Title: Translation of Dragon Ball Z Movie 12: The Rebirth of the Fusion Gokuh and Vegeta
Title: Translated by Usagi North -- A Division of Z-TV Enterprises

Gokuh: Hiya! I'm Gokuh!
Gokuh: This time we're getting interupted by an incredible energy force during the middle of the After
Life Martial Arts Competition
Gokuh: This is the first time I've ever met anyone this strong before
Gokuh: And incredibly Vegeta gets resurrected right before my eyes
Gokuh: If we can join together we can defeat our opponent
Gokuh: Vegeta! Let's Fuse and form Gogeta!!
Gokuh: Dragon Ball Z!\nRebirth of the Fusion! Gokuh and Vegeta!!
Gokuh: The All Star Cast is waiting for you!!

Announcer: Globe, the Southern Warrior advances to the Quarter Finals!!
Crowd: Yeah!
Crowd: Way to go!!
East: You failure!
Kai-Oo: Let me know when a real Fighter comes your way!!
East: That's pretty tough words coming from someone who's dead!
East: I don't think I like it when you act like that, you old fart!
Kai-Oo: Who are you calling `Old Fart!?,' you hag!!
East: What!?
Kai-Oo: What about it!?
South: Cut it out you two!
South: The Champion in this Competition to determine the strongest warrior in the after-life is bound
to be my man Globe!
South: So you're just wasting your time fighting
Kai-Oo: What are you talking about Southern Kai-Oo!?
Kai-Oo: Don't be stupid!
Kai-Oo: The person that's going to win this competition and get Dai-Kai-Oo's special training is sure
to be my Son Gokuh!!
South: Globe!!
Kai-Oo: Son Gokuh!
West: Hey! They're about to have a match!
Announcer: The top seeded Warrior Son Gokuh easily advances to the Semi Finals!
Kai-Oo: Gokuh!! Way to go!!
Kai-Oo: He won! He won!!
Announcer: The Western Warrior, the powerful Piku-Han, also advances!!
South: Way to go Piku!
South: Now he's sure to win!
Kai-Oo: It's because his opponent was too weak
East: Are you saying my guy was too weak!?
Kai-Oo: Well the Eastern Galaxy has been destroyed
Dai: It looks like Gokuh and Piku-Han are flying through the competition
Piku: Gokuh, this time we'll decide who's better
Gokuh: That's what I want too Pike-Han
Narrator: At that time, in Lord Enma's domain, the doorway into the afterlife, something terrible is
about to occur
Title: The Rebirth of the Fusion\nGokuh and Vegeta
Oni: Okay, all of you spirits, please line up carefully
Oni: Move it along, there's no time for small talk!
Enma: Go to Heaven
Enma: Go to Heaven
Enma: Go to Hell
Enma: Go to Hell
Enma: Go to Hell
Enma: Go to Hell
Enma: Go to Hell
Oni: Congratulations! For being allowed into Heaven!
Oni: The aiplane that will take you to heaven has already been prepared
Oni: Please come this way
Oni: For everyone going to hell, we would like you to clean the evil from your souls
Oni: So please enter that spirit washing machine
Enma: Hell...
Enma: Hell...
Oni: Lord Enma's very strict today
Oni: Hey! Cut this goofing off!!
Oni: No, it's not cool!
Oni: If you don't stop goofing off, I'm going to report you to Lord Enma and have hime cut your pay
Oni: If my pay's cut any further, I'll be working for free
Oni: Then you better get back to work
Oni: Isn't it about time you switched tanks?
Oni: He's really a pain in the ass
Oni: I guess he's not that bad though...
Enma: What in HELL!!?
Oni: It's terrible!!
Oni: Something's happened to the spirits washing machine!!
Enma: What did you say!?
Oni: Oops...
Oni: What'm I going to do now?
Oni: I don't think they'll overlook this...
Oni: You idiot!! You didn't change the tanks did you!!?
Enma: We let too much evil collect near the spirit washing machine
Enma: The worst has come to pass...!!!
Enma: Who would have guessed this could happen...!?
Oni: Lord Enma!! Gasha's transformed!!
Enma: He must have put a barrier up around my domain...
Enma: He's been possessed by all that evil!
Oni: Lord Enma, isn't there anything you can do?
Enma: Somehow or other...
Enma: We have to somehow defeat that thing that's imprissioned us in this barrier
Enma: Now I can't maintain control over the after-life
Enma: The path's between the land of the living and the after-life will be confused...
Enma: The dead will be able to return to life, causing all kinds of problems
Dai: What caused that?

