Title: Translation of Dragon Ball Z Movie 4
Title: Translated by Usagi North -- A Division of Z-TV Enterprises
Title: The Super Saiyajin Son Gokuh!!
Gokuh: Hiya! This is Gokuh!
Gokuh: Another one of our movies is about to begin
Gokuh: One day Slag's warriors attacked the Earth!
Gokuh: They're planning on changing the world into ice and conquering it!
Gokuh: We won't let that happen!!
Gokuh: But Slag sure is strong!
Gokuh: I can't beat him by myself!
Gokuh: Piccolo, Kulilin, Gohan, let's work together to save the Earth!
Gokuh: Dragon Ball Z -- The Super Saiyajin Son Gokuh!
Gohan: Help us out, okay!
Gohan: Piccolo!
Gohan: Hey Piccolo!!
Gohan: Haiya Dragon's learned to dance to my whistling
Gohan: He's really good at it
Gohan: Watch Piccolo!
Gohan: Here I go, Haiya Dragon!
Piccolo: Stop it
Piccolo: I told you to stop that!!
Gohan: I'm sorry I bothered your training Piccolo
Bulma: Papa, what's going on?
Briefs: It should arrive on the Earth this afternoon
Bulma: You mean it's going to hit the Earth?
Oolong: Why don't you shoot it down with a missile!?
Briefs: You see...there's life signs on that planet
Oolong: What do you mean!?
Bulma: It means there are things living there
Bulma: What can we do!?
News: This is a computer simulation
News: If it hits the Earth, the Earth will be destroyed!!
News: We don't have any time left!!
News: Good bye everyone!!
News: Good bye!!
Kulilin: That's terrible
Kulilin: I can't just sit here and watch!
Kulilin: I...I...
Kulilin: I want to get married at least once!!
Kulilin: He's too passed out for me to get through to him
Gokuh: Kulilin, all we want to do is change its path
Gokuh: We don't want to destroy it
Kulilin: Okay
Kulilin: Bulma told me that that planet has life
Gokuh: Here it comes!!
Bulma: If Son fails that'll be the end of the Earth
Oolong: We're counting on you Gokuh...Kulilin!!
Chi-Chi: Gokuh!
Gohan: Father
Gokuh: What!?
Bulma: We're going to die!!
Title: The Super Saiyajin Son Gokuh {In Red}
Bulma: We're still alive
Bulma: It looks like we got by with a near miss
Bulma: That planet blew up
Gohan: Father and Kulilin saved us
Gohan: What's that?
Bulma: Let's go take a look
Crowd: What's that?
Crowd: What's going on!?
Crowd: What are they?
Minion: As of now, this planet belongs to the King of the Universe, Lord Slag!!
Minion: The Galaxy belongs to Slag!!
Man: What!?
Man: He said the King of the Universe
Man: What an idiot
Chi-Chi: What's he talking about?
Chi-Chi: This doesn't look right
Oolong: I've got a bad feeling about this
Oolong: It's giving me goose-bumps
Bulma: You don't get \Igoose bumps\N, you get \Ipig bumps\N!!
Minion: Hey, Gyosh!
Minion: How long will it take to fix this planet?
Minion: According to the data we've gotten since we've landed, this is going to be difficult
Minion: What are you talking about!?
Minion: It's your job to fix that!!
Minion: Lord Slag is getting old, we need to hurry as fast as we can!!
Minion: Lord Slag
Minion: I was just...
Slag: What do you think Gyush?
Minion: Small changes in the planet should give us the power
Slag: How long will it take?
Minion: 10 days should be enough
Slag: What do you think Kakuja?
Minion: Give me 3 days
Minion: You've made me incredibly happy
Minion: I'm going to work on this body and soul!!
Bulma: They really do want to take over the Earth
Oolong: Let's get out of here!!
Chi-Chi: Gohan!!
Slag: What's that kid?
Chi-Chi: Gohan!!
Bulma: Chi-Chi!!
Chi-Chi: Duck, Gohan!!
Gohan: Mother...
Chi-Chi: I'm pretty good myself!
Gohan: Mother!
Slag: This is a Dragon Ball
Gohan: How does he...?
Gohan: He's incredibly strong!!
Bulma: Hey you!!
Bulma: Are you the one responsible for this!?
Oolong: Hey Bulma!!
Oolong: I'm not saying this!!
Bulma: What do you want with us!?
