Title: Translation of Dragon Ball Z Movie 13: Dragon Fist Explosion! If Gokuh can't do it, who can?
Title: Translated by Usagi North -- A Z-TV Enterprise

Hoy: Ha ha ha! Now only the Earth is left!!
Thug: Take this bastard!!
Thug: Damn you!
Thug: Who the fuck are you!!?
Thug: Damn you!
Thug: Help me!!
Bideru: As long as there is Evil in the world...
Gohan: The Anger of Righteousness will burn like a flame
Gohan: I'm The Great Saiyaman Number 1!!
Bideru: And I'm the Great Saiyaman Number 2!!
Gohan: Another Villian defeated like that!
Gohan: That was perfect
Gohan: I'm back!
Teacher: Welcome back
Gohan: Sorry I'm late, but the bathroom was busy
Sharpener: What a freak, everyone knows his secret identity...
Teacher: Let's continue
Teacher: In this passage the author Doskevitch is talking about love, women and seperation...
Bideru: Yes, this is the Great Saiyaman Number 2!
Radio: A weird old man is climbing Landas Tower causing a commotion!
Bideru: You can handle that for yourselves!!
Gohan: Teacher, excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom...
Dareka: Again?
Gohan: I think the frog I had for dinner yesterday was bad...
Hoy: Leave me alone!!
Hoy: I've lost all my hopes and dreams!!
Hoy: I'm going to jump from here to my death!!
Dareka: Isn't that the old man on TV that said something about a music box?
Dareka: That old man!?
Cop: It's the Great Saiyaman!!
Cop: We've been waiting for you!!
Dareka: Save him!
Hoy: It doesn't matter who comes, you can't stop me!!
Gohan: Mister, that's dangerous, let me help you down
Hoy: Go away! I wanna die!!
Bideru: Go ahead and die then
Gohan: Bi..Bideru!?
Bideru: Go ahead! Jump!!
Hoy: Okay...I will...
Bideru: Oh no!
Hoy: Save me!!
Dareka: He did it!!
Gohan: Are you okay?
Hoy: Why didn't you save me sooner!?
Hoy: It would've been your fault if I died!!
Bideru: What a weird old man
Hoy: You've never heard of the Hero Tapeon!?
Gohan: Nope
Hoy: What a shame...
Hoy: I can't believe you've never heard of the hero that saved the planet Konatsu in the Southern
Bideru: Gohan, it's time to go back!
Gohan: I wish I could meet him!
Hoy: Thought you would
Gohan: I can meet him!?
Hoy: Unfortuneatly the Hero Tapeon has been sealed in this magical music box
Gohan: Inside of there/
Gohan: Who'd want to seal away a hero?
Hoy: You'll understand everything once the hero is revived
Bideru: Gohan, we gotta hurry back!
Gohan: Wait just a second
Gohan: Mister, what are you talking about!?
Hoy: I have a premonition that something dangerous is coming to this Earth!
Gohan: Something dangerous is going to happen to the Earth!!?
Hoy: An evil powerful enough to destroy the Universe has its sights set on the Earth!
Hoy: That's why we need the aid of the Hero Tapeon now!!
Hoy: That's why I've spent 30 years of my life searching for this music box!
Bideru: So why don't you go ahead an revive him!?
Hoy: If I could, I would!
Gohan: Why can't you!?
Hoy: Can you wind this?
Gohan: What? This?
Hoy: If you can make the music box play, the Hero Tapeon will be revived!
Gohan: Why didn't you say so sooner!?
Gohan: This right?
Gohan: What the...!?
Bideru: Let me see
Bideru: It's just rusted shut
Hoy: Miss you don't know what you almost did!
Bideru: Let's go, class is almost over
Gohan: Hey! Bideru!
Hoy: We need Shen-Lon!
Hoy: Introduce me to Shen-Lon!
Gohan: Shen-Lon!?
Hoy: Please allow Shen-Lon to revive the Hero Tapeon!
Gohan: Mister, why are asking me?
Hoy: I've found out that you have some relation to Shen-Lon!
Bideru: So you pulled that stunt just to meet us!?
Hoy: You've seen through me
Hoy: Mister, are you sure this is more than just a story?
Bideru: Don't you think so too?
Hoy: I can't believe you still believe that miss...
Hoy: We don't have an instant to lose!
