Title: Translation of Dragon Ball Z Movie 3
Title: Translated by Usagi North -- A Division of Z-TV Enterprises
Title: The Whole World's a Battle Field
Gokuh: Someone who looks just like me is trying to take over the Earth
Gokuh: I can't lose to him!!
Gokuh: Dragon Ball Z Movie -- The Whole World's a Battle Field

Oolong: What are you all laughing at!?
Gohan: I'm sorry I'm late everyone!
Oolong: Gohan, why are you dressed up like that!?
Gohan: My mother said I had to be prepared for anything
Oolong: This is just a camping trip
Oolong: What in the world is your mom thinking!?
Bulma: That's an incredible back pack
Bulma: What's in it?
Gohan: Mother put a lot of stuff in it
Gohan: A language workbook...and a math book and a recipe book
Gohan: And a book on the philosophy of society, and a sleep learning set
Gohan: And there's also mosquito repellent, and a scarf...
Gohan: And an alarm clock and all kinds of curry and canned food...
Gohan: And then there's....
Gohan: And this other...
Kulilin: FIRE!!
Bulma: We've got to run up wind!!
Oolong: Which way is up wind!!!?
Kulilin: Gohan, let's blow out the fire with our `kis'
Kulilin: Do you think you can?
Gohan: Yes
Kulilin: Let's go!
Gohan: Get out of here now!!
Bulma: I was worried there for a moment
Oolong: You've saved us
Gohan: Where are the animals going to live?
Gohan: That's so sad
Kulilin: Go..Gohan...
Kulilin: Bulma, lend me the Dragon Radar?
Bulma: The Dragon Radar?
Gohan: I see
Bulma: You are a couple of nice kids
Gohan: Kulilin!
0:00:18.14 0:00:23.23 {Song:} Brightness penetrating the clouds Fly away (Fly away)
0:00:23.29 0:00:30.14 {Song:} Inside my body a wide panorama opens up
0:00:30.14 0:00:36.07 {Song:} The Earth's been punched in the face and has gotten angry (angry)
0:00:36.07 0:00:42.24 {Song:} It's going to blow up a volcano
0:00:42.27 0:00:47.27 {Song:} If I find a dinosaur
0:00:49.15 0:00:57.29 {Song:} In some melting ice, I want to train it ride a ball
0:00:58.15 0:01:02.00 {Song:} Cha-la Head-Cha-La
0:01:02.00 0:01:10.26 {Song:} I don't care, no matter what happens
0:01:10.26 0:01:14.14 {Song:} Cha-La Head Cha-La
0:01:14.14 0:01:18.02 {Song:} My chest is full of excitement
0:01:18.02 0:01:20.17 {Song:} I'm a ball of energy out of control
0:01:20.17 0:01:23.25 {Song:} Cha-La Head-Cha-La
0:01:23.25 0:01:31.14 {Song:} It's easier for new dreams to enter an empty head
0:01:32.23 0:01:36.10 {Song:} Cha-La Head-Cha-La
0:01:36.10 0:01:39.29 {Song:} By a smile's Ultra Z
0:01:39.29 0:01:43.10 {Song:} Today's going to be great too ai yai yai yai yai
0:01:43.10 0:01:46.16 {Song:} Sparking
Title: The Whole World's a Battle Field
Gohan: Haiya Dragon, come back!!
Gohan: Don't do that, Shen-Lon's going to fix everything!!
Oolong: Shen-Lon looks scary so it's no wonder that Haiya Dragon's frightened
Shen-Lon: Name thy request!
Shen-Lon: I will grant any single request!
Gohan: Change this forest back to the way it was!!
Shen-Lon: Simply done!
Shen-Lon: Thy request is granted
Shen-Lon: Farewell!!
Gohan: You're tickling me!!
Underling: Lord Taurus, there are life signs on the Earth
Taurus: Impossible, the Earth's the planet that Kakarotto was sent to destroy
Taurus: It's too beautiful for that to have happened
Minion: Rejoice, Lord Taurus!
Minion: It's like the Earth's been prepared for the Tree of Heaven
Chi-Chi: Gokuh, how's the bath?
Gokuh: It's a little cold Chi-Chi!
Gohan: Father, let's have a tickle fight!
Chi-Chi: Gokuh!
Gohan: I give!
Gohan: Haiya Dragon!
Chi-Chi: Gohan!!
Gohan: I told you about him before. He's my friend
Gohan: See, he found my house
Gohan: Isn't he cute?
Chi-Chi: How?
Chi-Chi: Gohan, you're getting worse and worse!
Chi-Chi: After you started playing around with Gokuh's friends you've stopped studying!
Gokuh: It doesn't matter Chi-Chi
Chi-Chi: Stay out of this Gokuh!