Minion: If you obey us, you won't get hurt
Minion: Lord Slag, who's conquered many planetary systems and stars has decided to enlighten this
planet as well
Bulma: But that's...
Minion: Lord Slag has taken an extreme liking to this healthy young planet
Minion: That's why he's going to convert it into his new planetary cruiser
Bulma: You can't change a planet into spaceship!!
Minion: It's easy with our science!
Minion: We will take over this planet with our science as well
Bulma: But that's...
Slag: Girl, this is a Dragon Ball isn't it
Bulma: Why do you know that...?
Slag: Buried deep in my memory is something like this
Slag: It will grant any request you may have
Bulma: That show's how stupid you are, you have to have all 7 Dragon Balls
Gohan: Bulma!
Slag: You're too late
Slag: Let me read your mind
Oolong: I have nothing to do with this!!
Oolong: I'm not with her!!
Gohan: Bulma!
Bulma: Gohan!
Slag: This really is an incredible item
Slag: Use that to find the other Dragon Balls
Slag: You have less than an hour!
Minion: What!? Just an hour!?
Minion: Medamatcha!
Minion: Yes, joyfully!!
Slag: Come to me Shen-Lon!
Slag: And grant my wish!!
Kai-Oo: The Earth's caught the attention of something terrible!!
Shen-Lon: Name thy Request!
Shen-Lon: I will grant any single wish you have!
Slag: Give me eternal youth!!
Slag: Return me to my youth when I was full of power!!
Shen-Lon: Simply done!
Slag: I'm back!
Slag: I'm back to the flower of my youth!
Slag: I'm back to my full power!!
Shen-Lon: I have granted thy wish!
Shen-Lon: Farewell!!
Slag: Now I no longer need to fear dying of old age!
Slag: There's nothing for me to be afraid of!!
Slag: Now that I am young, the bounds of the universe are mine!
Slag: Finish the reconstruction of the Earth!
Minion: Yes sir
Minion: At last it's a perfect world for us demons
Minion: It's still a little too hot
Minion: We demons can't survive an hour of full sunlight
Minion: The Earthlings are completely out now
Minion: They're as good as dead
Minion: Our underlings should work faster now too
Gokuh: I'm alive
Gokuh: The Kame Hame Ha worked
Yaji-Robe: What in the world are you muttering about!?
Gokuh: Yaji-Robe!
Yaji-Robe: You're alive because I gave you a senzu
Yaji-Robe: It was hard to find you two
Gokuh: I see
Gokuh: This is terrible
Gokuh: Where did that cloud come from?
Yaji-Robe: Bye! You take care of the rest
Yaji-Robe: I'm so cold I think I'm going to freeze to death
Yaji-Robe: Cold...
Kulilin: Yaji-Robe, give me a senzu too!!
Yaji-Robe: Oops, I forgot the pachinko head was here too
Kulilin: What did you call me!?
Yaji-Robe: If you don't like it, I don't have to give you a senzu
Kulilin: Wait, come back!!
Yaji-Robe: Oh well, here!
Bulma: Chi-Chi, don't put yourself out too much
Chi-Chi: I'm okay
Chi-Chi: That's nothing
Bulma: See!
Chi-Chi: I'm okay
Chi-Chi: Gohan!
Chi-Chi: I brought you some hot soup!
Chi-Chi: Gohan!?
Chi-Chi: Gohan's gone!
Chi-Chi: And the `dogi' he got from Piccolo
Bulma: Wait, Oolong's gone too!
Bulma: Nonsense
Oolong: Gohan, let's go home!
Oolong: It's too cold for us to do anything
Oolong: Let's eat some hot ramen
Oolong: You can't win, it's impossible
Gohan: If you want to go home, go ahead
Oolong: I know, I'm with you
Minion: What are you doing there!?
Gohan: Oolong, over here!!
Minion: It's that brat!!
Minion: Get him!
Oolong: There's a lot of 'em coming at us!!
Oolong: What can we do!?
Oolong: Play dead
Oolong: Ouch!!
Slag: I love being young!
Gohan: Isn't there any end to them!?
Minion: Shoot him!
Minion: Get him!
Gohan: Piccolo!
Minion: Slag!!
Slag: What!?
Slag: You're bothering me!!
Gohan: Thank you, Piccolo!
Gohan: Gohan, the real fight starts now!!
