Translation of Dragon Ball Z Movie 5 The Incredible battle of the Best vs. the Best!
Translated by Usagi North

Voice: This is going to change everything...
Voice: My fate...
Voice: Kakarotto's fate...
Voice: and... your fate as well...!
Voice: Son Gokuh's father, Bardock, was the only person who knew that Freeza was about to
destroy the planet Vegeta and kill all the Saiyajin
Voice: Bardock bravely challenged Freeza to a fight
Voice: Also at that same time a space pod carrying the new-born low-class warrior Son Gokuh was
launched to Earth
Bardock: This is the end!!
Bardock: What!?
Sauza: This finishes off the Saiyajin too
Neizu: The Lord Freezer incredible
Dorei: What's this? A capsule? Put it on the screen
Neizu: It's a Saiyajin brat
Neizu: It's headed for a frontier planet called the Earth
Neizu: Should I shoot it down?
Cooler: Let it go!
Cooler: This is a seed that Freezer planted
Cooler: let him reap the consequences himself
Cooler: We've got to conquer 7 planets today
Cooler: Even though it's a baby...
Cooler: It's still a Saiyajin
Cooler: Freeza's been much to generous to allow the Saiyajin race and there planet exist this long
Cooler: Freezer's much too easy on them
Voice: Twenty some odd years later...
Title: The Incredible battle of the Best vs. the Best!
Kame: Gokuh!! That's enough training for today!
Gokuh: No gramps, I still have a lot to do!!
Kame: Gokuh's been getting stronger since he got back from The planet Namek
Gohan: And then I do this...
Chi-Chi: Gohan, you're working hard today
Chi-Chi: That damn dragon's back!
Chi-Chi: Go away, Gohan's studying
Gokuh: Hayao Dragon, don't bother Gohan when he's studying!
Chi-Chi: I can't believe Gokuh said that
Chi-Chi: Gokuh? Do you have a fever or something?
Gokuh: No I'm fine!
Chi-Chi: He's never said anything like this before
Chi-Chi: Like,"Study harder" or anything
Chi-Chi: There's got to be something wrong with him!
Chi-Chi: He must have fought too hard and gone funny in the head
Chi-Chi: That's it! That's got to be it!
Chi-Chi: I'll have to take care of him...
Chi-Chi: He can't be...
Gokuh: Gohan, hang in there and finish your homework
Chi-Chi: Gokuh
Gokuh: Do a good job!
Chi-Chi: Oops
Gokuh: Chi-Chi, what are you doing?
Gokuh: Gohan, finish up and let's go camping!
Chi-Chi: I was stupid for worrying about you
Gokuh: What? Gohan hurry up, we can't keep everyone waiting!
Chi-Chi: Everyone...?
Kulilin: Hi ya'
Chi-Chi: Gokuh!!!
Chi-Chi: Which is more important, camping or studying?
Gokuh: It's obvious...
Gokuh: Camping!
Cooler: What!?
Cooler: Are you trying to tell me that my brother Freeza was killed by a low life Saiyajin!?
Dorei: It's hard to believe but he was killed by a creature named Son Gokuh from a planet called
Cooler: That foolish Freezer, no matter how nice he was, I can't believe he was killed by one of
those monkeys
Cooler: Could it have been a Super Saiyajin...
Cooler: Sauza, we're embarking for Earth this instant!
Sauza: Yes, sir!
Cooler: We're going to erase that miserable planet that nurtured that Saiyajin...
Cooler: like we did to this planet
Voice: This smells great! Curry's perfect for camping
Kulilin: Now we just have to fry the fish that Gokuh's going to catch
Kulilin: Gohan! Get the firewood ready
Gohan: Okay!
Gokuh: This is big enough to fill up even Oolong's big stomach!
Gokuh: Who's there!?
Gohan: Here it is Kulilin
Kulilin: Put it over there
Kulilin: What was that!?
Kulilin: Gohan!!
Gohan: Kulilin..n....
Neizu: His fighting strength is only 50!
Sauza: Even if we allow for the fact that Dorei grabbed his tail that's a pitiful number
Gohan: What are you doing?
