Translation of Dragon Ball Z movie 2
Translated by Usagi North - A division of Z-TV Enterprises

Piccolo: This etenal ice wall known as the Tsuru Mypoli range is incredible
Piccolo: Even that strong an attack was unable to harm them...
Oolong: Oh! It happened again Gohan!!
Oolong: It's just like I said, see!?
Oolong: They started getting gathered about 3 days ago!!
Gohan: Ah! Oolong, it happened again!!
Oolong: You're right!!
Oolong: There's only one more left, let's hurry!
Gohan: I'm cold Oolong!!
Gohan: I think I'm going to freeze!!
Oolong: I don't think any amount of heat could melt the snow on these Tsuru Mypoli mountains!!
Oolong: Just hang in a little longer!!
Gohan: But even so, we're pretty lucky!
Oolong: Four Dragon Balls have gathered themselves after I lifted Bulma's Dragon Radar!!
Oolong: Remember, no matter what happens don't tell anyone we did this!!
Gohan: Okay!
Gohan: I didn't tell anyone I was coming anyway
Gohan: But what do you want to ask Shen-Ron that you don't want the others to find out?
Oolong: Well, uh...
Oolong: They've all been gathered!
Kouchin: Appear Dragon!
Kouchin: And give me my desire!!
Piccolo: What!?
Gohan: Oolong, look at that!!
Oolong: Crap!! Let's hurry!!
Shen-Ron: Name thy desire!
Shen-Ron: I will grant any single desire that thou shalt name!!
Kouchin: All powerful Shen-Ron!
Kouchin: Awaken Dr. Willow from his sleep from beneath these mountains that even the sun shining
in the heavens is unable to melt
Shen-Ron: Simply done!!
Kouchin: Dr. Willow!
Shen-Ron: I have granted thy desire!
Shen-Ron: Farewell!!
Kouchin: The time for Dr. Willow's revenge has come!
Kouchin: The dream that we've shared for 50 years is about to be realized!!
Kouchin: The world belongs to you!!
Gohan: What's that building?
Gohan: What an incredible `ki'
Oolong: Crap, this looks dangerous!!
Gohan: Where's the entrance!?
Oolong: Don't do it!!
Oolong: I have a bad feeling about this!!
Gohan: Oolong!!
Dareka: Don't look! Don't look! Don't look!
Gohan: Piccolo!!
Piccolo: Gohan! What were you doing here!?
Oolong: It's the Arch Demon Piccolo!!
Gohan: Piccolo
Gohan: Where's Piccolo?
Gohan: Oolong!!
Gohan: I know that Piccolo saved us!
Oolong: That's right!
Oolong: You're the only one that's not terrified of him!
Oolong: You really like him don't you!?
Gohan: But I wonder where Piccolo went...
Oolong: Just be sure not to tell anyone what happened today!!
Gohan: But...
Oolong: This is a promise between men!!
GOhan: Yeah...and if I talk about Piccolo mother will worry...
Oolon: Ya!! So don't say a word!!
Chi-Chi: He didn't study, and he won't tell me where he was the last three days!!
Chi-Chi: You're too soft on him Gokuh!!
Chi-Chi: That's why we plays around and won't study!!
Gokuh: As long as he's healthy what's wrong him studying like normal kids?
Chi-Chi: You can only say that because you don't know how the world really works!!
Chi-CHi: If he doesn't enter a school that makes him study hard, his whole life will be ruined!!
Gokuh: I don't think Gohan would end up like that!!
Oolong: \IJust be sure not to tell anyone what happened today!!
Gohan: Where could Piccolo have gone...?
Gohan: I WILL become a serious scholar!!
Chi-Chi: Gohan...
Chi-Chi: Gohan!!
Chi-Chi: Gohan!!!
Chi-Chi: You were dreaming
Chi-Chi: Have you finished your studies?
Chi-Chi: Just a little more!
Chi-CHi: Come as soon as you're finished!
Chi-Chi: He never used to sleep while studying...
Chi-Chi: My Gohan's getting worse and worse...
Oolong: Why do I have to do all the house-work just because I broke her stupid Dragon Radar
Oolong: Bulma's a jerk!
Oolong: Just because she can't do this, she makes others do it...!
