
Trunks: I can't do this myself!
Goten: My shoulder...
Jogger: Stop it!
Jogger: That's enough, they're about to die!
Jogger: I brought you back to life!
Jogger: You have to obey my orders!
Goten: I'm going to stop you!
Goten: My shoulder...!
Goten: Crap! If only my arm weren't hurt
Kulilin: Kien-Zan!
Trunks: Goten
Trunks: What can I do?
Satan: Help me!
Satan: Save me!
Trunks: That's it!
Trunks: This has got to work!
Trunks: Broli!
Trunks: You washer of other peoples bottoms, your mother was a hamster and your father smelled
of elderberries
Trunks: What's wrong!?
Trunks: Just try to get me, I'll cream your ass!
Trunks: Come and get me!
Trunks: Now!
Trunks: Take this Broli!!
Trunks: Goten!
Trunks: Goten!
Trunks: We did it!!
Goten: Where's Broli?
Trunks: He's in that goop
Trunks: I didn't beat him with strength. I used this
Dareka: Save me!
Dareka: I'm ruined! I've lost everything!
Dareka: Dumb ass! You'll die before that matters!
Trunks: Goten, let's save everyone!
Kulilin: Hang on tight. If you fall off that, you're out!
Nine: Yes!
Kulilin: He he
#18: Go already!
Kulilin: Don't push me Number 18!
Trunks: Hang on tight Mister
Jogger: You're going to save us after all we did?
Men-Men: You should learn hair spray like this Jogger!
Goten: Darn, it didn't hurt it at all!
Dareka: Isn't there something we can do about that stuff?
Koli: When that Bio-fluid eats cells it grows stronger
Goten: Since it ate the monster Broli's cells it's grown incredibly strong
Kulilin: It's going to eat the whole world at this rate, this is the end of everything
Jogger: I've done something terrible
Men-Men: You should apologize
Trunks: You need to too!
Men-Men: ...okay...
Satan: I'm safe!!
Satan: Help me!
Satan: Go away! I'm the World Champion Mr. Satan!!
Goten: I see! That stuff's vulnerable to water!!
Goten: We can stop it!!
Trunks: Hurry!
Goten: Let's go!
Boys: Kame\~
Boys: Hame\~
Boys: HA\~!
Trunks: We did it Goten!
Kulilin: How'd you know what to do Goten?
Goten: Because of Mr. Satan
Trunks: He can come in handy
Broli: Kakarotto!!
Trunks: What the...!!!?
Kulilin: It's the end!!
Trunks: We're going to die!!
Goten: Hey! Look at that!!
Kulilin: That bastard scared the shit out of me!
Kulilin: He's an obstinate bastard
Trunks: That's the end of Broli
Satan: Get me out of here!
#18: I'll pull you out for 40,000,000 zeni, for a total of 100,000,000 zeni!!
Trunks: He's a stubborn old man!
Gokuh: What!? You want me to go to hell with Pike-Han and defeat Broli again!?
Gokuh: Doesn't he ever learn?
Gokuh: I'm too hungry to fight, so will you let me eat first?