Translation of Dragon Ball Z Movie 6: Attack! 1,000,000 power Warriors
Translated by Usagi North

Gokuh: Hello! I'm Gokuh
Gokuh: Over Summer Vacation you'll still have a lot of chances to meet me
Gokuh: the planet the Namek-seijin went to, New Namek
Gokuh: has become engulfed by an unknown planet.
Title: Attack! 1,000,000 power Warriors
Gokuh: Those of us who went to the rescue battle an enemy we never thought we'd have to fight
Gokuh: It's Cooler
Gokuh: Although he should have died, he has come back as a metal cyborg
Gokuh: Even as good as I am, I don't stand a chance by myself
Gokuh: Vegeta who's become a Super Saiyajin, fights with me
Gokuh: This is the biggest fight in the universe
Gokuh: In Dragon Ball Z's newest movie ,"Attack! 1,000,000 Power Warriors!"
Gohan: Everyone, help out. Okay!
Narrator: The Planet New Namek
Namek1: What's that?
RoujinA: What's happening!?
Narrator: The planet all the Namek-seijin moved to after living on Earth for a while...
Narrator: Is under attack by an unknown planet
Narrator: The Namek-seijin are in danger of complete destruction
Narrator: Dende, Earth's new god, has become aware of the danger and asked Gokuh and the other
Z Warriors for help
Mr.Popo: Kami-Sama you can trust Gokuh
Dende: Mr. Popo...
Dende: Gokuh... Gokuh please help everyone!
Song: Brightness penetrating the clouds Fly away (Fly away)
Song: Inside my body a wide panorama opens up
Song: The Earth's been punched in the face and has gotten angry (angry)
Song: It's going to blow up a volcano
Song: If I find a dinosaur
Song: In some melting ice, I want to train it ride a ball
Song: Cha-la Head-Cha-La
Song: I don't care, no matter what happens
Song: Cha-La Head Cha-La
Song: My chest is full of excitement
Song: I'm a ball of energy out of control
Song: Cha-La Head-Cha-La
Song: It's easier for new dreams to enter an empty head
Song: Cha-La Head-Cha-La
Song: By a smile's Ultra Z
Song: Today's going to be great too ai yai yai yai yai
Song: Sparking
Title: Attack! 1,000,000 Power Warriors!
Gokuh: If you don't eat, your power will decline
Kame: Ya' your right
Kulilin: At least when Gokuh is here we don't have to worry about left-overs
Kulilin: That leaves more time to enjoy this field trip in space
Gohan: What kind of planet is New Namek?
Gokuh: It's a place you can't study about in school so pay attention and learn a lot
Gokuh: That way we can make Chi-Chi happy too
Yaji-Robe: I can't believe I let myself get talked into coming along by Bulma
Yaji-Robe: I don't think we'll have to use any Senzu this time
Kulilin: You're right
Oolong: Hey! Is HE okay?
Gokuh: Oh, he doesn't eat
Piccolo: How much farther?
Oolong: Wha...What's that?
Kame: The two planets are kissing
Oolong: I didn't know planets kissed
Yaji-Robe: Stupid! Of course they don't!
Gohan: That planet's eating
Kulilin: I don't believe it
Gokuh: Let's go!
Namek-seijin: Shit!
OtherNamekian: Sto...Stop it!
OtherNamekian: It's you again!
Gokuh: Who are you!?
Other: Gohan you came to help us!!
Piccolo: Let the Namek-seijin go!
Kulilin: You should surrender now, it's for your own good!!
Kulilin: Gokuh's the strongest person in the universe
Oolong: There's more of them
Gokuh: I don't like pointless fights
Gokuh: Free Namek-seijin and go back to your own planet
Oolong: We'll forgive you this time, but you should leave quick!
Yaji-Robe: You should tell them too!
Oolong: Things are never as easy as they seem, are they?
Cooler: He's right, Son Gokuh
Gokuh: You're...
Gokuh: Cooler!?
Piccolo: It can't be!
Kulilin: Didn't he die!?
Cooler: Dumb Monkey!
Cooler: You fought well, but I'm the strongest in the Universe!
Cooler: This can't happen!!
Cooler: I was brought back by the technology of Big Gheti Star
Cooler: And I was powered up as well!!
Gokuh: 'Big Gheti Star?'
Piccolo: Is it that strange planet that's eating this planet!?