Hoy: If we don't revive the Hero Tapeon soon the Earth will be destroyed!!
Bulma: Nothing works...
Bulma: I can't get any readings from its inside
Bulma: It looks like it's made from some special material
Gokuh: Ow! I can't open it!
Kulilin: If it can withstand Gokuh, I'm starting to believe that guys story
Gokuh: Is that hero guy strong?
Hoy: Of course, he's a hero!
Gokuh: Okay then!
Gokuh: Let's find the Dragon Balls!!
Gohan: Okay
Hoy: Earthlings are bizzarre {the God of the Earth is very unusual -- referring to Kami making the
Dragon Balls}
Gokuh: Aren't an Earthling?
Hoy: No! It was just a figure of speach!
Trunks: Goten, let's find it fast!!
Goten: Yeah! I wanna meet a hero!!
Bideru: Say, if that story was for real...
Bideru: What kind of person do you think the Hero Tapeon is?
Bideru: I'm interested in heros
Kulilin: I'm always the only one alone
Bideru: Got it!
Trunks: Look!
Kulilin: Great! I got the One Star Ball!!
Gokuh: There it is!
Hoy: How are you going to get it?
Gokuh: Like this!
Gokuh: See!
Gokuh: Now we have all of them!
Gokuh: Come forth Shen-Lon!!
Hoy: In...incredible!
Hoy: This...this is Shen-Lon!?
Shen-Lon: I shall grant any wish!
Shen-Lon: Name thy desire!
Hoy: I want you to remove the seal on the Hero Tapeon
Shen-Lon: Simply done
Shen-Lon: I have granted thy desire!
Shen-Lon: Farewell!!
Bulma: Hey! Nothing's changed!!
Trunks: Do you think this is real?
Bulma: It's spinning...
Bulma: What a pretty melody
Bideru: But...it's a little sad...
Boys: He's coming out...He's coming out...
Boys: HE'S OUT!!
Gokuh: He's powerful
Gohan: Father!
Gokuh: Everything that old man said...
Tapeon: Was true!
Kulilin: Wow!
Bulma: He's handsome!
Tapeon: Stay away!
Trunks: Cool!
Tapeon: Are you the one responsible for my revival!?
Hoy: It must have been a tight squeeze for all those millenium
Tapeon: Irrelevent!
Tapeon: Replace me!
Hoy: Impossible, the music box has been destroyed
Gokuh: He did release you, you should be more friendly
Tapeon: Please stay away from me
Tapeon: You've done something terrible
Gokuh: `Something terrible?'
Trunks: I wanna grow up and be like him!
Bulma: What are you talking about!?
Bulma: He didn't even thank us for releasing him
Bulma: He's a horrible person!
Trunks: Wait for me!
Goten: Trunks!
Bulma: Come back!!
Gohan: What do you think?
Bideru: He reeks of danger
Gokuh: I don't get it...
Goten: Trunks, I think we should stop...
Trunks: What are you talking about?
Trunks: He's a hero right?
Trunks: I'm sure he's got lots of cool stories to tell!
Goten: But he told us to stay away
Trunks: You don't understand...
Trunks: What an incredible hero!
Trunks: He's powerful!!
Gokuh: Where'd that old man go?
Gohan: Now that you mention it...
Kame: Maybe he's off picking up hot babes!
Bulma: I'm sure not old men are like that
Kame: Some of us like mature women too!!
Trunks: Got it...
Trunks: It's gone!
Trunks: No there it is
Trunks: Uh...
Trunks: Mister...
Trunks: We'll leave some food here for you
Trunks: Mom made it, so it's pretty good
Trunks: Uh...goodbye then...
Dareka: What're you doing!?
Dareka: Move it!!
Man: What the...!?
Gohan: This is terrible
Dareka: It's Saiyaman!!
Dareka: The Great Saiyaman has come!!
Dareka: Let's leave this up to them
Gohan: What in the world is this!?
Bideru: What is that!?
Bideru: What is it!?
Bideru: It's a ghost with only legs!
Bideru: It's a leg monster!
Gohan: Do you think that great evil that old man was talking about, meant this?
Bideru: I'm sure it is!
Bideru: When did it get here!?
Gohan: You want to fight it?
Bideru: Obviously!
Gohan: As long as the Great Saiyamen are around...
Gohan: Evil will never prosper!!
