Updates! *Page 2*
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Last Update Recorded: July 19, 2000

March 11, 2000-
Will ya' look at that? I'm on page two of my updates! I'm working on a new fan fic called "Alone" to add to my fan fictions. I think it's pretty good so far. Oh, and I'm renovating the fan fiction page so I'm gonna add that today with bgs on all of the fan fictions! :) Oh, and I know, it's been a while since I've added to my updates page, but I've been too busy working on the Netscape version of my page. Which, by the way, is now totally accomplished! I re-did the category pages so they all match up with the little corner layouts now. I got them from Serenity, which I'll add to my thank you page a little later today. I also got the color of the links on my menu looking nicer. Oh, and I promise that the image galleries are almost completed!!!! The kawaii pictures are up now, and I'm very proud of them. I got my link me page up. Thank you to Kathleen for the banners!!!

March 12, 2000-
Oh, right, I made new awards! I'm making new and better ones though, so be on the lookout. Hey, I'm planning on putting the galleries on Saturday because I don't get much chance to update on school days. Speaking of updating, gomen about never updating the marquee... Oops! I'm in the midst of putting up about 5 more fan fics. Some people are going to send some as well, so hopefully I'll get up a lot of fan fics, but please, send yours in as well! I can't believe how much better I've gotten about html editing. I laugh when I see my Jupiter pic gallery, because I think goodness, her new one is so much more organized. I won 7 awards!!!! Thank you very much to everyone who sent me some awards, I'm very happy now. I'm not gonna do a St.Patricks day layout, but I'm going to do an Easter layout in the middle of April, so another month. Okies, well, best be off! Oh, I added greeting cards! I forgot to mention that my profile was re-done.

March 14, 2000-
Okay, well so far Ami, Lita, Usagi, Chibi Usa, and some of Rei's image galleries are complete, but not posted. What can I say? I have 30+ pix in each gallery and I've only been working on them for a week because I've been so sidetracked! I promise I will have them up this weekend. Seriously! Anyhow, I re-did my thank you page and I'm working on page graphics. Oh, and my sister made me some gif awards to give out! It's the first time I'd ever heard of them, let alone seen them. They are so cool! Really, check them out when I put them up by tomorrow! Thanks Nat, you're the best, dear. *wink* (inside joke) Okay, and I'm working on pages I've given awards too as well, because I've given some so far! Also, keep applying. 'Specially for da' bomb gif ones which are, from what I know, the first ones on the web. Oh, and I'm making some AVIs gifs so that I can put some AVIs for ya'll to download up. I'm surprised at all of these projects, and with only 1-2 hours on-line a day, I think I'm doing pretty well. And I don't only work on my page every time I'm on... I love to web surf!!! :) Right, and I hate doing thumbnails (they're such pains!!!) so I'm doing links for the page. I also hope to add some wavs on my page, but that's not a promise... I'm trying my best, really I am!

March 18, 2000-
I posted a really cute story that I worte, and it's completely finished. I put up Lita's, Mina's, Ami's, Serena's, and Rei's picture galleries. I have a lot more to do on Ami's though. I'm gonna post some more pix on Ami's soon. Anyhow, those picture galleries take a long time. I have to work on some stuff though, so forgive me!

March 20, 2000-
Okay, I got up Saturn's gallery, and I'm working on Chibi Usa's, but it takes like 2 hours to get up 60 pictures, because it's a lot of work. Anyhow, I don't get much chance to update on weekday's, but I'm trying my best. Oh, and I forgot to say that I'm working on opinions of the fukus. Hey, I'm thinking of new stuff all of the time... Anyhow, if anyone could e-mail me on how to get multi-media on the page, I'd be much obliged. Arigato! Until next update, dream away (only not in class, teachers hate that...)

March 23, 2000-
Okay, well, today and Friday no image galleries are going up. Sorry, guys. I haven't had any time. Schedules are so tight! I will get up Pluto's, Michiru's, Haruka's, and Chibi Usa's this weekend. Oh, I got some more awards! Thank you guys! I also got up a form for the applying for an award, and am re-doing my adoption center. Well, then, I'm getting some cursors, but just for the main page. Let's see, I am working on putting up some more fan fics from my buddy and myself. Then, I am planning on working on the bios and stuff. It's just that there have been so many requests for the image galleries to go up that I haven't gotten much time to fix my *ahem* earlier work, but I'm getting to it.

March 31, 2000-
I've been neglecting my poor page! Anyhow, to all peoples who gave me awards today or in the last few days, I love 'em and promise I'll get them up tomorrow. Okay, I've done a times sheet so that everyone can see what time our beloved Sailor Moon series is on. Okay, I'm also doing some layout changes and am almost done with the lyrics page. Also, I'm finishing up my page of random utterings. There I shall talk about things I feel should be said and will argue my points. I bet you all are thinking "oh goodie!" Anyhow, that's 'bout all!