Person: A ghost!!
Person: It's my grandfather's spirit!
Gramps: I thought I died 5 years ago
Gramps: But look I have legs {Japanese Ghosts don't have legs}
Person: You're not a ghost?

Romeo: Julianne!!
Julianne: Are you Romeo?
Romeo: That's right Julianne!
Julianne: But why are you so old?
Romeo: Julianne, it's been 60 years since you died!
Romeo: It's only natural that I've aged
Romeo: Don't you age in the after-life?

Drac: Take out the stake!!
Drac: Won't someone help!?
Drac: Doesn't anyone have a heart?

Guy: What's wrong!?
Guy: You're holding up traffic!!
Hilter: The world is OURS!!
Hilter: Crush anyone who gets in our way!!
Girl: How can the dead come back to life!?
Girl: This isn't natural!!

Gohan: Mom! More please!!
Goten: Me too!
Chi-Chi: Aren't you two full yet!?
Chi-Chi: I have to do ALL the cleaning up after you!
Chi-Chi: Gokuh's taken the easy way, he's probably taking it easy up in heaven
Bideru: I'll help
Chi-CHi: Bideru, you're a guest
Chi-Chi: I can't let you do that
Chi-Chi: You're pretty good Bideru
Chi-Chi: You'll make a good wife some day
Bideru: It's way to early for that
Bideru: I'm sorry
Chi-Chi: Don't worry about it, it's just a plate
Chi-Chi: You'll still make a good wife
Bideru: Opps! I'm sorry!!
Bideru: Yes, this is Bideru!
Radio: \I The dead are coming back to life, no one knows why
Bideru: `The dead are coming back to life!?'
Radio: \I Please do something immediately!
Radio: \I And bring the Great Saiya-Man!
Bideru: Roger
Bideru: Gohan

Piku: What's that!?
Gokuh: Dai-Kai-Oo, what's going on?
Dai: It looks like something's going on with Enma
Gokuh: What could happen with him?
Dai: Why don't you go and find out what's happening?
Piku: I'll be right back
Gokuh: Hold it, Piku-Han -- We haven't finished our fight yet
Gokuh: I don't want to be left here
Dai: Why don't you go to Gokuh
Dai: You can finish your fight later
Dai: I'm counting on you Piku, and Gokuh
Piku: Yes sir
Gokuh: Oh well, let's finish this off and come right back here Piku-Han
Gokuh: Grab my shoulder, fast!
Gokuh: That's Mr. Enma's `ki'
Gokuh: \I But why is it so weak?
Gokuh: \I I guess I'll find out when I get there
Gokuh: Is this Enma's domain
Gokuh: It sure has changed
Gokuh: Mr. Enma must be in there
Enma: Is that you Gokuh!?
Enma: Thank goodness
Enma: My domain's been sealed in a barrier!!
Gokuh: Mr. Enma! We'll get you out, so relax!
Gokuh: Piku-Han, let's destroy that barrier!!
Piku: Okay
Piku: It absorbed our energy
Gokuh: Let's try again
Enma: The cause of all of this is on the roof!!
Enma: Destroy that thing on the roof!!
Gokuh: `The thing on the roof!?'
Gokuh: What a goof-ball
Piku: So he's the cause
Piku: I'll take care of this
Piku: Did you put up this barrier!?
Piku: `Janemba?'
Piku: Be a good kid and take down that barrier
Piku: Don't make me ask again!
Piku: You'll regret it if you don't take down that barrier!!
Piku: Hey!! Are you making fun of me!!!?
Gokuh: Piku-Han!!
Gokuh: Hey, you're pretty strong
Gokuh: Who are you?
Piku: Be careful Gokuh, he's a lot...
Gokuh: He's strong
Gokuh: I've never felt a `ki' this strong before
Gokuh: Piku-Han, I'm glad we stopped our fight
Gokuh: I'll fight him
Gokuh: And while I'm doing that, you can save Mr. Enma
Piku: Gokuh, I can't let you have all the fun for yourself
Gokuh: Are you talking to me?
Gokuh: It looks like he wants to fight me
Gokuh: Don't take it personally!
Gokuh: Oops, I forgot about Mr. Enma
Gokuh: Piku-Han, I'll lure him away from here
Gokuh: Use that chance to destroy this barrier
Gokuh: I'm over here...
Gokuh: Catch me if you can....
Gokuh: I'm over here
Gokuh: Try to keep up with me
Gokuh: Even hell's changed a lot
Gokuh: He's funny
Gokuh: You're pretty stupid, but you can still do some cool stuff