Minion: You wimps, leave this up to me
Kulilin: This is terrible. Everything's frozen!
Minion: He doesn't look like much of an opponent
Minion: Medamatcha, I'll let you take the kid
Minion: Damn luck
Minion: I'm the most unlucky
Piccolo: Don't fuck with me, small fry
Minion: What!?
Minion: At least you're pretty good at running away!!
Piccolo: You think that's all I can do!?
Minion: Shut up!!
Minion: He's strong
Gohan: Crap!
Minion: You're pretty good, but I've got your number now!
Minion: Take this!!
Minion: They're going to suck all the energy out of you!!
Minion: How do you like that!?
Minion: Come down here!!
Minion: I'll finish you off with one blast!
Minion: Stop, you're a demon too!!
Minion: Why not join us!?
Minion: After all you can't compete with Lord Slag!
Minion: I knew since we were both demons, we could work this out!
Minion: Damn that Dorodabo!
Minion: What a wimp
Minion: One down!!
Piccolo: Gohan!!
Minion: It looks like you lost most of your energy!
Minion: I'll make all your pain go away now!!
Piccolo: Gohan!
Minion: Wait you have to fight me first!!
Piccolo: Fuck you!!
Piccolo: Do you think I'd let you do that!!?
Minion: Fool, you're too late!!
Minion: Oops!
Piccolo: Gohan!!
Minion: We're not done yet!
Minion: Look how dirty I got beating him
Minion: Today really wasn't my lucky day!
Minion: Time to finish off the kid too!
Minion: I hope you enjoy each other's company in hell!!
Minion: Who's there!?
Minion: You didn't have to come to us to die!
Minion: You were fated to freeze to death soon anyway!
Minion: Hey! You're supposed to listen to me!!
Minion: You jerk!
Gokuh: Hang in there Gohan!
Gohan: Father
Gokuh: Gohan! You've done enough
Gokuh: You can leave the rest up to me
Piccolo: Son!
Minion: What a stupid jerk
Gokuh: You can't fight me!
Gokuh: I won't say anything bad...
Gokuh: Get rid of that cloud thing and leave the Earth
Minion: Did you hear that Angira?
Minion: We're not strong enough to fight him
Minion: He must be incredibly strong!
Minion: He doesn't apreciate our strength!
Gokuh: I'm not going to say anything bad...
Minion: Shut up!
Minion: Hey, where did he go!?
Minion: Damn him!
Angira: Medamatcha!!
Slag: That strength...
Slag: What is he?
Minion: Don't ignore me!
Minion: Enough playing around!!
Angira: Now, Medamatcha!!
Kulilin: Gokuh!!
Minion: Impossible!!
Kulilin: I'm not going to have a turn
Slag: You pieces of crap, how dare you call yourselves my followers!
Gokuh: Are you Slag!?
Slag: You're a Saiyajin, aren't you?
Gokuh: I'm an Earthling, leave the Earth now!!
Slag: Why not, this is the perfect chance to test my renewed youth!
Gokuh: That `ki!'
Gokuh: He's completely different than the others!!
Kulilin: I guess he's mine!
Kulilin: You can leave him up to me!
Gokuh: Stop! You can't fight him!!
Kulilin: Why does this always happen to me!?
Gokuh: Kulilin!!
Gokuh: Damn!
Slag: What's wrong? Is that the best you can do!?
Slag: I thought you were a Saiyajin, but I guess I'm wrong!
Gokuh: He's strong!
Piccolo: Gohan!
Gokuh: I can't fight him!
Gokuh: And I trained so hard!!
Slag: How many more seconds do you have left?
Gokuh: Shit...
Slag: Oops, it's not over yet!
Gokuh: I won't lose
Gokuh: I can't lose
Gokuh: Everyone...
Gokuh: Lend me your strength!
Gokuh: Please lend me your strength!!
Gokuh: Give me your strength!
Kai-Oo: It won't work!
Kai-Oo: You can't defend the Earth with your strength!
Slag: Let's finish this soon
Slag: Die!!
Slag: What!?
Slag: I don't believe it, he's still getting stronger!
Kai-Oo: What!? I didn't believe Gokuh had this much strength left!
Kai-Oo: Impossible!
Kai-Oo: Is that the power of a Super Saiyajin!?
Slag: How can he be this strong!?
Slag: What is he!?
Slag: I didn't think you were this good
Slag: I'll just have to show you my true strength!!
