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Madougu - The powers of Hokage!!


1) Fuujin (God of Wind) - Owned by Kirisawa Fuuko. Kagerou gave this to Fuuko to fight Recca. Fuujin can control the wind.

2) Ensui (Dark Water) - Owned by Mikagami Tokiya. Ensui was given by Mikagami's sister who died protecting the Ensui. It is Tokiya's family treasure. It can create a sword by water.

3) Dosei No Wa (Ring of Saturn) - Owned by Ishijima Domon. This madougu also given by Kagerou to help Recca save Yanagi from Kurei. This madougu can make Domon more stronger to fight his opponent.

4) Kougan Anki - Owned by Koganei Kaoru. Kurei gave this to Kaoru. This madougu has 5 (6?) different forms. The Forms are: -


Note: Recca & Kurei's flame are not madougu. They both born to be a Flame Casters. Kurei has a flame called Kurenai  while Recca has eight flame dragons. The Dragons are: 


And also.. I don't know about Yanagi's healing powers. Even Yanagi doesn't know how she get the powers to heal (Or she does? If you know something please email me). 


GOMEN NASAI!! More madougu coming soon!!! I promise!!


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