Translation of Dragon Ball Z Moive 9: The Galaxy's in trouble, The Clash of the Great Warriors
Translated by Usagi North

Gokuh: Fierce warriors from all over the planet are gathering at the Tenka-Ichi-Budokai
Gokuh: Some of them are scheming to take over the entire universe
Gokuh: Four Ultimate powered warriors have gathered
Gokuh: Without Gokuh, will Gohan be able to protect the world?
Gokuh: Dragon Ball Z: The Galaxy's in trouble, The Clash of the Great Warriors
Girl: Just now the strongest warriors in the universe representing the four galaxies have just arrived
Girl: They've been specially invited to participate in the Tenka-Ichi-Daibudokai sponsored by the
super rich Yosan Mane
Girl: Emotions are running high~!
Girl: I've never seen aliens before
Girl: I'm really impressed~!
Man: Let's go to the sponsor, Yosan Mane, and find out what the Tenka-Ichi-Dai-Budokai is
Mane: My only son Doru pestered me into doing it
Mom: It's his tenth birthday
Boy: Are aliens really coming?
Sponsor: Of course they are
Mane: It'll be a live battle between humans and aliens~!
Mane: I've put this together just for you
Mane: You can do anything you want in this world, if you have enough money
Reporter: Producer, could you please explain?
Producer: Yosan Mane, the richest man in the world, is sponsoring the greatest martial arts
competition in the world
Producer: Regardless of sex, age, race or professional standing, this competition is open to everyone
Producer: We're hoping to draw the strongest contestants from all over the world. And have them
battle to their hearts content
Producer: The winner gets 100,000,000 zeni~!
Producer: He also gets a trip for his whole family to visit hot springs all over the world~!
Mane: The winner will also get to meet the hero that saved the Earth at the terrible Cell Game~!
Mane: Because of my incredible wealth it's become possible...
Mane: To give a chance to battle Mr. Satan~!!
Reporter: It's Mr. Satan~! The strongest martial arts champion in the world~!!
Gokuh: I didn't know Mr. Satan defeated Cell
Gokuh: Oh well
Title: The Galaxy's in Danger: The Clash of the Great Warriors
Announcer: There are exactly 200 people who are confident enough in their own strength to come to
the Tenka-Ichi-Dai-Budokai
Announcer: They are all on the eight battle stages fighting for the chance to challenge Mr. Satan
Announcer: On each stage 25 competitors are fighting it out in a free for all battle
Announcer: Only one person from each stage will advance~!
Announcer: You lose if you fall off the stage into the ocean, get knocked out or concede the match~!
Announcer: It goes without saying that killing your opponent will also disqualify you
Announcer: You also can't use weapons
Kulilin: Who should I invite to go on the world wide hot spring trip with me?
Chi-Chi: Gohan~!
Chi-Chi: Get 'em Gohan~!!
Kulilin: Gohan's here~!?
Kulilin: Isn't he a Super-Saiyajin?
Kulilin: Piccolo's here too?
Kulilin: Don't tell me that Trunks is here
Kulilin: I figured I'd be able to do something about Yamucha and Tenshin-Han, but this is too much
Bulma: Chi-Chi, I'm surprised that you let Gohan enter
Chi-Chi: It'd be bad for him if all he did was study every day all day
Chi-Chi: I think it's good to let him exercise sometimes
Bulma: You're right, you have to think of your family first
Bulma: I wanted to go on the world Hot spring tour with my family
Bulma: So it was lucky that Trunks came back now to tell us that he's defeated #17 and #18
Chi-Chi: What about Vegeta?
Bulma: He's lost all will to fight and seems to be lost in his own thoughts
Chi-Chi: I wonder if it's because Gokuh's dead...
Chaozu: Go for it Ten-san~!
Oolong: Same for you too, Kulilin
Kame: Oolong, I can't find any babes
Oolong: Old man, what are you looking at?
Oolong: Didn't we come here to watch the fight?
Kame: I already know Trunks or Gohan's going to win
Kame: So I'm looking for a size `D' girl in a tank top
Kame: Found 'em~!
Kame: Hi~!