Bulma: What did you say?
Oolong: Uh...
Bulma: What's this?
Bulma: The oven's pitch black!!
Oolong: Really!?
Bulma: You clutz, can't you do anything right?
Oolong: So why don't you do it!?
Bulma: Oh well, I have no choice...
Oolong: What? I didn't know you could cook
Bulma: We'll just have to order out
Oolong: Ah....
Kame: Hey! Turtle!!
Turtle: Yes, who is it?
Freak: Is Muten-Roshi here?
Turtle: Huh?
Freak: Is this Muten-Roshi's house?
Turle: Uh, yeah...
Freak: Is Muten-Roshi here?
Kame: I'm Muten-Roshi
Kame: What do you want?
Freak: Dr. Willow wants you, please come with us
Kame: Dr. Willow?
Kame: I don't know him, stop bothering my sleep
Bulma: What's going on out here?
Oolong: Erk!! It's them!!
Bulma: Who are those people?
Kame: If that's all you want, leave
Kouchin: You're incredible, oh greatest master of martial arts!!
Kouchin: That was an impressive fight
Kouchin: Can't I talk you into going to meet Dr. Willow with me?
Kame: I said I wasn't going
Bulma: What are you saying!? Let's go!!
Kame: Ahhh....
Kouchin: Don't you care what happens to that girl?
Bulma: They went out of their way to invite us, stop being stubborn!!
Kame: Oh well...
Kouchin: I'm impressed Muten-Roshi, I see why they call you the god of martial arts
Kouchin: If my sources are correct you're the strongest man in the world
Oolong: What should I do?
Gokuh: Gramps and Bulma got kidnapped?
Gokuh: Don't worry, gramps has won at the Best Under Heaven Martial Arts Tournament
Gokuh: And he's even been called the god of martial arts!!
Gokuh: He'll be fine!!
Oolog: But I know he was taken to the Tsuru Mypoli mountain range
Chi-Chi: Have you been meeting with Piccolo again!?
Gohan: But I...
Gokuh: This isn't the time to talk about that
Gokuh: I'm leaving!!
Gohan: Me too!
Chi-Chi: I won't let you, that isn't a place for kids to go!!
Gohan: But...
Chi-Chi: You won't go!!
Gokuh: Kintou-Un!!
Gokuh: I'll be back soon!!
Chi-Chi: Be careful Gokuh!!
Chi-Chi: Where do you think you're going?
Gohan: I need to pee...
Chi-Chi: That's not the way to the toilet
Kame: How about telling us your goal?
Kame: You don't need this girl any more do you?
Kame: I thought you wanted me!
Bulma: That's right!
Bulma: I'm not involved in this, take me home!
Kouchin: Dr. Willow, I brought you Muten-Roshi, just like you ordered!
Willow: Begin it at once
Kouchin": Yes sir
Kame: Bulma!!
Kame: What are you!?
Kouchin: Sorry to keep you waiting, Muten-Roshi!!
Kouchin: These were created by my biotechnology
Kouchin: Kishime!!
Kouchin: Mitsuso-Kattsuso
Kouchin: Ebi-Fryer!!
Kouchin: They're the most violent soldiers!!
Kouchin: Show us the reason that you're called the strongest in the world!!
Kame: You think I'm the strongest...
Kame: What are you planning on doing with me!?
Kouchin: It's...SHOW TIME!!
Kouchin: I don't believe it!
Kouchin: Is that the strongest man in the world Dr. Willow was talking about...?
Kame: KAME....
Kame: HAME....
Kame: HA!!!
Kame: What the...!?
Kame: Have they no respect for their elders....?
Bulma: What are you doing to him!?
Kouchin: Is that best that the strongest man in the world can do!?
Bulma: You're pretty stupid aren't you!?
Kouchin: What?
Kouchin: Are you calling me stupid!?
Bulma: You are!!
Bulma: The Turtle Sage might have been the strongest man 50 years ago...
Kouchin: What about now!?
Willow: Girl, are you telling the truth?
Bulma: Who's there?
Bulma: Where are you?
Bulma: Show yourself!!
Kouchin: Don't be rude to Dr. Willow!!
Bulma: Dr. Willow?
Kouchin: I'm his assistant, the super genius in bio-technology, Dr. Kouchin!