Gokuh: What!?
Gokuh: Impossible!!
Gokuh: What are you!?
Kai-Oo: I know what's going on Gokuh!
Gokuh: Is that you Kai-Oo!?
Kai-Oo: Slag is like the Earth's god in that he was a refugee from the danger on Namek
Kai-Oo: As a baby Namek-seijin he was sent to the planet Slag!
Kai-Oo: But he wasn't a normal Namek-seijin!
Slag: Are you terrified of my true form!?
Kai-Oo: He doesn't realize it himself
Kai-Oo: But sometimes there's a freak mutation in Namek-seijin that causes them to be evil from
Kai-Oo: That means he's much more evil than Piccolo ever was!!
Kai-Oo: Because Slag is 100 percent pure evil!!
Kai-Oo: He's a Super Namek-seijin!
Gokuh: A Super Namek-seijin!?
Kai-Oo: According to my reasoning, he's stronger than Freeza and probably stronger than a Super
Gokuh: Shit!
Slag: What are you going to do now!?
Slag: It's over!
Gokuh: Not yet!
Gohan: Father!!
Kulilin: Gokuh!!
Piccolo: Son!!
Slag: You fought well, but it's over now!
Slag: Die!
Piccolo: I'm a Namek-seijin like you!
Slag: What!?
Piccolo: I know what your weaknesses are!
Slag: Damn you!
Slag: Damn you!!
Slag: How dare you interfere with me!?
Slag: What!?
Slag: What are you laughing about!?
Slag: What!?
Piccolo: Gohan! Whistle!!
Piccolo: Whistle that song you whistled at me!!
Gohan: Whistle?
Piccolo: Whistle the song that Haiya Dragon dances to!!
Piccolo: Hurry!!
Gohan: Piccolo
Piccolo: Hurry up and whistle!!
Gohan: Whistle...
Piccolo: Gohan, whistle!!
Piccolo: Hurry!!
Slag: I don't know what you're trying but it won't work against me
Piccolo: Whistle Gohan, whistle!!
Slag: What!?
Piccolo: Whistle!!
Slag: Stop it!!
Piccolo: I did it!!
Piccolo: Suffer!!
Slag: Damn you, so that's why you ripped off your ears!!
Kai-Oo: I see
Kai-Oo: Just like humans can't stand the sound of fingernails on chalkboards...
Kai-Oo: Human whistling causes Namek-seijin ears to ring in pain!
Kai-Oo: When that hits their nervous sytem, they can't stand it!
Piccolo: Son!
Piccolo: Gokuh!!
Piccolo: Take my power!!
Piccolo: The rest is up to you Gokuh!
Gokuh: Piccolo!!
Gokuh: I won't waste your help!!
Slag: Stop it!!
Slag: Stop it!!
Minion: Lord Slag!
Slag: Damn you!!
Gokuh: Kai-Oo-Ken!
Slag: How can he be so strong!!?
Gokuh: I did it!!
Kulilin: Gokuh!!
Gohan: Father!
Oolong: Gokuh! Did you win!?
Oolong: Thank goodness
Gokuh: Next is that cloud!!
Gokuh: Sun! You're the only thing left I can count on!
Gokuh: Give me a little of your energy!
Slag: Damn you!!
Gokuh: Ready!
Gokuh: Genki Dama!!
Kai-Oo: Son Gokuh!
Kai-Oo: You did well
Kai-Oo: It looks like Slag made a mistake when he stretched forth his hand to conquer the Earth
Kai-Oo: But you're strong if you can defeat a Namek-seijin
Kai-Oo: Gokuh, might be a Super Saiyajin!
Kulilin: Gokuh!
Gohan: Father!!
Gokuh: How'd you get healed!?
Gokuh: Yaji-Robe!!
Yaji-Robe: I thought something like this would happen
Yaji-Robe: So I brought some senzu
Kulilin: That's easy for you to say, you've been hiding all this time
Yaji-Robe: What are you talking about, I was...
Gohan: No way!
Kulilin: Impossible!!
Piccolo: Give me a senzu too
Gokuh: Piccolo!
Gokuh: Piccolo!
Gohan: Piccolo, your ears...!
Gohan: Wow, Piccolo
Kame: That was a good nap!
Kame: It looks like the weather's going to be great today!
Kame: One two three four!
Kame: Two two three four!
Kame: Three two three four!!
Title: The End