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Past Lives
Past Lives Part 1:

    Makoto walked amongst the gardens of her home palace at Jupiter, and found the usual emptiness she had had since childhood. Perhaps this was because of her mother always nagging her to marry, but she loved none of the suitors. Makoto realized that if she didn't hurry, she would be late for the luncheon that was held at the Moon every Friday.

    ON THE MOON....

    At the moon, Makoto was very quiet, and the other princesses were confused. Makoto was usually one of the more flamboyant and talkative princesses.

    Usagi, the Moon Princess, was the first to speak, "You know Makoto, you are very silent today. Is something wrong?"

    Makoto giggled and replied, "No Usako Chan! It is just that my father is being extremely pushy about marrying me off. I hate it when parents do that!"

    Minako smiled symapthetically. "I know how it feels. I want to marry my true love, but Poppa wants me to marry older middle-aged men. I'm not like that..."

    Rei looked at Minako, "Well, just because they're young, doesn't mean they're kind. Why, many of the men at my balls are very stuck up!"

    Usagi took this opportunity for an insult. "Well, if they are stuck up and snooty, then they would make a perfect match with you! Actually, even those types of people are too good for you!"

    Rei got infuriated and replied, "Oh, yeah Meatball Head?"

    Usagi was retort with an insult but, the Mercury Princess, stopped it by saying, "Please, you two are princesses. We are ladies now, and we should act like them!"

    Both Rei and Usagi shut their mouths to escape further lectures.

    Makoto and Minako were talking about finding princes, but she had a good feeling that she may meet someone.

    Makoto decided that she had better go back to Jupiter in order to prepare for the festival on her home planet that night. Minako asked to come along, in order that she may help Makoto pick out the right dress.


    Back on Jupiter, Makoto flipped through her closet. She found a pink dress and an Emerald green one. She showed Minako. "What do you think?"

    Minako studied the dresses, and said thoughtfully, "Green definitely. It matches your eyes and brings out vibrance. The pink does go with your complexion, but it's hardly as complimentary as the green!"

    Makoto smiled and hugged Minako. "Thank you so much!"

    Makoto excused herself to the large dressing room adjacent to her even larger walk in closet. She donned on the dress, which sweeped across the floor, rather ideal for dancing. It had puffy sleeves, but then went tightly down her arms, and ended in a small peice, which went around her middle finger. She put on some Emerald earings and an Emerald tiarra. "How do I look?"

    Minako smiled. "You look great! Go get 'em! Oh, I'd best go! Bye Mako, good luck!"

    Makoto hugged her. "Thanks! Bye Minako!"

    After Minako had left, Makoto left for the ballroom. To her surprise, there was a quite handsome young man talking with her mother, as though they were old friends.

    Makoto became infuriated as she thought that he had some nerve talking to her mother like that, but then again, maybe his parents were good friends with her mom. Makoto immediately threw that out the window. If their parents were such good friends, wouldn't she have heard of or met this young man before? She decided to go on and not worry about it. She walked down the winding staircase to get to the ballroom floor. It looked wonderful, with many decorations and wonderful foods. The cook had taught Makoto to cook. She was very good at it, but her mother said that princesses never cook or clean, that is up to servants, maids, and cooks. Sometimes, when she was younger, the cook let her help bake cookies behind her parents backs. Now, she helped make dinner behind their backs. She did not think of it as disobeying as much as her strong will to cook. It was something that she had a passion for and loved to do.


    Makoto noticed that almost every guy in the room was gawking at her. She was always told that she was pretty, but did not ever think that this many suitors would be staring at her for her beauty. She was used to it. She thought it a shame that most good suitors found her wonderful, but her parents hated the suitors. She wondered who that guy was talking to her mother. She walked over to where her mother was.

    "So, Makoto, you have finally decided to grace us with your presence."

    Makoto was a bit embarrassed with the last remark and subconsciously blushed. In that way she felt at that moment compelled to hit the guy that was there with a straight face. She thought he would snicker at her for being late to a ball held for her, but he did not. Makoto thought that he had to have good manners.

    "So this is your daughter, the one you have been bragging about?" the mysterious man asked.