Cooler: I didn't that a trash Namek-seijin like you could have survived
Cooler: This is luck, I was planning on going to the Earth to kill this damn monkey
Cooler: But this will speed things up for me
Piccolo: You mean it will speed things up for us
Oolong: I didn't think we was still alive
Oolong: I knew I shouldn't've come here, I want to go back to Earth
Yaji-Robe: Quit your whining, follow Kame-Sennin's example and calm down!
Kame: Let's let Gokuh take care of this and go home, okay?
Piccolo: Here they come!
Gohan: Kulilin!?
Kulilin: They're fast!
Cooler: It looks like they've gotten better than I imagined
Gokuh: That's about it
Oolong: Hurry up! Let's go back to Earth!
Yaji-Robe: Asshole! If you want to go back, find some place to hide!
Oolong: Here they are!
Yaji-Robe: Did you kill it?
Kame: Owwww Owie Owie Owie! Ouch!
Yaji-Robe: Let us out assholes!
Oolong: I'm not a fish!
Yaji-Robe: And you call yourself the Muten-Roshi? I thought you were good at martial arts!
Kame: He was too hard there was nothing I could do
Piccolo: Now its a fair fight
Gohan: Shit!
Kulilin: Are you okay Gohan?
Gohan: Ya, but their armor is too hard
Kulilin: An ordinary punch doesn't even faze them...
Gohan: Piccolo?
Piccolo: Their defenses aren't normal
Piccolo: You'll have to concentrate all your strength where you hit them
Kulilin: Concentrate it, huh?
Piccolo: Let's go!
Kulilin: Why just me?
Kulilin: Shit!
Kulilin: I did it!
Kulilin: Ow!!
Piccolo: GOHAN!
Gohan: Piccolo!!
Kulilin: Gohan!
Piccolo: Go...Gohan...
Gokuh: Kai-Oo-Ken!!!
Cooler: What's wrong?
Cooler: You'll never beat me like that!!
Gokuh: Shit!
Cooler: Even I couldn't see you move...
Cooler: What in hell did you do!?
Gokuh: It's called Instantaneous Movement
Cooler: What? You can do that too?
Gokuh: Me too!?
Gokuh: You can do it too!?
Cooler: At last you've shown yourself, Super Saiyajin
Cooler: Good, the fight was getting boring!!
Cooler: Now we can see who is strongest...
Cooler: ...person in the universe
Piccolo: Is that all you can do?
Piccolo: I guess I put too much strength into it
Piccolo: That must be Big Gheti Star
Gokuh: Don't blame me if you get broke
Cooler: My weaknesses are analyzed by Big Gheti Star's main computer and resolved instantly
Cooler: You can defeat me until you die
Cooler: I can be brought back as many times as it takes
Cooler: And I'll just keep getting stronger!!
Cooler: In other words you'll never defeat me
Gokuh: Even if I blow you to shreds?
Cooler: If you think you can do it, go ahead and try
Cooler: What happened? Where'd your exuberance go to?
Cooler: You're finished...Super Saiyajin
Vegeta: Never underestimate a Saiyajin
Cooler: What!?
Gokuh: Thanks Vegeta
Cooler: There are two Super Saiyajin?
Vegeta: Don't get me wrong Kakarotto
Vegeta: I didn't come here to help you
Vegeta: But it's my job to kill you
Cooler: It doesn't matter how many monkeys there are
Cooler: The results will be the same
Cooler: I'll send you hell together
Vegeta: You'll regret that!!
Gokuh: Vegeta!!
Vegeta: What!?
Vegeta: Asshole!
Vegeta: Big Bang Attack!!!
Gokuh: Vegeta!!
Robot: Could everyone please be quiet!
Robot: Okay, we're going to grind you up
Robot: The life energy released will be used to power Big Gheti Star
Robot: I would like to thank you very much for this
Yaji-Robe: Dumb ass! You're not going to get me that easily!!
Robot: It's good to see that you're full of life
Robot: Shall we start with you?
Robot: What's this!?
Robot: It looks like we have another guest
Piccolo: Gohan!!
Piccolo: You!?
Vegeta: Is he some kind of monster
Vegeta: We're almost out of energy, and he looks like he just started
Gokuh: Can you move Vegeta?
Vegeta: Don't talk to me like that!
Gokuh: If this keeps up, we're certain to be killed
Gokuh: We're both going to have to attack him at full power together
Vegeta: Don't give me orders!!
Gokuh: That's the spirit
Gokuh: Here he comes
Gokuh: No's our chance, attack him at full power
Vegeta: I told you...