Oolong: Stop it! Stop!
Gokuh: Wait!
Dorei: Who are you?
Gokuh: I'm Son Gokuh.
Gokuh: Let Gohan go!
Sauza: You beat Lord Freezer!?
Neizu: His fighting strength isn't that much
Sauza: His fighting strength probably increases for a few seconds at a time
Sauza: You'll see if you test him out
Gokuh: Who are you?
Mina: We're Cooler's "DEFENSE SQUAD!"
Gokuh: Gohan, take care of Kulilin!
Gohan: Father!
Sauza: Not bad
Gohan: Kulilin! Kulilin!
Neizu: Damn monkey!
Dorei: Asshole!
Neizu: Don't surprise me like that!!
Mina: Lord Cooler!
Gokuh: Freezer...!?
Gohan: Father!
Gokuh: Gohan, stay away!
Cooler: The Saiyajin...
Cooler: ..must all die!!
Gohan: Father!
Sauza: They're going straight over the waterfall
Cooler: If he could attack back after taking one of my hits
Cooler: he just might have been able to kill Freezer
Sauza: Excellent work Lord Cooler, you gotten rid of all the Saiyajin
Cooler: Fool!
Cooler: He's still alive!
Cooler: Find him!
Gohan: Father!
Sauza: Damn! There no reading at all on my scouter
Sauza: Where'd they get to?
Sauza: I don't believe this, there no way he could have survived Cooler's Hakai-Kosen
Oolong: Are you awake yet
Kulilin: Oolong...Hayao-Dragon... Where's Gohan?
Gohan: Father! Father!
Gokuh: Gohan...
Gohan: Father?
Gokuh: I'm hurt...
Gohan: What's that!?
Dorei: Come out if you're still alive Saiyajin!
Sauza: If you don't show yourself we'll destroy this whole planet!
Gokuh: Gohan!
Dorei: Only a monster could survive that
Neizu: This is going to make it harder to find the body
Cooler: He's still not dead!
Cooler: Do whatever it takes to find him!
Cooler: Then bring him here
Cooler: It'd be easy to just destroy him along with this planet but my pride won't allow it
Cooler: I'm not doing this to get revenge for my brother
Cooler: But I have to kill the Saiyajin that dirtied my pride
Cooler: Do you understand?
Kulilin: Let's go!
Kulilin: What're you doing? Do you smell Gohan?
Kulilin: He's under this stone?
Kulilin: Gohan? Gohan? Can you hear me?
Kulilin: Gohan I'm going to move the stone, okay?
Gohan: Okay, but my father's been hurt bad
Gokuh: Be careful not to activate their scouters
Kulilin: I understand
Kulilin: Take care the other animals
Oolong: No prob!
Gokuh: Kulilin, I'm okay, but what about the animals
Kulilin: Oolong went to help them so don't worry
Oolong: Here we go...
Oolong: Kulilin!
Oolong: Help!
Kulilin: Damn!
Neizu: Found 'em!
Neizu: What the...?
Neizu: So that's what caused the response, it surprised me...
Kulilin: Shit! They might have noticed us because of that
Kulilin: We'll have to move fast
Kulilin: Gohan! I'll look after Gokuh, so go to Kalin's place and get some senzu
Gohan: Okay!
Kulilin: But don't use the Bu-Kuh technique!
Gohan: Okay! It's okay if I ride Hayao Dragon isn't it?
Kulilin: Gohan you're a good kid! Hurry up!
Gohan: Okay!
Kulilin: Fly as high as you can so they won't see you
Kulilin: We'll stay near here and hide
Gohan: Okay!
Sauza: Damn! Night's falling!
Gohan: Good! It looks like he didn't notice us
Gohan: GO! Hayao Dragon!
Gohan: You're so fast! You're doing good!
Kulilin: We're counting on you...
Kulilin: ....Gohan...!!
Gohan: Hang in there Hayao Dragon!
Gohan: I can see it! Just a little farther!
Gohan: Thanks, I won't be long so wait for me!
Gohan: Wait for me father! I be back soon!
Gohan: Good, I can see the top!