Gohan: Strike!!
Bideru: Gohan, what's going on here?
Gohan: But no matter what kind of ghost shows up we're more than able to handle it!!
Bideru: Yep
Freeza: Don't get to cocky, you two!
Gohan: It's Freeza!
Freeza: Isn't this wonderful
Freeza: Even though I've never seen you, you know my name
Gohan: I met you when I was a kid, so it's no wonder you don't remember me
Freeza: WHAT!?
Freeza: Are you Son Gokuh's...!?
Gohan: That's right, I'm Son Gohan!!
Gohan: I can't allow any evil!!
Gohan: I am Son Gohan!!
Bideru: Gohan, that was cool!!
Freeza: Since you're your father's son, I'll repay you for everything he did to me!!
Gohan: We'll see about that
Freeza: Hurt him! A lot!!
Bideru: That was incredible, Gohan

Satan: As long as I, the Champion of the World -- Mr. Satan, am here I will stop your evil ways!!
Satan: Isn't the Media here?
Satan: What about my publicity!?
Satan: I am defeating the forces of Evil!
Satan: Shit...
Satan: Oh well, I guess I'll just have to phone it in when this is over

Trunks: I found the Four-Star ball!
Goten: Yahoo! Yahoo! At last!!
Trunks: See, it's the Four-Star ball
Trunks: Let's go Goten
Goten: Now we've got all 7
Trunks: Move it Goten!
Goten: Just a sec
Goten: I've gotta hide this
Man: It's a hole in one!
Man: I've never done this before!!
Man: I've never been so happy

Bulma: Okay, Gohan call Shen-Lon
Goten: It's Shen-Lon!!
Bideru: So this is Shen-Lon...
Shen-Lon: I will grant any three wishes thou desire
Shen-Lon: Name thy requests!
Gohan: Shen-Lon, right now the dead are coming back to life, and it's causing a lot of problems
Gohan: Is there anything you can do to fix this?
Shen-Lon: So that is why thou hast called me
Bideru: We've done it!!
Shen-Lon: No
Shen-Lon: I can not grant that wish
Gohan: Why not!?
Goten: Shen-Lon, you fake!!
Shen-Lon: Lord Enma controls the fate of all the dead
Shen-Lon: This problem far surpasses my abilities
Bulma: What do we do now Gohan?
Bideru: Isn't there another way to ask?
Bulma: Probably not...
Shen-Lon: Um...
Shen-Lon: Isn't there anything else you want?

Piku: Not even my Super Energy Blast worked
Piku: You dumb shit barrier!!
PIku: It shattered when I cussed at it
PIku: But it wasn't affected by my attacks
Piku: You idiot!!
Piku: Stupid!!
Piku: I don't know any more of those strange words...

Gokuh: I don't know how he did it, but he's learned how to anticipate all of my movements
Gokuh: He's strong
Gokuh: Kame...
Gokuh: HAME....
Gokuh: HAAAA!!
Gokuh: Are you a magician?
Gokuh: Oh well...
Gokuh: I'm just going to have to finish this off

Piku: You geek!!!
Piku: Gokuh's sure putting on a show down there

Dai: It looks like Gokuh's really going for it

Gokuh: You're the second person after Majin Buu that's forced me to do this
Gokuh: The real fight starts now
Gokuh: I did it
Gokuh: I'm impressed...

Hilter: The world belongs to me
Trunks: Stop that!
Goten: Why are you doing this stupid stuff?
Hilter: Fire!!
Trunks: This is easy!
Trunks: They can't hit anything!
Trunks: Goten, this is kind of fun
Hilter: Advance!
Hilter: Fire!
Trunks: You've scared me!
Trunks: I think I'm going to pee my pants!
Hilter: Advance! Advance!!
Trunks: I'm going to attack too
Hitler: Destroy the infidels!!
Hilter: Kill 'em!! Kill 'em!!
Trunks: Goten, they're a hundred years to young to fight us
Goten: Yep
Trunks: Goten, let's change into Super Saiya-jin and give 'em a little scare
Hilter: What are they? Bright youths outshining the gods...?