    The Queen nodded, and without being asked introduced them, "Makoto, this is Ken. Ken this is my daughter, Makoto."

    Ken bowed to her, so Makoto figured that she had to curtsey. Makoto felt drawn to him. Although he was a bit odd for talking to her mother like that, she loved his eyes. They were so focused and innocent. His hair was a tint of a darker shade of brown, with dark, deep brown eyes. Makoto felt herself blushing. She did not want to blush, but her love ran over her like a Mack Truck. She hated to admit it, but Makoto was finally in love. Makoto shrugged the feeling off, she had never had such feelings, mainly for someone she had just met. She had no idea why, but she was feeling like a magnet drawn to metal.

    Ken looked at Makoto, trying hard not to show his love at first sight. He felt compelled to just take her hand and kiss it, or tell her how he felt. He decided against it, because he did not want to seem awkward. It may make her hate him, so he decided to take it step-by-step.

    Makoto decided to step out for some cool air. She quickly excused herself, and left for the balcony just outside the sliding glass doors. She breathed deeply, trying to sort out how she seemed to be so in love, I mean she had just met him.

    The Queen nodded for Ken to follow. She knew how they felt for each other. I suppose it was just mother's intuition.


    Ken went out, and stood by Makoto. He noticed a deep blush creeping across her lovely face. It was as though she had just been hit across the face, it was that deep a blush. She noticed Ken starting to blush. She wanted to tell him how she felt, but all she knew about him was that his name was Ken. She sighed thinking that she would simply die if she did not tell how she felt soon. Ken felt the same way.

    It was Ken who struck up conversation, "Princess Jupiter, isn't it a wonderful night? The stars are shining so bright tonight."

    Makoto was stunned. Even though she hated being called Princess Jupiter, at least he was not like some of the suitors who called her Makoto right off the bat. Stunned by his manners, she meekly replied, "Please, just call me Makoto. That would make me feel better, I hate being called Princess."

    Ken felt honored that this beautiful princess was letting him call her by her first name. Many princesses did not do that.

    Makoto asked, "So umm... Ken, what is your relationship with my parents?" She cocked her head eager for the answer.

    Ken thought that she must have gotten the wrong impression. "Oh, our parents are good friends. My father is Kechii Morsako. I am actually close friends with your family. Well, except for the fact, that I just met you."

    Makoto accidentally said, "Yes, but I feel like we've known each other for an eternity." Makoto blushed not believing she said what she did. She cupped her mouth.

    Ken replied, "I feel the same way!"

    Makoto was thrilled and a wave of relief just washed over her. Ken kissed her hand.

    "Would the beautiful princess, dance with me?"

    Makoto nodded happily. "The dance floor is so crowded, though."

    Ken replied, "Well, then would Makoto like to dance out here?"

    Makoto thought it would be more special for her to dance with her crush on the balcony rather than in the ballroom. "Rainy Day Man" was playing. Makoto thought it was the perfect romance song for the way she felt.

    Ken took her hand and they started to slow dance. He noticed that Makoto took the lead, but he said nothing. He did not want to ruin the dance, or the night by starting a fight. Makoto put her head on his shoulder. Ken looked at her beautiful, innocent, Emerald Green eyes, and stroked her hair. Makoto felt herself starting to blush again, but this time she did not mind. Makoto thought the reason she was blushing so much was the fact that it felt so awkward. Yet through the awkwardness, it all felt right. Ken kissed her cheek.

    Makoto looked up and said, "Ken, I don't know why, but I love you already."

    Ken replied, "Makoto I know how you feel."

    Makoto said, "How so?"

    Ken looked at her and pushed her hair back as he said, "Yes, I do. I feel the same way."

    Makoto was thrilled. The song was coming to an end. Makoto looked into his eyes, and he put his arms around her waist. Makoto received her fist kiss on the lips. Ken then said, "I hope I didn't seem to awkward."

    Makoto replied with a loving look in her eyes, "Oh, no! Not at all. In fact I was hoping that you would kiss me!"

    Ken smiled relieved. He could easily be hung for doing something like that.

    They kissed again. There were no words that needed to be said. They seemed linked. They knew each other's feelings. Nothing more was needed, both of their need for love was filled. That gap was filled by each other. That day was decided to be the start of the blossoming relationship with the Princess and young suitor. No one but the two young lovers knew of that night. The night went by a lot faster than it should have.