Chi-Chi: I can't let him play around like this any more!
Gohan: I'll study
Chi-Chi: That's more like the Gohan I know
Gohan: So can I keep Haiya Dragon?
Chi-Chi: Take him back to the mountains!
Chi-Chi: I hate those things
Gohan: But...
Chi-Chi: Were you listening to me!?
Chi-Chi: Take him back now!!
Gohan: I'm sorry!
Gohan: Could you please go back to the mountains?
Gohan: I'll go there and play with you sometimes
Gohan: Go away, please!
Gohan: She said you can't stay here
Gohan: Oh well...
Gokuh: Gohan
Gokuh: What do you think Gohan?
Gohan: Thank you father!
Gokuh: But don't tell your mother
Yamucha: How does it feel to ride in this, Puaru?
Puaru: It feels great!!
Yamucha: It better, I bought it with a 15 year loan
Puaru: I can't believe they trusted you that much
Yamucha: I've been to the Tenka Ichi Budokai a lot, so I'm kind of famous
Yamucha: Everyone should be surprised to see me driving this
Puaru: That's right!!
Puaru: Yamucha!
Yamucha: Who does that `ki' belong to!?
Piccolo: I've felt an unlucky `ki' for a while...
Minion: Grow big and strong!
Minion: Hurry up and grow your fruit!
Gohan: Does this feel good?
Gokuh: Gohan, it's dinner time!
Gohan: Okay!
Gohan: Bye! See ya later! Let's play again!!
Gohan: Bye bye!
Taurus: I can't believe that the Earth would be this good for growing the Tree of Heaven
Taurus: It's because Kakarotto left this planet undamaged
Gokuh: That's terrible
Yamucha: And I still have to pay off that 15 year loan
Yamucha: Thank you
Yamucha: I'm sorry for dropping in on you like this
Bulma: Why'd you buy something that expensive!?
Bulma: Were you trying to pick up girls again!?
Yamucha: No, you've mistaken me
Bulma: I can't believe you bought that without thinking of the future!!
Kame: Chi-Chi thanks for your warm hospitality!
Chi-Chi: It's nothing
Chi-Chi: As long as you don't get in the way of Gohan's studies you can stay as long as you like
Yamucha: I'm a great tutor! Let me teach him!
Chi-Chi: That's what I'm worried about the most!
Gohan: It's Haiya Dragon!
Chi-Chi: Gohan, haven't you taken him back yet?
Gohan: Well...
Gokuh: Let him keep it
Chi-Chi: Gokuh, are you taking Gohan's side against me!?
Gokuh: No, it's not that...
Gohan: You can't come here, go back to your cave
Gohan: What's wrong?
Chi-Chi: Gohan! We've got guests!
Chi-Chi: Take that thing back!!
Gohan: Okay
Gohan: I'm sorry, but wait for me in the cave
Gohan: I'm sorry, I can't play with you now!!
Gohan: No!!
Gokuh: Something doesn't seem right
Chi-Chi: He just wants to play!
Kai-Oo: Gokuh!
Gokuh: Kai-Oo!!
Kai-Oo: Something terrible's going on!
Gokuh: What do you mean!?
Kai-Oo: A terrible tree call the Tree of Heaven has spread its roots all over the Earth
Gokuh: The Tree of Heaven?
Kai-Oo: Only gods are allowed to eat the fruit of that tree!!
Kai-Oo: Once a Tree of Heaven spreads its roots it sucks all the life out of the soil
Kai-Oo: It dries up all the plants on the planet and changes the whole planet into a desert
Kai-Oo: It's said that not even a blade of grass will grow for hundreds of years!!
Gokuh: What do you mean!?
Kai-Oo: I mean that once it spreads its roots it's too late
Kai-Oo: It takes all of the life from the planet and changes the planet into a desert!
Gokuh: What about our Earth?
Kai-Oo: I'm sorry, but it's too late for your planet
Gokuh: I don't believe you!!
Minion: Only a little longer until it starts to bear fruit
Minion: After we eat the fruit after the tree's sucked up this much energy, we should get a lot
Minion: This Crusher Taurus Group will be able to stop worrying about anyone elese
Minion: Freeza will be easy to defeat!
Minion: Lord Taurus will become the Emporer of the Universe!!
Minion: And it's all because of the fruit of the Tree of Heaven!
Taurus: No
Taurus: It's all due to that fool, Kakarotto!
Bulma: The tree will destroy all plant life?
Yamucha: And suck up all the water!!?
Gokuh: I don't know...
Oolong: But is it really too late after that tree sprouts?
Gokuh: If we all work together we should be able to destroy that tree!
Kulilin: You're right!!
Kulilin: Let's do it everyone!
Chaozu: Okay!!