Bulma: Dr. Willow and Dr. Kouchin...
Bulma: Ah!? I've heard of you somewhere!
Bulma: The mad scientist Dr. Willow and his assistant Dr. Kouchin!
Kouchin: You know a lot for being so young! You're pretty smart
Bulma: But they were both killed when a freak storm buried them both under snow and ice!!
Bulma: They died in the Tsuru Mypoli Mountains!!
Bulma: I read that in a book!!
Kouchin: We were buried 50 years ago, but neither I nor Dr. Willow were killed
Kouchin: This is the greatest genius mankind has ever known -- Dr. Willow!!
Bulma: Ah...A brainiac!!
Kouchin: Was that supposed to be a joke? You won't get any aplause from us
Kouchin: As you can see, Dr. Willow's brain is still alive!!
Kouchin: The book also said that the two evil scientist were punished by heaven for their mad
Kouchin: Shut up!!
Kouchin: Those fools were just jealous because they couldn't keep up with us
Willow: Girl! Who IS the strongest in the world?
Bulma: Son Gokuh is!!
Bulma: Yep, Son GOkuh
Kouchin: Who's Son Gokuh?
Bulma: Even if all of you gang up on him you won't be any match for him!!
Kouchin: What are you saying!?
Willow: Interesting, where is he?
Bulma: What do you think you could do if you found him!?
Kouchin: We will place Dr. Willow, the greatest mind in the world, in the body of the strongest man
in the world!!
Kouchin: Don't you think that's a wonderful plan?
Bulma: But that's...
Kouchin: And then Dr. Willow will be the eternal master of this world!!
Willow: I will get vengeance on all the foolish humans that couldn't see how great I am!!
Bulma: You don't know what you're talking about!!
Kouchin: Shut up!!
Kouchin: You should know that a forest near the southern capitol was instanted changed into a
desert 3 days ago!!
Bulma: Impossible!!
Bulma: That's impossible!
Kouchin: Everyone out there is going crazy trying to figure out what happened...
Kouchin: But that was nothing for Dr. Willow and myself
Kouchin: That was just the beginning of Dr. Willow's and my revenge!
Kouchin: After we remake the world, it will belong to only us!!
Kouchin: There is nothing impossible for us!!
Kouchin: If we felt like it, we could change to whole world into a desert in the blink of an eye!!
Kouchin: Girl, tell us where Son Gokuh is!!
Willow: Wait!
Willow: Wait!
Willow: An incredible power source is coming this way!
Bulma: It's Son!!
Kouchin: What!?
Willow: You're incredibly strong, Son Gokuh!!
Willow: You just might be the perfect body for me!
Bulma: Son!
Chi-Chi: GOhan!
Chi-CHi: My GOhan is getting farther and farther from me...
Gohan: I'm sorry mother!
Gokuh: What's this!?
Willow: Are you Son Gokuh?
Gokuh: That's right! Where are the Turtle Sage and Bulma!?
Willow: They are in the center of this palace, come for them if you can
Gokuh: Cold!!
Willow: Show me your true strength!!
Kouchin: Destroy the intruders, my violent soldiers!!
Gokuh: I'm freezing!!
Gokuh: I'm too cold, I can't use my strength!!
Gokuh: What the...!?
Gokuh: You can't get me like that!!
Gokuh: Wow, he's stretchy...
Gokuh: Okay...
Gokuh: Kai-Oo-Ken!!
Gokuh: I think that warmed me up a bit
Gokuh: That's not the Zan-So-Ken, when he disappeared his life-force did too!!
Gokuh: I'm too cold too...
Kouchin: Take that Son GOkuh
Kouchin: There's no way to melt Ebi-Fryers Tou-Ketsu-Ken once it starts!
Ebi-Fryer: Feel the punishments of the Hell of Ultimate Cold!!
Kouchin: Die!!
Gokuh: GOhan!!
Gohan: Father!!
Gohan: Kulilin!!
Kulilin: Gokuh!
Kulilin: You're too selfish!!
Kulilin: Did you forget about me!?
Kouchin: Don't interfere!!
Kulilin: Gohan!!
Gohan: Kulilin!!
Gokuh: Kai-Oo-Ken!!