Piku: Gokuh, you selfish bastard!!
Piku: Why do\I I\N have to do this!?
Piku: Gokuh! You asshole!!!
Title: Bloody Pond
Title: ~~~ody Pond
Vegeta: What do you think you're doing Kakarotto!?
Vegeta: Have you forgotten that I am the one fated to destroy you!?
Gokuh: Vegeta, you supposed to be just a...
Vegeta: I don't care how it happened
Vegeta: I don't know how I got my body back after being just a spirit
Vegeta: But when I gained consciouness I flew here as fast as I could
Gokuh: I wonder if it's because Mr. Enma's imprisioned
Vegeta: Kakarotto, watch me beat this guy
Vegeta: But you stay out of this!!
Gokuh: Vegeta!
Vegeta: It's been a long time since I've been able to really cut loose in combat
Vegeta: Watch out monster
Gokuh: Stop it Vegeta!!
Vegeta: You can't know how much I suffered in hell!
Vegeta: With that experience of pain, I can overcome anything!
Vegeta: There you are!!
Gokuh: Vegeta!!
Title: Needle Mountain
Gokuh: Vegeta!!
Vegeta: Ka...Kakarotto, stay out of this
Vegeta: I have no intention of taking any of your help!
Gokuh: I know how you feel
Gokuh: I've never met anyone that strong either
Gokuh: This fight's gotten me excited too
Vegeta: I can't believe that even both of us working together can't beat him
Gokuh: No, there's one way we could win
Vegeta: Wah...What is it!?
Gokuh: The Fusion!
Vegeta: `Fusion?'
Vegeta: You mean join together?
Gokuh: That's right
Gokuh: Fuse with me
Vegeta: With you!?
Vegeta: Don't be stupid!!
Vegeta: Do you think I could do that!?
Gokuh: That's the only way we can beat him!!
Gokuh: Even you should know that
Gokuh: He's that strong
Vegeta: I'd rather die than join with you!
Gokuh: Vegeta, you're already dead
Vegeta: I could never fuse with you!!
Gokuh: Vegeta!!
Gokuh: Vegeta!!
Gokuh: Are you okay!?
Vegeta: Even in the after-life you're better than me
Vegeta: Damn!!
Gokuh: It's not that hard to explain
Gokuh: I had a body and trained on Dai-Kai-Oo's world
Gokuh: Since you were just a spirit, it's only natural that I'm stronger
Vegeta: I don't need any of your damned compassion!!
Gokuh: I guess we won't be able to use the Fusion
Gokuh: After all, you are the proud prince of the Saiyajin
Gokuh: I understand Vegeta
Gokuh: But let's get out of here
Gokuh: Grab my arm
Gokuh: Vegeta, hurry up!!
Gokuh: He's not going to wait for us!!
Vegeta: Don't touch me!!
Gokuh: Vegeta!!
Vegeta: Kakarotto...
Vegeta: Kakarotto... Fuse with me
Vegeta: If I've sunk low enough to need your compassion...
Gokuh: Vegeta...

Kai-Oo: Gokuh!!

Gokuh: Vegeta, we don't have much time so I have to train you fast
Gokuh: Unless our `ki's' are absolutely the same we can't use this technique
Gokuh: The other problem is the Fusion Pose
Gokuh: If we do that Pose exactly the same, we'll have perfected the Fusion
Vegeta: `Pose?'
Gokuh: I'm going to do that pose, so watch carefully
Gokuh: First we have to line up a little ways from each other
Gokuh: And then we do this
Gokuh: You have to be careful about the angle of your arms
Gokuh: Fu...
Gokuh: While getting closer to each other you swing your arms to the other side of your body
Gokuh: You take 3 steps at this time
Gokuh: ...Sion!!
Gokuh: Pay attention to the angle of your legs!
Gokuh: HA!!
Gokuh: At this time our fingers should touch
Gokuh: You still have to pay attention to the angle of your legs
Gokuh: You have to be extra-careful to fully extend your left leg
Vegeta: You want me to look like that!?
Gokuh: No, you do a mirror image of this pose, okay?
Gokuh: We don't have time, so let's try it now
Gokuh: Vegeta, is something bothering you?
Gokuh: Maybe you didn't understand my explanation

Enma: Piku-Han, you're almost through
Enma: Don't start goofing off now, finish it!!
Piku: Enma, you old shit!!!!!