    Makoto was in a wonderful mood the next morning. The Queen had a feeling of what it was, but she was too kind to make accusations. She figured if her daughter wished to tell her what she was feeling, she would. The king was a definite opposite. Over half the time, the King and Queen did not agree. The King Jupiter cared for his family. He loved them very much, and no matter what he would protect them.

    Ken and Makoto had both had their share of pain in their lives. Ken's mother was murdered when he was seven years old! Makoto's little twin brother and sister died immediately after they were born. After that, Queen Jupiter was not able to have more children. Ken had undergone harsh abuse from his stepmother. Then, his father found out about it. He had his wife put in for mental help. She needed it. Ken had had more pain, but Makoto would help ease it.


    That morning, Makoto had just finished dressing when she saw a figure climbing to her window. She thought it looked familiar. As she went to the window for a closer look, the figure already made it into her room.

    "Hi Makoto!" said Ken.

    Makoto could not help but smile and giggle. She thought it was so romantic for him to risk his life by getting by the guards to wish her a good morning. She said, "Ken, what are you doing here?"

    "I missed you, and I wanted to, I mean, I had to see you again!" Ken replied.

    Makoto hugged and kissed him. "Now go Ken! I will meet you outside the gardens at 4:00."

    Ken smiled dumbly and nodded, almost falling a lot of times as her climbed down the wall.


    Makoto giggled and watched him waving. She sighed. The time seemed to go by very slowly. She could not wait for 4:00 to get here. She wanted to see Ken again. At 3:30, Makoto decided to leave in case she had to explain her absence. Makoto made it past the guards to go in search of Ken. He was there early.

    Makoto asked Ken, "Why are you here so early?"

    "I've been here since 8:00 a.m. waiting for you!"

    Makoto asked, "Why?"

    Ken replied, "Makoto, for you I would wait an eternity."

    Makoto smiled and they engaged in a kiss. Ken said, "Makoto, my Makoto!"

    Makoto blushed and the two talked for a very long time. When it was time for the two to leave, Makoto bid a sweet farewell to her beloved. They kissed and said "Goodbye!" over and over, never wanting to leave one another.


    Ken and Makoto wondered how long they could pull of this stunt. In the garden the next day, Makoto found out that she loved Ken too much to let him go again. Too many times she had. She wanted to share her life with him. Ken felt the same way, but was not sure if his dad or Makoto's parents would want him to marry her. They had the same feelings, but they were still very young lovers. Makoto decided that she would encourage the young man to ask her to marry him. She loved him more then any suitor she had ever known. Now she knew how Serena felt about Darien, but everyday was a fight to keep their love. They had no idea how long they could go on keeping their love a secret.


    Makoto received flowers from Ken a few days after their last visit from him in person. They were her favorite type of flower Lilly of the Valley. Makoto smiled. She had never told anyone of their love, even through all of this. Ken pulled out a velvet ring box. He got on his knees, took Makoto's hand, and placed a 8 carat weight Emerald, surrounded by Diamonds, set in 18 karat Italian gold on her finger. Makoto looked a bit shocked. Ken asked in a loving voice, "Makoto, will you be my bride?"

    Makoto blushed uncontrollably, and looked breathless as she said, "Ken, I am so honored you asked. I have been waiting for this moment since we first met. I love you very much, and hope that we will live happily ever after."

    Ken said, "I take that as a yes?" It seemed that he couldn't believe that the beautiful princess wanted to marry him! Him of all people! Makoto could have had anyone she wanted with a snap of a finger! He was speechless. He tried to say something, but Makoto put her finger to his lip and finding no need for words gave him a big kiss.

    To Ken that kiss meant more than all of the other kisses he received put together. Makoto was like an angel to him. Sent to comfort him and protect from all past and present that happened. Makoto was so pure, thoughtful of others, and sweet. At first, he saw beauty, beauty on the outside, but now she was incredibly beautiful! He saw that she was more beautiful inside than outside.