Gokuh: This is bigger than the Tenka-Ichi-Budokai
Kai-Oo: Bet ya' wanna go
Kai-Oo: But you're dead
Gokuh: The fight between Gohan and Trunks is going to be great
Yamucha: I didn't imagine that Gohan was going to show up
Yamucha: I took money out of the bank to fly out here
Yamucha: I was planning on putting the 100,000,000 zeni in the bank
Bulma: It looks like Yamucha doesn't want to participate at all
Chi-Chi: It's because we already know whose going to win
Bulma: You're right, he could never beat Trunks
Chi-Chi: Or Gohan~!
Ref: Out~!
Yamucha: It's over already?
Gohan: Father used to come to the Tenka-Ichi-Budokai and sharpen his skills
Gohan: Now it's my turn
Announcer: Gohan advances to the next round
Announcer: Trunks advances to the next round
Kulilin: Why~!?
Announcer: Kulilin advances to the next round
Announcer: Piccolo advances to the next round
Satan: What~!?
Announcer: Tenshin-Han advances to the next round
Announcer: Doskoi, Udo and Kanfoon advance to the next round~!
Girl: What do you think after watching the eliminations?
Satan: They all need more training
Announcer: These eight warriors will now battle to decide who goes to the semi-finals
Kulilin: Too bad, Piccolo's my opponent
Kulilin: What lousy luck
Announcer: The first fight in the quarter-finals is Son Gohan vs. Udo
Udo: What~!? I gotta fight a brat, that's too bad
Udo: Hey brat~! Don't think I'm going to hold back just because your a kid
Gohan: Okay, I understand
Udo: What're you saying~! Were you making fun of me~!?
Udo: Take this~!!
Chi-Chi: Way to go Gohan~!!
Announcer: The second battle in the quarter-finals is between Trunks and Tenshin-Han
Ten: Don't blame me for what happens if you try to hold back
Trunks: Okay
Mane: He ... He's floating in the air~!
Nurse: That's what it looks like to me too
Ten: Kiko-Ho~!
Girl: M...Mr. Satan~! What's going on?
Satan: It's a ... a trick~!
Satan: Like they use in the theatres....yeah that it
Satan: Why'd they have to come to this dumb contest
Vegetal: How stupid
Announcer: Trunks wins~!!!
Satan: I've gotta do something
Mane: Ah... Mr. Satan you look a little pale
Satan: My stomach hurts. Ow..owowowowow~!
Mane: That's no good. Mr. Producer take Mr. Satan to the infirmary
Satan: I'll go by myself, I'll be right back
Satan: Getting away will be best for my health right now
Satan: I better leave while I've got the chance
Satan: A wise man doesn't court danger
Fan: Look~! It's Mr. Satan~!
Fans: Satan~! Satan~! Satan~! ...
Satan: Damn~! I don't have time for this...
Announcer: The third fight in the quarter-finals is Piccolo vs. Kulilin
Kulilin: I hope Piccolo won't use his Makkan-Kou-Sappo
Gohan: Piccolo~!
Gohan: Do your best~! Piccolo-san~!
Oolong: Why's he cheering Piccolo? Kulilin doesn't stand a chance of winning
Kulilin: Shit~! I don't have any choice, if I'm going to loose, I might as well look good
Kulilin: Why isn't he moving into a defensive posture?
Kulilin: He's completely ignoring me~!
Kulilin: He's making a fool out of me~!
Kulilin: Piccolo~!
Piccolo: I thought there were going to be some worthy foes here
Piccolo: I don't want to play around any more
Ref: Because Piccolo left the fight, Kulilin wins~!
Kulilin: Lucky~! I did it~! I did it~!
Announcer: Dosukoi's victory~!
Announcer: Now all four semi-finalists have been decided~!
Gokuh: Kai-Oo-Sama, how do things look?
Kai-Oo: Well... Gohan's gotten into the semi-finals
Gokuh: Thought he would
Satan: Hellfire~! There's no way my disciples can beat those guys
Satan: I did it~! There's the exit~!
Producer: Mr. Satan~!
Producer: The nurse's office is that way
Producer: This is the exit from Battle Island
Satan: I have a chronic stomach disease
Satan: I think it'd be best if a specialist took a look at it
Producer: What should I tell Mr. Mane?
Satan: Don't worry, I'll be right back
Satan: Have I gotten dizzy?
