Translation of Dragon Ball Z Movie 7: The Ultimate Battle! The Three Super Saiyajin
Translated by Usagi North

Gokuh: Hiya! I'm Gokuh
Gokuh: You guys will be able to see me soon during summer vacation
Gokuh: We three Super Saiyajin, me Vegeta and Trunks will fight against the Super Cyborg -- The
Strongest enemy in the world
Title: Dragon Ball Z: The Ultimate Battle! The Three Super Saiyajin
Gero: Number 17, you bastard!
Gero: What have you done to me
Gero: I created you, you piece of fucking junk
Narrator: Dr. Gero was killed by his own creation, Artificial Human Number 17
Narrator: However, the main computer that he used to use to produce artificial humans is still
functioning to create even stronger artificial humans
Sign: Contest for the World's Prettiest Girl
Kame: Not yet, Isn't it open YET!?
Oolong: Wasn't it your idea to stand in line you pervert?
Kame: No matter what we need to get a front row seat to see the women's bodies
Kame: This is a contest for Ms. Prettiest Girl in the World
Kame: Just thinking about raises my blood pressure
Kame: ....with young pretty chicks...
Oolong: Young pretty girls...
Kulilin: Hey you guys, stop thinking about that perverted stuff
Kulilin: front of Trunks
Trunks: Kulilin, you don't need to worry about me
Kulilin: You guys hurt Trunks' pure heart
Oolong: Shut up
Kame: Okay Kulilin, so what was that?
\Kulilin:" Why don't we visit the girls in the dressing rooms
Kulilin: Maybe we'll be able to see them naked
Kulilin: Maybe I could make a girlfriend
Kulilin: Don't misunderstand me, it was just a joke
Kulilin: I'm trying to become a guy with a sense of humor
Kame: Oolong, let's go to the dressing room to peek at the naked babes
Oolong: We'll be back soon
Kulilin: I'll call the police!!
Kulilin: Sorry Trunks
Kulilin: Take care of the seats
Trunks: Kulilin! Where are Gokuh and the other guys?
Trunks: They must be finished shopping
Chi-Chi: I was first!! It's mine!
Gokuh: Gohan, why do women really like shopping?
Gohan: It's because that's how they blow off their frustrations
Gokuh: Is that true?
Chi-Chi: Catch this!!
Gokuh: Are you done yet, Chi-Chi?
Chi-Chi: Next I have to find clothes for you, because you wear the same clothes year round
Phone: Yeah, I'm healthy
{#14:} Son Gokuh
Gokuh: They really like women don't they
Kulilin: Since I didn't see anybody waiting, I felt strange waiting in line
Kame: We'll see it tomorrow
Counter: Can I help you?
Gokuh: Gohan, you need to eat more 'cause you're still growing
Gohan: I could never eat as much as you
Chi-Chi: Don't eat until you are full, because all your blood will go to your stomach
Chi-Chi: Less blood going to your head will mess up your studies
Gokuh: Excuse me! Can I get another bowl of rice!?
{#14/15} Son Gokuh
Gohan: Father
Chi-Chi: Gohan, don't drop me!!
Gokuh: Who could do something like this
Gokuh: Gohan, get Chi-Chi outta here
Gokuh: Trunks and Kulilin too, keep them far from here
Chi-Chi: Ah! Wait! My high heels!!
Gohan: Father
Gokuh: I knew you guys were after just me
Gokuh: Who are you?
Gokuh: Since I can't sense your `ki,' you must not be human
Gokuh: You are artificial humans created by Dr. Gero aren't you
Gokuh: Don't you guys ever give up!?
Trunks: Gokuh!!
Gokuh: Trunks!!
Trunks: Gokuh, if you continue to fight here, the whole city will be destroyed
Trunks: Let's go elsewhere to the plains to the north, where no one lives
Gokuh: Okay, follow me
GOhan: Kulilin!
Kulilin: I'm sorry, but it seems this fight is beyond our powers
Gohan: But I might be able to help him somehow
GOhan: I'm going!
Kulilin: Gohan!
Chi-Chi: No! Exams in your school will start tomorrow
Chi-Chi: I've already paid for it!!
GOhan: But-
Chi-Chi: You promised me you were going to study this summer vacation
Gohan: Which is more important to you, my studies or the life of father?
Chi-Chi: Wait! Wait!
Chi-Chi: Wait!
Chi-Chi: Gohan...
Kulilin: I know how Gohan feels
Chi-Chi: Kulilin! What are you doing?
Chi-Chi: You're supposed to follow him
Chi-Chi: Hurry up!
Oolong: So long Kulilin
Kulilin: Shit, I'll be single forever
{#13:} Even Son Gokuh can't fight like he used to
Gokuh: How many artificial humans did Dr. Gero create!?
{#13:} We are created by Dr. Gero's computer
{#13:} We were designed just to kill you
Gokuh: A computer trying to kill me!?