    That night, Makoto spoke to her mother about the engagement. "Makoto, I am so happy for you! You know, I always hoped that you would fall in love with Ken. He is very kind and such a well-mannered young man. What will your father say?" Queen Jupiter replied to the news.

    Makoto said plainly and simply, "I don't know. I was hoping you would tell him for me! He always listens to you!"

    The Queen sighed and agreed to talk with the King, but she could not assure anything.


    Later that night, Makoto found out that she could wed Ken that weekend. She was thrilled, and she ran to Ken's house. She knocked on the door of the beautiful mansion.

    Ken's father answered the door, and hugged Makoto. "You will make a wonderful daughter-in-law!"

    Makoto was stunned. She hadn't the slightest idea that Ken had told his father already, but she was happy he had agreed. "Thank you Mr.Morsako."

    "Please Makoto, call me Dad."

    "Ok, Dad."

    "KEN!" Mr.Morsako called from the bottom of the staircase.

    Ken hurriedly ran down the stairs. He saw Makoto, and threw his arms around her.


    On Saturday, the wedding of the Princess took place. It was a jubilant celebration. Makoto felt extremely scared. She knew that she was going to make a good wife, in fact, she was positive of it. She dressed in a white silk wedding dress. It had lace trimmings, a long train, long sleeves, a long skirt, white shoes, and a veil, she wore a tiara to hold her veil in place, the tiara was gold with Diamonds on it, she also wore Diamonds as her jewelry. She did prefer Emeralds, but Diamonds went better with a wedding dress. Makoto thought that all the princesses of the different planets looked beautiful as Bride's Maids. Usagi's future daughter, Chibi Usa, was the Flower Girl. She was going to throw peddles from Makoto's favorite flower, Lilly of the Valley. Makoto heard the music starting and knew that soon she would be walking up to the altar. She was going to marry her beloved Ken Morsako. Makoto Morsako, Makoto thought it had a nice ring to it.

    Soon, it was time for the lovely Makoto to make her way down the aisle. She was feeling butterflies in her stomach. She saw Ken smiling at her, and knew it was all going to be okay. Everyone was stunned by her lovely apparel. It was very wonderful. The wedding seemed to go by slowly. I mean, afterwards she had a whole life with her beloved.

    I DO....

    She heard the priest say, "Do you Kino Makoto accept Morsako Ken as you lawfully wedded husband, to love and to hold. For better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, until death do you part?"

    Makoto smiled at Ken lovingly and without hesitation replied, "I do!"

    "Do you Morsako Ken accept Kino Makoto as you lawfully wedded wife, to love and to hold. For better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, until death do you part?"

    Ken looked at Makoto with eyes full of love and said, "I do!"

    The priest said, "You may now kiss the bride."

    The two gave each other a long kiss, the first to celebrate their life together as a happy couple.


    After the honeymoon together, the couple lived in the castle as heirs to the throne.


    A few months later, Makoto received wonderful news. "Ken!" she cried as she jumped into his open arms.

    Ken kissed her and replied, "What hun?"

    Makoto replied, "I am pregnant!"

    Ken looked shocked and though was speechless showed his happiness by kissing her and squeezing her to death. (Not literally though :p)

    Ken replied, "I fear I have some bad news, love."

    Makoto looked worried as she wondered what was wrong. "Yes, darling?"

    "Our kingdom is threatened by war. I have to protect the kingdom, as I did receive knight training when I was younger. I have been a knight for many years, but had completed my training before I met you. I am afraid we are very short on strong soldiers."

    "Sure. You must do what is right. Please, be careful! I love you too much to lose you!" Makoto replied in a tear-choked voice.


    Makoto sat after a harsh labor. Ken was by her the whole time sharing in her pain. How Makoto loved him! They had a beautiful baby girl. Her eyes were that of Emerald Green.

    "Mako Chan," Ken said kissing her forehead, "what shall we name the baby?"

    "Sasami would suit her, I think." Makoto replied looking at her baby lovingly.

    "Yes! That is a wonderful name Makoto!" replied Ken.

    "Arigato, Ken."

    Ken was about to say more when soldiers appeared in the room. "I am sorry to disturb you, your Highness."

    Ken looked worried. No one ever came into the Master Bedroom unless it was an emergency. "What is it?"