Tenshin-Han: Let's do it!!
Chi-Chi: Gohan, you can't go
Gohan: But...
Kulilin: We just had Shen-Lon fix this forest too
Yamucha: Who could have done this!?
Gokuh: Let's do it!
Kulilin: Gokuh, let's do it again
Yamucha: I don't think so, not without destroying the Earth in the process
Minion: No one can destroy the Tree of Heaven
Tenshin-Han: I feel a great `ki' in him
Tenshin-Han: Who could he be?
Gokuh: You planted this tree didn't you!?
Minion: Anyone who tries to stop us will die
Yamucha: You caused that explosion didn't you!
Yamucha: Give me back my new car!!
Kulilin: They don't look like Saiyajin, but I still have a bad feeling about this
Gohan: Doesn't he like me any more?
Gohan: He must have gone back to the forest because I got mad at him
Gohan: Haiya Dragon!!
Yamucha: You're going to pay back my loan!!
Tenshin-Han: Chaozu!!
Minion: Raisin!
Minion: Lakusei!
Minions: We're twins!!
Tenshin-Han: Tai-Yo-Ken!!
Kulilin: Ki-En-Zan!!
Kulilin: Take this!!
Minion: You have to fight like this if you want to win!!
Kulilin: Damn
Yamucha: So-Ki-Dan!!
Gokuh: Yamucha!!
Minion: You have to fight me!!
Minion: Are you trying to run!?
Minion: Who's there!?
Gohan: How dare you destroy the animals' houses!!
Minion: Damn, it's another brat to fight!
Taurus: He's strong!!
Taurus: I don't believe it
Taurus: That brat's a...
Taurus: He's a Saiyajin
Minion: I'm not going to hold back this time, prepare to die!!
Gohan: Ma-Sen-Ko!!
Minion: What's going on here!?
Minion: Where is that brat!?
Gohan: I'm right here!!
Minion: What!?
Gohan: I did it!!
Taurus: He really is one!!
Gohan: That's odd, where did Haiya Dragon go?
Gohan: I hope he's hiding somewhere in safety
Gohan: Father?
Taurus: I see, you must be Kakarotto's son
Gohan: You're not my father!!
Taurus: It's not odd that Kakarotto and I look alike
Taurus: Since we low-class Saiyajin are used and thrown away, there aren't many different types of
Taurus: You have a fighting strength of 10,000
Taurus: That's proof enough that you are a great Saiyajin warrior!
Gohan: Who are you!?
Taurus: You want to know who I am
Gohan: You're a Saiyajin!!
Taurus: That's right, my name is Taurus!
Gohan: Taurus!?
Taurus: Don't you want to join me kid?
Taurus: You can do whatever you want in space
Taurus: You can destroy any planet you want
Taurus: Eat great food
Taurus: Get drunk on great liquor!
Taurus: There's no life better than that!!
Gohan: I'd never join you!!
Taurus: Don't do that
Taurus: There aren't that many of us Saiyajin left
Taurus: We should get along
Taurus: Anyway this green planet will soon become a red desert
Taurus: You should come with me
Taurus: Or would you rather die now?
Taurus: Something's coming
Taurus: It has a fighting strength of 18,000
Taurus: Who is it!?
Taurus: What the hell are you!?
Gohan: It's Piccolo!!
Piccolo: Let go of Gohan!!
Taurus: I'm going to have to refuse!
Piccolo: Don't fuck with me!!
Gohan: Piccolo!!
Piccolo: Are you okay?
Gohan: Not bad
Taurus: You should live the life of a Saiyajin!
Taurus: Otherwise you're wasting that beautuful tail of yours
Taurus: Let me show you how to use it
Taurus: So that you can use it as you will!!
Taurus: Do you know what this is?
Taurus: It's the moon!
Taurus: Spring forth and grow bright!!
Taurus: Brat, show me your power as a Saiyajin!!
Gokuh: Don't look Gohan!!
Taurus: I almost changed into a monkey as well
Taurus: But my power ball should last be effective for a little longer
Taurus: Show me your true form!!
Gokuh: What have you done to Gohan!!?
Minion: Die!!
Gokuh: Damn you!!
Gokuh: You're in my way!!
Gokuh: Gohan!!
Gokuh: Gohan!!
Gokuh: Kai-Oo-Ken!!
Gokuh: Gohan!!
Taurus: Being killed by your own son, that's the Saiyajin way!
Taurus: Kakarotto, after you die I'll take care of your son, so don't worry!!
Piccolo: Son, cut off his tail!!
Gokuh: Piccolo!!
Taurus: Stay out of this!!
Taurus: Don't you ever die!?
Gokuh: Gohan!! Gohan!!
Taurus: You're going to get squashed like a bug!!