Vegeta: Don't give me orders!!!
Vegeta: Die!!
Gokuh: I about used up all of my power
Gokuh: And I thought we were finally safe
Vegeta: What're we going to do?
Cooler: The technology of Big Gheti Star has made your victory that Metal Cooler meaningless
Cooler: Do you have the strength to defeat all of these Metal Coolers?
Gokuh: We'll have to try
Vegeta: Shit, it feels like I'm about to pass out
Gokuh: Here they come
Vegeta: Damn it!!!
Cooler: Welcome to Big Gheti Star
Gokuh: Cooler, where are you!?
Cooler: I'm right in front of you
Gokuh: What?
Cooler: A long time ago in a graveyard of discarded spaceships and satellites there was a single
computer chip
Cooler: Using its own abilities and over a long period changed itself
Cooler: It used able to use the materials and the raw energy around it to grow
Cooler: Now this machine's big enough to eat entire planets
Cooler: That giant machine is this Big Gheti Star
Cooler: Fortunately my brain drifted into this planet
Cooler: It fused with the main computer and became the controlling core of this planet
Cooler: I was able to rebuild what little was left of my body and became Metal Cooler
Gokuh: What do you plan to do to us?
Cooler: I will take all of the unbelievable life energy from your Super Saiyajin bodies
Vegeta: What!?
Cooler: Now I'll be able to make tens of thousands Metal Super Saiyajin
Piccolo: You monster!
Cooler: This is good! Take more energy!
Cooler: It looks like I've sucked you dry
Cooler: I never would have thought that Super Saiyajin had this much energy
Cooler: It would have been dangerous to take any more energy
Cooler: What's that!? What's happening?
Cooler: There's more energy left!?
Cooler: Stop it!
Cooler: The switches should be closed
Cooler: Why is the energy still flowing?
Cooler: I'm going to have to disconnect the leads
Cooler: Stop it!! I'm over heating!!
Cooler: I can't absorb any more!! Stop it!!
Piccolo: It's stopped
Yaji-Robe: Yaaaaa Stop it!!!
Gohan: Yaji-Robe, hang in there!
Yaji-Robe: Hang on to what!?
Robot: Cut him cut him, grind him up...
Gohan: It's stopped!?
Kulilin: Everyone hurry up!!
Kulilin: It's Metal Cooler!!
Piccolo: It's too dangerous here, escape!
Gohan: Piccolo!!
Cooler: I can't stay in control, the planet's getting away...
Cooler: I never would have thought that the Super-Saiyajin's life force was this strong
Gokuh: It looks like it was a mistake to underestimate our strength
Gohan: Father!
Kulilin: Gokuh!
Gokuh: Everyone run away now! I'll follow after I defeat Cooler!
Piccolo: Son! What are you talking about!?
Cooler: Now I've got you!
Piccolo: Gohan! Take everyone and get out of here!
Gohan: Fa...Father...
Gokuh: What do you think you can in that shape?
Gokuh: None of your sparkling Cooler's are here to help you!
Cooler: My personal power hasn't fallen that low
Cooler: I'll still have a chance to fix Big Gheti Star later
Cooler: I'm more than strong enough to beat you the way you are now
Gokuh: I'll have to fix you so that you won't be able to do bad things ever again
Cooler: Impudent lowlife!
Cooler: It's impossible for something like you to beat me!
Gokuh: I know it's impossible...
Gokuh: But I also know I don't have any choice but to beat you!!
Cooler: What!?
Cooler: Damn you Vegeta!!
Vegeta: There's nothing impossible for us...
Kulilin: Gokuh...
Gohan: Father...
Gohan: Father!
Gokuh: I can't get out..!
Gokuh: I'm glad we had the senzu this time too
Gokuh: Where's Vegeta?
Kulilin: He took off by himself right after he ate his senzu
Gokuh: He really help out this time
Gokuh: If hadn't been for his strength we would have lost
Gokuh: Hi! I'm Gokuh
Gokuh: Well did you like it?
Gokuh: I know the movie just ended but I have big news for you
Gokuh: There's going to be another movie this summer
Gokuh: It's going to be Trunks first appearance in a movie
Gokuh: Of course it's going to be action filled and star all of the Zed Warriors including Vegeta
Gokuh: Make it a Dragon Ball summer with...
Gokuh: "Pushing the limits! The Three Super Saiyajin!"
Gokuh: Be sure to watch it everyone!