    Makoto felt the tension in his voice and squeezed his hand tightly. She looked at him. She knew that he sensed something was wrong.

    The soldier replied, "There has been and attack on the kingdom. It was a surprise attack and we tried to hold off the enemies, but many of us died. We hardly have anyone left. Many buildings have been destroyed. We defeated the troops, but they may come back."

    Ken said, "Then, we should be ready for attack. It is already very late. Put guards up around the town and in the morning we will train more men and be ready in case of anymore attacks. I shall help to fight as well."

    Makoto accepted her husband's decision and said nothing. However, with her whole heart she felt like protesting. There was more to the conversation, but Makoto was too deep in thought to hear the rest. She saw the guards nod and leave. Ken looked over, and for the first time in his life, saw his wife crying. She was cradling the baby, trying to hide her tears. Ken noticed the tears, but pretended not to notice them until the tears started to flow freely. He had heard that Makoto hated to be caught crying. She was the type of person who seemed strong enough to handle anything. Pretty soon, the tears came pouring out freely. Ken put his arms around her to comfort her. He kissed the top of her head, still holding her. Makoto always saw him through his pain, now it was his turn to help Makoto through hers. He had the idea of what she was crying about.

    "Ken..." Makoto said with a shaky voice.

    "I am here, babe." Ken replied.

    Makoto held him close to her and wiped her tears. "I am sorry to cry in front of you like this." Makoto shyly smiled at him.

    Ken put his fingers under her chin and made her look at him. "Never, never, be ashamed to cry Makoto!"

    Makoto threw her arms around him and started crying with tears flowing down her cheeks uncontrollably. "Ken, please don't leave me! I don't want anything to happen to you! I love you too much. Please, stay!"

    Ken ruffled her hair. "Makoto, I can't this is my kingdom too! It is my duty to protect it. Please, understand, love!"

    Makoto nodded and fibbed, "I understand. Just promise to be extra careful."

    Ken turned to look at her pretty face. He looked straight into her blood shot eyes from too much crying, and said, "Arigato Makoto. I promise!"

    Makoto tried to stop crying. She sniffled a bit. Ken figured the reason she cried so much was the letting out of pain after all these years. Though, today didn't help much... Makoto promised herself to see Ken off with a smile tomorrow, and not show her pain.


    Makoto awoke with a start from her bedchamber. She had heard Sasame crying. She ran to the nursery to see if she needed to be fed. To her great surprise there were enemies abusing Sasame. Makoto ran over and shoved some soldiers out of the way. She grabbed the crying baby from the crib. Two soldiers appeared from nowhere. They grabbed Makoto.

    One of the two said, "This is the Princess. She is very lovely, but if we take her away, her husband will have to give up his kingdom. Little will he know, she will be dead by morning no matter what!"

    The other said, "You have that right. It would be a shame to kill her, so maybe I could marry her."

    The first replied, "If anyone married her, it would be me!"

    Makoto took advantage of this situation and ran away with Sasami. She ran to the Master Bedroom, and quickly told Ken of what had happened. Ken was startled, he climbed down the Fire Escape Ladder after Makoto and Sasame. Both started running. Makoto felt a twinge of guilt knowing that that night when she said good night to her parents, was the last she would see of them.

    (Author's note: Makoto was not yet a scout. None of the scouts were until after they were put on earth. That is why Serena could not help Prince Endymion in the television series when the Negaverse was killing him.)

    Makoto ran and ran by Ken. Sasame was frightened, but Makoto quickly calmed her down. Makoto felt for her people. She felt for her friends, the servants, and the animals! Makoto was now the Queen, but it didn't matter anymore. If the kingdom were destroyed, than there would be no need for a queen or king. Makoto thought it all was so ironic. Yesterday her worst fear was her husband fighting for the kingdom, but now she looked at what was happening and it seemed nothing compared to it. After hours of running, Makoto's legs were hurting. Ken decided to let her rest, for he was tired too. Ken looked at what the kingdom was probably like, his father had probably died, just as Makoto's parents had. Makoto was feeding the baby. Ken looked over and saw Takiko, the Royal Family's, dog running at them with a mirror in his mouth running to them. Continue To Part 2