Gokuh: Gohan!!
Gokuh: Kulilin!!
Kulilin: Gokuh...
Kulilin: Thaw me out, I'm freezing!!
Willow: He's impressive!!
Willow: The time for me to conquer the Earth after my 50 year sleep has come!!
Willow: I've decided to take your body!!
Kulilin: I'm still cold!
Kulilin: I'm going to freeze solid!!
Gohan: You were just frozen!
Kulilin: Anyway Gokuh! Is Muten-Roshi this way?
Gokuh: Yeah, he said he was in here
Willow: That's right, run!
Willow: Come to me!!
Gokuh: It looks like he's up there
Gokuh: Bulma!!
Bulma: Son!!
Kulilin: Gokuh!!
Gohan: Father!!
Kouchin: Thank you for coming!!
Kouchin: You are the strongest on this planet!
Gokuh: Who are you!?
Gokuh: Where's gramps!!
Kouchin: Muten-Roshi is sleeping peacefully
Kouchin: Soon I will enhance him like those other three!!
Gokuh: What!?
Gohan: Father -- Look!!
Kulilin: What's that?
Gohan: Father, that's a human brain!1
Bulma: That's the mad scientist Dr. Willow that planned to take over the world 50 years ago!!
Kouchin: It's rude to call the greatest scientist a mad scientist!!
Bulma: You did your research just for yourselfs, you were devils!!
Bulma: I can't believe he wanted to live so much, he's willing to live looking like that!!
Bulma: You should have let yourselves get destroyed!!
Kulilin: Can a brain really live on its own?
Kouchin: We were able to do that!!
Kouchin: In order for us to get complete freedom for ourselves we were going to change all of
humanity, so that they would obey Dr. Willow!!
Kouchin: We were defeated before we were able to make that perfect world!
Kouchin: We were even able to allow Dr. Willow to live as just a brain!!
Kouchin: But all the time we were dreaming of the time when Dr. Willow and I would rule the
Kouchin: But these eternal walls of ice had sealed away Dr. Willow!
Kouchin: Dr. Willow infinite power was ready to storm the walls of heaven!!
Kouchin: But thanks to the Dragon Balls we are now about to realize our dreams!!
Willow: Son Gokuh! I want your body!
Gokuh: What!?
Bulma: Dr. Willow wants transplant himself into your body!!
Kouchin: We'd be trading your useless brain for Dr. Willow's superb brain!!
Gokuh: Don't be stupid!
Gokuh: My brain and my body belong to me!!
Willow: No they aren't!
Willow: Your body belongs to me!!
Gohan: Father!!
Kulilin: Gokuh!!
Bulma: Son!!
Gohan: Father!!
Gohan: Stop this!!
Willow: He should almost be done!
Willow: You can destroy the others with our special `agent'
Kouchin: Yes sir
Gohan: I can defeat you by myself!!
Kulilin: Gohan!!
Kulilin: Piccolo!!
Gohan: Piccolo!!
Willow: Son Gokuh, you really are the one for me!!
Willow: This just makes me want you more!!
Gokuh: Piccolo...!
Gohan: Piccolo!
Gohan: Piccolo, you came too!!
Gokuh: Gohan!! Stay away from him!!
Gohan: Piccolo...
Gohan: Piccolo...father...
Kouchin: We fixed things so that we could control the evil in the Arch Demon Piccolo's heart!!
Gohan: Stop it!!
Gohan: Put Piccolo back to normal!!
Kouchin: I can' do that!
Kouchin: He's a completely loyal slave of Dr. Willow now!
Gokuh: Stop it, Piccolo!!
Gohan: Stop it Piccolo!!
Gohan: Please, stop this!!
Bulma: I don't care about that, someone let me out!!
Kulilin: That's easy to say but....
Bulma: It looks like you're going to have to shut off the power first!
Kulilin: Either that or destroy it!
Gohan: Stop it! Piccolo!!
Gohan: Piccolo!!
Gokuh: GOhan!!
Gokuh: Get away from him!!
Gokuh: He's no longer the Piccolo you know!!
Gohan: Piccolo's not evil!!
Gohan: Stop this!!
Gokuh: Watch out Gohan!!
Kulilin: Gohan!!