{#13:} His desire to kill you was transferred to the computer
{#13:} The emotion of revenge increased in the computer, resulting in our creation
{#13:} Son Gokuh, the data regarding you has already been input into the computer
{#13:} That's why your movements were predicted by Number 15
Trunks: I don't believe that a computer can increase an emotion of revenge by itself
{#13:} Hey boy, our purpose is just to kill Son Gokuh
{#13:} But if you try to interfere with our job, something bad might happen to you
{#13:} I'll kill any one who tries to help Son Gokuh
Trunks: I don't think it will be that easy
{#13:} I doubt if you can fight against Number 14 and Number 15 for even one minute
GOhan: Kulilin
Kulilin: Let's go!!
Gohan: Kulilin?
Kulilin: What a great fight
Kulilin: We'd better watch
{#13:} Son Gokuh, you'll never leave this place alive
Gokuh: So are you going to kill people who have nothing to do with this, just to kill me?
Gokuh: I'll never forgive you!!
Gohan: Father!!
Kulilin: Wait!
Kulilin: There's nothing in our power, we can do to help him
Trunks: Gokuh!
Gohan: Father!
{#13:} I'm really surprised
{#13:} You're still alive, even though you were attacked by me
Gohan: Father!
{#13:} Are you trying to stop the ??? Bomber with you hands!?
{#13:} The ??? Bomber is powerful enough to destroy half this planet
{#13:} What!?
Gokuh: Vegeta!!
Trunks: Father!
Vegeta: Don't misunderstand me
Vegeta: I didn't come here to help you, Kakarotto
Vegeta: I, Vegeta, the prince of the Saiyajin's duty to kill you
Vegeta: I'm not going to give Kakarotto to a puppet like you
{#13:} Here is one more guy who will go to hell with Son Gokuh
{#13:} Number 15, why don't you take care of Vegeta
{#13:} Let's continue Son Gokuh
{#13:} Is that all the power you've got?
{#13:} This is just the beginning
{#13:} Can't you get out?
Gokuh: What are you talking about?
Gokuh: Don't underestimate our power
Vegeta: Don't bite off more than you can chew you fucking piece of shit!!
GOhan: Shit
Gohan: Kulilin
Kulilin: They made it!
Kulilin: Now three Super Saiyajin have gotten together
Gohan: Father
Kulilin: Beat him up, Gokuh!!
Kulilin: Hot -- hot -- hot
GOhan: Father
Kulilin: Stop!
Kulilin: GOhan stop it!
Kulilin: GOhan, stop!!
Kulilin: Gohan!
Gohan: Here comes Piccolo
Kulilin: Piccolo
Piccolo: ???
Gohan: I knew you'd come Piccolo
Kulilin: Piccolo!
Gokuh: Piccolo, you came too?
Piccolo: The battle's not over yet
{#13:} Exactly what Piccolo says
{#13:} You're Piccolo aren't you
{#13:} If you interfere with the battle between me and Son Gokuh, I will kill you
Piccolo: You will never be able to kill me
Piccolo: You're the one who'd going to be killed
Vegeta: You guys are essentially just machines
{#13:} Number 14 and Number 15 are dead
Gokuh: Vegeta
Vegeta: Kakarotto!
Vegeta: Piccolo!
Vegeta: Stay out of this!
Trunks: Father!!
Gohan: Vegeta!!
Kulilin: How can he have so much power!?
Gokuh: Shit!
Gohan: Father
Vegeta: I'm going to beat you Kakarotto
Trunks: Gokuh
Gohan: Father!!
Kulilin: You fucking monster!
Gohan: Kulilin!
Gohan: Kulilin!
Gokuh: Everyone help me
Gokuh: Give me a little of your energy
Gokuh: From the oceans...
GOkuh: From the mountains
Vegeta: Kakarotto is My rival
Vegeta: Don't touch him
Gokuh: Give me all the energy
Trunks: Give Gokuh the Genki-Dama
Trunks: Come on artificial humans
Trunks: I'm Trunks!
Trunks: I come from twenty years in the future
Trunks: You don't exist twenty years from now, because you will be destroyed here by Son Gokuh
Piccolo: Son!! Show him the strength of a Super Saiyajin
Kulilin: Gokuh! It's impossible to make a Genki-Dama with an unclean mind
{#13:} Son Gokuh
{#13:} Son GOkuh!!
Gohan: Father
Gokuh: Hi
Kulilin: When Gokuh transformed himself into a Super Saiyajin, he unconsciously took the
diminishing energy of the Genki-Dama into himself, I guess
Gokuh: I don't know
Trunks: Kulilin, you did well
Kulilin: You did too, Trunks
Oolong: You must become a hero sometimes
Kulilin: Oolong!
Gokuh: Take it easy Kulilin
Chi-Chi: GOhan, you must hurry up and heal as soon as possible
Chi-Chi: So that you can go to summer school
Gohan: Are Piccolo and Vegeta okay?
Gokuh: They never die
Title: The end