Satan: It's gone~! It's gone~! The bridge is gone~!!!
Fans: Satan~! Satan~! ...
Producer: In preparation for the semi-finals the Battle Stage is already moving towards Battle Island
Announcer: The Battle Stage has arrived at Battle Island II
Announcer: We will now start the semi-finals to see which of the remaining four will challenge Mr.
Chi-Chi: Gohan~! Do you best~!
Gohan: Now I'm embarrassed
Bulma: Trunks~! Take me on the world wide hot springs tour
Oolong: Kulilin~! Do your moderate best~!
Announcer: I will now explain the rules
Announcer: At each of the four corners there is an entrance to the underground battle zone
Announcer: The warriors drew lots to see which battle zone their tunnel would take them to~!!
Announcer: One of the four galactic warriors is waiting to fight in each of the battle zones~!
Announcer: After defeating their opponent they'll race to the central elevator
Announcer: The first one back here wins a chance to fight Mr. Satan~!!
Kulilin: I won't have to fight Gohan~!! I have a chance at winning~!
Kulilin: All I have to do is be the first one back~!
Announcer: We will now start the semi-finals~!
Announcer: Ju
Announcer: Ku
Announcer: Hachi
Announcer: Shichi
Announcer: Roku
Announcer: Go
Announcer: Shi
Announcer: San
Announcer: Ni
Announcer: Ichi
Announcer: Rei~!
Announcer: You can watch the battle zone fights on the monitors
Kulilin: It's Trish Ledoux
Kulilin: Hot~! Hot~!
Trunks: So this is a battle zone
Kulilin: Are you my opponent?
Kulilin: I beat Piccolo today, you don't stand a chance
Kulilin: You're pretty unlucky to have to fight me
Kulilin: C...cute~!
Kulilin: But, I won't hold back because you're a girl
Kulilin: I've got to be the first one back~!
Kulilin: What in the world is she~!!
Oolong: Kulilin...
Dareka: They're killing people~!!!
Mom: You've gone too far
Mane: Producer~! What's going on here~!?
Producer: I never asked them to come
Producer: The ones I prepared were Mr. Satan's disciples
Producer: When did they change places?
Brat: Mama~!
Yamucha: What the ...?
Trunks: Have you gone crazy~!?
Trunks: This is a game~!
Trunks: We're not supposed to kill each other
Trunks: Who are you~!?
Gokua: Would you be disappointed if I said I was just a Galactic Warrior?
Gohan: Stop it~! This is a martial arts competition~!
Pujin: Oh, you want to play a game?
Gohan: What's this~!?
Producer: Mr. Satan~!
Producer: Everyone's counting on you~!
Producer: Please do something~!
Satan: Just a minute~! My stomach hurts~!
Satan: If I wait long enough, those guys will win
Satan: After all, they were able to beat Cell
Gokua: Are you done already?
Gokua: Die~!
Vegeta: What's that~!?
Gohan: That's a huge 'ki'
Producer: Mr. Satan~! Hurry up~! Hurry up~!
Satan: Just a second, I'm almost done wiping myself~!
Producer: Thank God
Announcer: Everyone, you can relax now
Announcer: Our hero, Mr. Satan, has arrived to defeat the forces of evil
Announcer: Everything's going to be okay
Announcer: We can watch the monitors to see Mr. Satan save us again
Producer: Hurry up and get this thing started
Satan: Wait~! I don't have my seat-belt on yet~!
Kai-Oo: The Earth's in a big pinch
Kai-Oo: I didn't think Bojack...
Gokuh: Bojack?
Kai-Oo: Long ago he wandered throughout the north, south, east and western galaxies destroying as
he went
Kai-Oo: He was the spirit of evil running amok
Gokuh: You mean like the Arch Demon Piccolo?
Kai-Oo: He was a greater demon of evil than Piccolo ever was
Kai-Oo: But then the Kai-Oo's of the four galaxies pooled our strengths and imprisoned him on a
planet at the very edge of the universe
Gokuh: You imprisoned him on a planet at the edge of the universe?
Kai-Oo: You were careless in you fight with Cell
Kai-Oo: When you destroyed my Kai-Oo planet and caused me to die
Kai-Oo: You released the seal on Bojack and let him out
Kai-Oo: Bojack's discovered the Earth
Gokuh: Don't worry, Gohan's on Earth
Gohan: It's Kulilin~!