Gohan: Kalin-sama! Are you here!?
Kalin: Gokuh's been hurt bad...
Gohan: Yes sir, I came to ask for some senzu
Kalin: You started climbing the Kalin Tower from the middle...
Kalin: I can't allow any sneaky tricks
Kalin: So do it over
Gohan: But... but... my dad's been hurt bad....
Gohan: I understand I'll climb it again
Yaji-Robe: Hey kid! Take this!
Gohan: But these are...
Yaji-Robe: They're senzu you dumb brat!
Kalin: Yaji-Robe!
Yaji-Robe: You're too hard you old fart!
Gohan: Uhh thanks...
Kalin: Oh well, because you were so honest I'll let you get away with it this time
Gohan: Thank you very much!
Gohan: I'll never forget your generosity!
Yaji-Robe: Take this too kid!
Gohan: Thank you!
Kalin: You didn't leave any for me...
Yaji-Robe: It'll be good for you
Gohan: I've got to go
Gohan: Hayao Dragon!
Gohan: Thanks for waiting
Gohan: Let's hurry back to my father
Gohan: Give it your best Hayao Dragon!
Kalin: Gokuh's given us a good kid\~
Kulilin: Gokuh!!
Gokuh: Don't worry I'm still alive
Kulilin: Gokuh, Gohan's going to be back soon so hang in there!
Kulilin: Gohan hurry up!
Sauza: It's morning already!
Dorei: Is he still alive?
Dorei: He's probably been blown to bits
Gohan: Hang in there, it's just a little farther
Gohan: I have an idea!
Gohan: Here eat this
Gohan: Wahoo! You're fast!!
Sauza: I got him!
Gohan: You're doing good Hayao Dragon!
Voice: Hey kid!!
Sauza: So you're still alive!!
Gohan: Oops!
Gohan: He got too much power from the senzu!
Gohan: Hayao Dragon!
Dorei: Hey brat, what've you got there!?
Dorei: You little shit, give it to me!
Gohan: He's going to kill me...
Dorei: Who's there!?
Sauza: A Namek-seijin!?
Neizu: Another strange thing came out!
Piccolo: Gohan, take them the senzu fast!!
Gohan: Piccolo!
Piccolo: I see, they're not that bad...
Dorei: Don't fuck with us!
Neizu: Asshole!
Piccolo: Gohan! What are you doing!?
Piccolo: Move it!!
Gohan: Okay! Thanks Piccolo!
Dorei: Jerk! Does he think I'll let him go!?
Neizu: Surprise!
Neizu: What were you shooting at!?
Sauza: He was aiming at Dorei!
Neizu: WHAT!?
Dorei: It's chasing me!
Dorei: I can take that!!
Neizu: Dorei!
Neizu: Damn you!
Neizu: Sauza, get out of the way!
Neizu: Eat this!!
Sauza: Neizu you take care of him, I'll go get that brat!!
Neizu: This'll finish you off!
Neizu: How many seconds do you have left?
Piccolo: You'll never know
Sauza: Bastard!
Sauza: Shit!
Sauza: You can't escape!
Sauza: What?
Sauza: Bastard!
Cooler: Sauza, you get the kid!
Piccolo: Freezer!!?
Kulilin: Gohan's late!
Kulilin: Gokuh, hang in there!
Gohan: Kulilin!
Kulilin: Gohan!
Kulilin: You did a good job, this'll fix up Gokuh
Gohan: They discovered me and knocked down Hayao Dragon
Gohan: But I brought the senzu
Gokuh: Thanks Gohan!
Kulilin: Good, you can leave the rest up to me
Gohan: I'm going to go out and look for Hayao Dragon
Sauza: So this is where you were hiding
Gohan: Oh no! He found us!
Kulilin: Asshole!
Kulilin: If only we'd had a little more time
Kulilin: Or if you hadn't have come...
Gokuh: So this is it...
Yaji-Robe: Hey kid, take this!
Gohan: There it is!
Gohan: Here father!
Gokuh: Gohan, where'd you get this?
Gohan: Don't worry just eat it!!!
Kulilin: Shit!
Gohan: Kulilin!