Gokuh: Gohan!!
Gohan: Piccolo...Father...
Gohan: It's all....
Gohan: Your fault!!!
Willow: What!? How can he be that strong!!
Gohan: I won't let you do this!!
Kouchin: Brat!! What do you think you can do about it!?
Willow: Stop it Kouchin!!
Willow: Don't attack him any more!!
Gohan: It's all your fault!!
Kouchin: Kid, go home and breast feed off your mother!!
Willow: Kouchin, stop this!!
Kulilin: Release Bulma!!
Dareka: Piccolo!
Piccolo: Son...
Gohan: Piccolo!!
Gokuh: Gohan!!
Willow: It looks like it's my turn to act!
Willow: You really are valiant!!
Kouchin: Dr. Willow!!
Kouchin: Dr. Willow!!
Kouchin: Dr. Willow!!
Willow: Son GOkuh!
Willow: I will have no more use for this ugly body after I have yours!!
Willow: Soon I will be resurrected as the strongest and most brilliant being in creation!!
Bulma: No way!!
Gokuh: I feel a strong power flowing from him!!
Piccolo: You're the one that tried to control me!!
Piccolo: You're going to pay for that!!
Piccolo: Absolutely!!
Gohan: Piccolo!
Willow: Do you think that you can defeat me!?
Kame: Use the Kame-Hame-Ha!!
Mina: KAME....
Mina: HAME....
Mina: HAAA!!!!
Gokuh: It's not working!!
Dareka: Kulilin!!
Gokuh: I'll have to use the Kai-Oo-Ken!!
Gokuh: Stop it Gohan!!
Willow: Die!!
Gokuh: Grow, Compliant Staff!!
Gokuh: Piccolo!!
Gokuh: I'll have to go as high as my body can take!!
Gokuh: Three times Kai-Oo-Ken!!
Gokuh: KAME...
Gokuh: HAME...
Gokuh: HA!!!
Gokuh: Four times!!
Kame: You did it Gokuh!!
Gokuh: No, not yet!!
Gokuh: He's still alive!
Kulilin: Even after taking that attack!?
Willow: Now you've done it Son GOkuh...
Willow: I'll just have to destroy you and the Earth will as much power as I have!!
Gokuh: Watch out, get outta here!!
Gohan: Father!!
GOkuh: I'll have to use my final attack!
Gokuh: Stay here, I'll defeat him with the Genki-Dama!!
Gohan: Father!!
Gokuh: Earth! Oceans! Sky! And everything that lives on the Earth...
Kulilin: I can't see!!
Gokuh: ...give me a little of your strength!!
Gokuh: It's not just for me! It's for all of you too!!
Gokuh: Please!!
Gokuh: This is for everyone!!
Willow: What's that!?
Willow: The whole Earth's unsettled...!!
Gokuh: Give me a little of your energy!!
Gokuh: The Genki-Dama almost ready!!
Gokuh: It's done!!
Gokuh: I've collected energy from the whole Earth!!
Willow: What's he trying to do!?
Gokuh: Genki-Dama!!
Willow: Take this!!
Gohan: Father!!
Kulilin: Gokuh!!
Gohan: Father!!
Dareka: It's no good, his energy level's still going up!!
Kulilin: Gohan!!
Willow: Die!!
Gohan: Piccolo!
Piccolo: We're going to have to stop him with our full strength!!
Gohan: Yes sir!!
Willow: What!?
Kulilin: Why's this always happen to me!?
Willow: Be blown to space-dust along with the Earth!!
Gokuh: I'm nice and warm now!!
Kulilin: Shit!! He did it!!
Gokuh: Thank you everyone!
Gokuh: Get him!!
Willow: What's that!? What's going on!?
Willow: Son...Gokuh...
Dareka: Here he is!! He's still alive!!
Gohan: Father!!
Gokuh: Hiya!
Gokuh: Piccolo, we did it!!
Piccolo: You did well Gohan!!
Narrator: Dr. Willow's plans fell to naught
Narrator: Someone with the same evil intentions might come along again
Narrator: But Son Gokuh will be here to stop him!!
Kame: There is one thing I admire about Dr. Willow
Kame: He said I was the strongest in the world!!
Bulma: Only in your perversion!!
The End