Gohan: Trunks~!
Gohan: Kulilin~!
Bojack: Kid~! Earth's a good planet
Gohan: That's a huge fighting strength
Yamucha: Gohan~!
Ten: This is them. Did they kill the four galactic warriors?
Pujin: From now on this Earth belongs to Lord Bojack
Gohan: Don't be stupid~!
Yamucha: Do you think we'll let you get away with that?
Bido: Lord Bojack has nothing to fear in the entire universe
Babe: He's chosen the most beautiful planet in the entire northern galaxy...
Pujin: As the most fitting for him to conquer~!
Pujin: Anyone who attempts to stop him will die~!
Yamucha: Don't underestimate us~!!
Gohan: I won't let you...
Bojack: Not bad brat
Bojack: However, you're not strong enough to beat us no matter how hard you try
Kai-Oo: The shit's hit the fan now
Gokuh: Gohan~! Get angry~! Show them your true strength
Gohan: Damn~!
Gohan: Piccolo~!
Piccolo: It looks like some worthy foes have finally shown up
Gohan: Damn~!
Gohan: Piccolo~!
Trunks: I'm going to return what you did to me with interest
Trunks: Dad~!
Vegeta: I'll defeat them~!
Gohan: Vegeta~!
Trunks: Ever since Gokuh died my father's lost all interest in fighting
Trunks: But now he's fighting to save Gohan and I
Vegetal: Trunks~! Stay out of this~!
Trunks: Father, you're too hurt to continue
Vegetal: I thought I told you to butt out
Gohan: Piccolo~!
Piccolo: Don't worry about me, just beat them~!
Gohan: Yes sir
Trunks: Outta my way~!
Trunks: Damn~!
Gohan: Vegeta~!
Bido: You have to fight me first
Chi-Chi: Gohan~!
Bulma: Trunks~!
Satan: Wait~! Wait~! My seat belt's not on yet~!
Producer: Start~!
Bojack: Take this~!
Pujin: Our psychic powers have created a space warp
Pujin: You're not strong enough to escape
Pujin: The harder you struggle the weaker you get
Bojack: You fought well kid~! Let me congratulate you
Gohan: Mr. Satan
Bojack: It looks like your life's been extended a while longer
Gohan: Crap~!
Gokuh: Kai-Oo-Sama, isn't there anything we can do?
Bojack: Pretty soon you'll be in the land of the dead with your father
Bojack: Then you can watch our show of death begin~!
Gokuh: Kai-Oo-Sama~!?
Gohan: Father
Gokuh: I can't stand this any more~!!!
Kai-Oo: Gokuh~! You're dead~!
Gokuh: I can't let this happen
Bojack: What~!?
Gokuh: Gohan, show your true strength~!
Gohan: Father~!
Gokuh: This isn't a time to be gentle
Gokuh: You have to protect the Earth
Gohan: Father
Bojack: What the hell just happened~!?
Gohan: Father saved me
Gohan: He told me to destroy you
Gohan: I've already said I would protect the Earth
Bojack: Pujin~! Bido~!
Bojack: Damn you~!
Bojack: Damn~!!
Bojack: I can't believe I lost, and to a brat like you
Gohan: And...and I was told not hold back against you
Gokuh: Gohan, good job
Kai-Oo: Gokuh, you broke the rules
Gokuh: Did I do something?
Kai-Oo: I don't know I blinked and couldn't tell what happened
Kulilin: Satan has saved the Earth a second time
Kulilin: I wish they would've mentioned us at least once
Gohan: That's okay, he did save me down there
Oolong: So in the end that idiot saved his world title
Gohan: Father?
Oolong: You were great Gohan~!
Oolong: You were able to beat a foe that neither Piccolo or Vegeta was able to touch
Gohan: I didn't do it by myself, father helped me
Kulilin: Did Gokuh come back from the dead~!?
Gohan: I'm kidding, I'm kidding~!
Kulilin: You jerk, joking around at a time like this
Flyer: The Second Tenka-Ichi-Dai-Budo-Kai\n You too can challenge Satan
End: End