April 1, 2000-
Hey! April Fool's Day! Anyhow, I did a Usagi and Darien picture gallery. It has thumbnails!!!! I finally got the coding and it's a lot easier than links, if I say so myself. I am trying my best to work on some things, but...

April 10, 2000-
Yay! So far I have done: Mars, Venus, Moon, Usagi and Darien, Group, Mercury, and Saturn galleries... in thumbnails! I haven't posted them yet, because I want to get Jupiter's and Chibi Moon's done first. Um, I also did this thing so that you can sign in to receive your award through my site. What do you think, good idea? I'm so low on room on all three of my pages, that for the thumbnail galleries I had to start another page for space:angelfire.com/anime/smpix. Also, I re-did my rights of my page, which I am going to post soon. Last weekend, I didn't get much chance to update cuz my computer crashed, but everything's pretty much there and I still have the awards, thank goodness! Um... I got some more awards that I am adding today! :) :) :) Thank you to everyone who gives them to me, I love 'em so much!

April 17, 2000-
Sorry for not putting up my updates. Here's what's new. I've re-done the galleries, and now there are thumbnails for almost everyone ('cept Jupiter) and the inner senshi's are still available in link version, for those of you who prefer that. I've gotten up Setsuna's and Hotaru's thumbnail gallery as well. Also, I've updated my thank you page, and I also re-did my links page. Added some more link me banners, and have made some minor changes, like adding more awards for you to win, adding awards I've recently won, and stuff like that.

April 20, 2000-
I did it! I made a multi-media page, and I am so thrilled! We had to download FTP to do it though. Oh, goodness, I first uploaded everything as AVIs and 4 hours later, I tried to download them and they didn't work, so I made them into ZIPs and you can now downloaded them, I tested them. Now, I am about ready to sleep. It's been a long day of uploading and frustration. If I weren't in the middle of the Chibi Usa gallery, I probably would! Anyhow, have fun!

April 28, 2000-
Okies, I'm finally updating the lovely updates page. Anyhow, I got up Michiru's thumbnail gallery and Haruka And Michiru Together as a gallery. Re-did my mainpage and now there are pretty buttons on the menu! Took forever, but it's okay. I updated my bios page and the layout is so much better! Many minor things and more awards I won to post!

May 19, 2000-
Gomen to those sites who have given me awards in the past month, I have like 10 to put up today! I finally got around to judging sites that have been applying for awards! I've been kinda busy trying to get up my Moonie Choice Awards, and that will be up on my page hopefully tomorrow! I have some willing judges already, but you can always hope for more! I re-did my whole entire RPG. Also, there has been so much going on in my life right now. School's getting let out this week and then my aunt just had her baby! :) :) :) She's so cute! Anyhow, so you see, I've been very busy. And, now, you can check out my new RPG! Also, I joined some places that you can check into vote for my site. I was #1 the other day, I have no clue what I am today... Sign my g-book if you can, cuz I've been so un-loved with that recently. Also, it's a good way to get onto good terms with me. I'll try to get up some more pic galleries a.s.a.p. Being a webmistress is never boring, huh? My page's year anniversary is coming up in August, and I'm so thrilled to see how it's grown in the past 8 months. It went from this little crappy thing, into a relatively good peice of the web that has had much time and love invested into it!

May 30, 2000-
Goodness! I've done so much, and have yet to write it down! I have gotten a new fan fic, submitted, and I'll put it up a.s.a.p. Also, I have to judge some sites for awards! Hmm... Oh, right, did a dedication to the voice actress of Seiya who died on February 7, 2000. Lesse, I am updating the RPG taken characters list, and doing a new board for the new game that's taking place! I have gotten a new sister site, and re-done the RPG totally, yet again. Ummmm.... Oh, right, I have re-layouted the galleries, and added some pictures. Soon, I'll post a link to my new Amazoness page! That's all I can think of.

June 19, 2000-
Sorry for not posting on the updates section in a long time! I've been so bust! Okay, I have spent the past 4 nights sorting out applications for the RPG, and then creating the profiles only to come out with the RPG character profiles! I only have 6 to go! I've updated the RPG taken list, fixed the appy form, and have added some more galleries. I'm re-doign all the bios, so they're temporarily closed! That's about it, oh, and look for some projects posted soon! *wink, wink* Oh, like the new layout for the updates page?

June 23, 2000-
I fixed up the character profiles! I've done almost all of the inners quick stat profiles and did two scout thorough biography pages! My month b-day is soon! I changed the image map into links on the menu, because it took up like half of the page!

July 19, 2000-
Okay, you may have noticed a change. You should! :) I re-did all of the category pages and my main page! It took a while but it was worth it. I added to the Taken Character page for the RPG, and fixed up a lot of the stuff. Mind you, I still have a lot of work to do and need to find some more of the links I'm missing, but other than that, I love the new layout, positively! :)