Hilter: Fire!! Fire!!
Hilter: Defeat them!! Defeat them!!
Goten: Trunks...
Trunks: Goten, if you have time to whine, you have time to destroy another ghost!
Goten: But there's no end to them!

Gokuh: Okay, our `ki's' are the same
Gokuh: Let's go Vegeta!
Both: Fu...
Both: ...Sion...
Both: HA!!!
Gogeta: I'm going to send you to hell!!

Kai-Oo: You screwed up Gokuh
Kai-Oo: That's a failed Gogeta
South: There are too many characters in this series that start with `Go' so call him Bikuh
East: I don't think he can take a single punch
West: He's pretty ugly, make them do it over
Dai: We have to wait for 30 minutes, he's just going to have to do his best the way he is
Kai-Oo: Gokuh...!!!

Gogeta: You're pretty good
Gogeta: But that's the last chance you get
Gogeta: I will finish you!!

Dai: It looks like they got lucky for screwing up
Dai: Even though `Janemba's' pretty good at anticipating his enemies attacks, since Gogeta's so
unpredictable he can't be anticipated
Dai: He might be able to hold out for 30 minutes
Kai-Oo: I hope we're that lucky

Gogeta: This is how the fight should have been
Gogeta: Now to finish you off!!

Kai-Oo: Don't get cocky!!

Gogeta: I've just been playing with you, but I'm almost ready to fight for real!!
Gogeta: I'll let you go today, but never do anything evil again!!

Hilter: Fire!! Fire!!
Hilter: Fire!! Fire!!

Gokuh: Now Vegeta!!
Vegeta: Kakarotto, why'd you act like the Fusion was strong!?
Vegeta: He was a complete wimp!!
Vegeta: You were lying to me!!
Gokuh: I don't know what happened
Vegeta: If that thing could've won, we'd have had no problem!!
Kai-Oo: \I Gokuh, your and Vegeta's hands were different
Gokuh: That must've been it
Gokuh: Vegeta made a mistake
Vegeta: Impossible!
Vegeta: I did exactly what you said
Gokuh: Vegeta, at the end you have to point out your finger from the fist
Vegeta: What!? You want me to do that ugly thing again!?
Gokuh: Of course, that's our only chance to win this fight
Gokuh: Let's go!
Both: FU...
Both: ...Sion...
Piku: Gokuh, leave him up to me
Piku: Hurry and do the Fusion!!
Gokuh: Thanks, Piku-Han
Gokuh: Vegeta!!
Gokuh: Let's go!
Piku: I have a special attack just for you
Piku: I won't let you pass
Both: Fu...
Both: ...Sion...
Both: HA!!!
Piku: They did it...!!

Goten: That `ki' belongs to dad
Trunks: No, it's my papa!!
Boys: Fu...Sion...Ha!!!

Gogeta: Piku-Han, I will get vengeance for you
Gogeta: I am neither Gokuh nor Vegeta
Gogeta: I will defeat you

Gotenks: Super Ghost Kami-Kaze Attack
Gotenks: 100 ghosts!!
Gotenks: Line up!!
Gotenks: Attack!!
Gotenks: No prob!!

Gokuh: Vegeta
Vegeta: Kakarotto, I will never use the Fusion with you again
Gokuh: Vegeta, we'll meet again...

Enma: Let's reinstate the usual rules

Gohan: That was a weird day
Bideru: You're right there
Goten: Gohan, we killed someone today that I bet you know
Goten: Right Trunks
Trunks: Yep
Bideru: Who was it?
Trunks: That's for us to know and you to find out
Gohan: Do \Iyou\N know who it was?
Boys: Of course
Gohan: Then why don't you just tell us?
Gohan: Get back here, you two!!
Bideru: Wait for me!!
Trunks: Maybe we'll tell you later
Goten: It's a secret!!
Gohan: Get back here!!
Bideru: Gohan, wait for me!!

Shen-Lon: Haven't you decided on what you want yet?

The End