Gohan: I'm the Great Saiyaman Number 1!
Bideru: And I'm Number 2!!
Both: Up to live up to your expectations!!
Bideru: You're supposed to wait until we're done!
Gohan: It's destroyed the city!
Gohan: I won't let it win!!
Gohan: Let's go!!
Gohan: It's horrible...
Gohan: Okay!!
Bideru: Get him Gohan!!
Gohan: It only really exists the moment it attacks!
Gohan: Okay...
Bideru: You did it!
Gohan: No, not yet!
Bideru: Isn't that the melody...?
Bideru: The monster disappeared!
Gohan: Tapeon...
Bideru: Gohan! Look at that!
Trunks: Mister, if you want you can use this
Tapeon: Stay away from me
Trunks: Don't get angry, I'll leave soon
Trunks: You didn't eat
Tapeon: Get the hell out of here!!
Trunks: Uh...yeah!!
Tapeon: Damn!
Trunks: What happened!?
Trunks: What was that!?
Trunks: Thank goodness you're okay!
Trunks: Ya, I know what you're going to say...
Trunks: I'll leave your breakfast over here
Trunks: I'll bring more later
Bulma: I think Trunks is sneaking food to him
Bideru: I guess Trunks has his good side too
Bulma: He always says he's jealous because Goten has an older brother...
Bulma: I think he wants to have an older brother
Bideru: I know how Trunks feels, I'm an only child too
Bulma: You have been pretty wild lately
Bideru: Trunks is even more wild though!!
Trunks: No no no!!
Trunks: That's my brother's!!
Trunks: I'll leave your dinner over here tonight
Trunks: That flute sounds pretty
Trunks: I wish you'd play it more
Trunks: Ah ha.. Maybe not
Hoy: Brat! Give me that flute!!
Tapeon: Trunks! Save the flute!!
Trunks: Uh...ya!
Hoy: Tapeon is no Hero!!
Hoy: He's the monster that's been destroying the city!!
Tapeon: Trunks, don't let him fool you
Hoy: If you give him the flute the whole world, the whole universe will be destroyed!!
Hoy: Give it to me!!
Tapeon: Trunks, believe in me
Hoy: That's right!
Hoy: Give me the flute!!
Trunks: Brother!!
Hoy: What!?
Trunks: Brother!!
Trunks: I know...
Trunks: I'll leave
Tapeon: Aren't you hungry?
Tapeon: Let's eat together
Trunks: This is incredibly delicious!
Trunks: You should really try some!!
Bulma: That darned Trunks
Bulma: He brought that guy home to stay with us{like Bulma's never brought an entire alien race
home to live for a while until it could get back on its feet}
Bideru: Don't you think it's incredible that he made friends with a hero
Bulma: They're up in his room
Trunks: Isn't this cool!
Trunks: I got it for my birthday last year
Trunks: See, isn't it cool?
Trunks: Brother, do you have any brothers?
Tapeon: Yes, I have a younger brother
Trunks: That's cool, what's he like?
Tapeon: He was a nice kid like you
Trunks: Tell me about your planet
Tapeon: I was born on a planet in the Southern Galaxy called Konatsu
Tapeon: It was a beautiful green and blue planet like this one
Tapeon: But suddenly an evil magician summoned the demon Hildegan to destroy us
Tapeon: People were killed, cities were destroyed...
Tapeon: Everyone was prepared to die...
Tapeon: And then a miracle occured
Tapeon: Minotsua
Tapeon: You were killed weren't you...?
Tapeon: Have a nice life Trunks...
Bulma: Where are you going?
Bulma: You can stay in the house as long as you want
Bulma: It's not an imposition...
Bulma: And Trunks likes you...
Tapeon: I can't accept...
Tapeon: The demon is sealed inside of my body
Bulma: A `demon?'
Bulma: I don't know what you're talking about, I wish you'd explain
Bulma: What do you mean by a `demon?'
Tapeon: Okay...
Tapeon: There existed a mysterious school of magicians...
Tapeon: They gathered all the evil energy of the planet and forced it into the body of our god
Tapeon: Transforming him into the Demon Hildegan
Bulma: I guess those magicians had great power
Tapeon: Indeed...
Tapeon: Hoy was one of them
Bulma: It looks like that old man fooled us pretty easily
Bulma: But why is the Demon in you