Sauza: It's the brat!!!!
Sauza: Dumb kid!
Sauza: Well then...
Sauza: Let's get rid of the rest of the garbage
Sauza: It's almost too easy...
Sauza: What's this response?
Sauza: The power building fast!
Sauza: It can't be, there wasn't anyone like this in that hole!
Sauza: What's going on in there?
Kulilin: Gokuh...
Gokuh: Kulilin!
Gohan: Father...!
Gokuh: Gohan!
Sauza: Bastard! How'd you get better?
Sauza: This can't be happening!
Gokuh: It wouldn't be fair to fight with you...
Gokuh: Go back to your own planet!!
Cooler: At last you show yourself, Saiyajin!
Sauza: Lord Cooler!
Cooler: Is this another friend of yours?
Gokuh: Piccolo!!
Sauza: Stupid, he came out on his own!
Sauza: If that Namek-seijin hadn't tried to save your brat
Sauza: He wouldn't have wound up like this!
Gokuh: Bastard! You beat up Piccolo because of me?
Cooler: I didn't know warrior Saiyajin could have feelings like that
Gokuh: I'm...
Gokuh: A Saiyajin RAISED ON EARTH!!!!
Cooler: So that's what happened to that kid...
Gokuh: Bastard!
Cooler: Show me your strength as a Super Saiyajin
Gokuh: I won't let you do this!!!
Cooler: I'm not as soft as my brother
Cooler: Impressive
Cooler: You are strong enough to defeat my brother, but...
Cooler: Now you're really going to hell!
Cooler: I won't let you out no matter how hard you cry for mercy!
Cooler: Until you've gone to the deepest pit of hell
Cooler: I have one more transformation
Cooler: I have one more transformation than my little brother
Gokuh: What!?
Cooler: Count yourself lucky!
Cooler: You going to be the first...
Cooler: ... and the last to see my ultimate transformation!
Gokuh: Incredible! He's a lot more powerful than Freezer was!!!
Cooler: Well...
Cooler: Shall we get started?
Cooler: Pretty good for a Saiyajin!
Cooler: There!
Cooler: Is that the best a Super Saiyajin can do?
Cooler: This is getting fun!!
Gokuh: What!?
Cooler: This is getting boring
Cooler: Apparently the Super Saiyajin was just a legend
Cooler: I'm going to turn you and this planet into space dust...
Cooler: There's nothing that can stand against me in the universe!!
Gokuh: Everyone, I'm sorry.... because of me....
Cooler: What!?
Cooler: What's happening here!?
Cooler: What's that change?
Cooler: I'll finish him off!
Gokuh: Behave yourself or you'll destroy this planet
Gokuh: How many planets are you going to destroy before you calm down?
Cooler: Impossible!!
Gokuh: It too late for you to apologize now...
Gokuh: You piece of shit!!
Cooler: So that's why my brother didn't stand a chance
Cooler: However...
Cooler: I distracted you!
Cooler: I thought I told you was not like my brother!!!
Cooler: Disappear with this planet!!!
Cooler: Fool! You did pretty good, but I'm the best in the universe!
Gokuh: I can't let this fall into the Earth!
Cooler: That finishes this planet, and gets rid of all the Saiyajin
Cooler: I can't believe I'm going to loose!
Cooler: What!?
Cooler: Do you think you can kill me like that!?
Cooler: What!?
Cooler: It's the sun!!
Sauza: Lord Cooler, shall we destroy it?
Cooler: Let it go!
Cooler: My brother planted this seed, let him reap it!
Cooler: Freezer's much too kind!
Cooler: I should have killed him then!!
Cooler: Freezer wasn't the only one too kind!
Gokuh: Everyone, I did it!
Kulilin: Gokuh
Gokuh: You too Hayao Dragon? That's good...
Gohan: But we can't find Piccolo anywhere
Gokuh: That's like him. He'll show up when he wants to
Kulilin: He's right!
Gohan: Piccolo!
Sauza: DIE!
Gokuh: It was a Makkan-Ko-Sappo!!
Gohan: Piccolo!!!
Gohan: Piccolo!!!
Title: The End!!