Taurus: Why!?
Taurus: Why are you, a warrior Saiyajin, wasting your time with scum like that!?
Gokuh: Gohan and I aren't Saiyajin, we're Earthlings!!
Taurus: Really?
Gokuh: Gohan!!
Taurus: Isn't that how Saiyajin act?
Taurus: Fool, do you think you can stand against me!?
Taurus: It looks like I was too nice offering to take that traitors son
Taurus: Die!
Gokuh: Gohan!
Gohan: Father
Gohan: Father, protect the Earth
Gokuh: Gohan!!
Gokuh: I don't know if I can protect the Earth, but I can protect you!
Gokuh: And I promise to defeat him!!
Taurus: Kakarotto, you're a blot on the proud name of Saiyajin
Gokuh: I'm not Kakarotto! I'm Gokuh!
Minion: Lord Taurus! Leave him up to us
Minion: They are pretty strong, but they're no match for us
Minion: That was pretty dangerous
Gokuh: Get out of my way!!
Minion: Don't fuck with us
Piccolo: Watching fights from on high is fun, isn't it!?
Taurus: I almost felt that
Gokuh: You're in my way!!
Taurus: Kakarott since you've made your way to me, I'll allow you and your brat to join me
Gokuh: I told you I am Son Gokuh!!
Taurus: Do you think you can fight me, after all the fruit of the Tree of Heaven I've eaten?
Taurus: The difference between our strengths is as great as the seperation between heaven and Earth
Gokuh: I won't know until I try!!
Gokuh: I'm really glad I hit my head when I was a kid
Gokuh: I didn't have to turn out like you!!
Gokuh: I can't let you get away now!!
Taurus: Fighting strength -- 30,000!!
Taurus: What is he!? His fighting strength is going up!!
Taurus: I've won
Taurus: You can't fight me now!
Taurus: I'll build a grave for you in the center of this desert planet!!
Taurus: It's the least I can do for another Saiyajin!
Taurus: Is that all the strength you have!?
Taurus: I wanted to play with you longer
Gokuh: Kai-Oo-Ken!!
Gokuh: Ten times!!
Taurus: If you beg me for your life I'll let you live
Gokuh: I promised Gohan...I can't lose
Taurus: Well Kakarotto?
Gokuh: I'm Son Gokuh!!
Taurus: Then die!!
Taurus: That's the best that a low class warrior can do
Taurus: But I'm different. I've eaten of the Tree of Heaven
Taurus: I'm going to conquer the universe!
Yamucha: Gokuh, use the Genki Dama
Yamucha: Shoot him with the Genka Dama
Gokuh: I can't do it Piccolo and Yamucha. I don't have the power
Kulilin: Don't forget that I'm here Gokuh
Chaozu: Me too
Gokuh: Kulilin! Chaozu!
Piccolo: I'm alive too!!
Gohan: Father!!
Gokuh: Gohan!!
Gokuh: Everyone...
Taurus: You're still alive!?
Taurus: Obstinant fools
Gokuh: Earth! Ocean! Sky!
Gokuh: Everything that's alive on the Earth, give me a little of your energy
Gokuh: For your sakes, for the Earth's sake -- give me your energy!
Gokuh: Please!
Taurus: Kakarotto!?
Taurus: OUTTA MY WAY!!
Gokuh: I've done it
Taurus: What's that?
Gokuh: You're going to pay Taurus!!
Gokuh: Take this!!
Kulilin: Most of the Earth's energy been taken by the Tree of Heaven
Kulilin: There wasn't enough energy left for the Genki Dama to work!!
Kulilin: There's nothing we can do
Taurus: With this much strength, I have nothing to fear!!
Gokuh: That's warm
Gokuh: What is it?
Piccolo: Son
Kulilin: Gokuh's taking energy from the Tree of Heaven
Gokuh: That's warm!!
Gokuh: Taurus!
Taurus: Kakarotto, aren't you dead yet?
Gokuh: You're going to pay!!
Gohan: Haiya Dragon!
Kai-Oo: The Earth might be saved because the Tree of Heaven was destroyed
Kai-Oo: Because all of the concentrated energy in the fruit of the Tree of Heaven, Gokuh was able
to make a Super Genki Dama
Kai-Oo: And because that pure life force showered down on the Earth everything was able to get its
energy back
Bulma: Son, thank goodness you hit your head when you were a baby
Kame: That's right!
Kame: Otherwise you might have joined with Taurus and gone around the universe destroying things!
Gokuh: But it gave me a scar right here
Oolong: Haiya Dragon, you helped out a lot!
Oolong: You're really tenacious!
Oolong: He's just like Piccolo, he only likes Gohan!!
Oolong: He's too dangerous!!
Title: The End