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Author: User
Title: The Revenge of the Fallen.
E-mail address:
Rated: R
Genre: Action

Author's Notes: Hi, My story takes place about three hundred years from now. The world is run by criminals and is massively polluted. The earth no longer has an ozone layer and people use "Skin Coats" to protect themselves from the sun's deadly rays. These Coats are available in various colours as red, blue...etc. Our Scouts have been given new bodies and powers from a highly advanced race called "The Iracons". Their nickname is "The Gods" because they seem so mighty and invincible. The Scouts helped the Gods to defend themselves against a merciless enemy. Their new powers and their high tech bodies were given to the Scouts as a gift.

*ATTENTION*: This Fan Fiction contains gory and violent scenes.

The revenge of the Fallen.

Chapter One: The Storyteller.

He sat on a grand marble stone in the middle of the playground, with his audience in front of him. "Are you going to tell us a true story this time, Storyteller?" The man they called Storyteller replied, "Yes Kenneth, I experienced this story when I was still young." They were in the city playground just south of the city. The playground was surrounded by short trees which were just strong enough on climb on. The forest green lawn was immaculately trimmed by the drones and there was a scent of spring flowers in the air. The Storyteller looked up to the sky. It was so beautiful. The sky was crystal-clear and light blue with only a few skinny clouds drifting across it's endless expanse like white fluffy birds from a forgotten time. He had seen how cold, threatening and grotesque the sky could be and so thoroughly enjoyed such moments of utter beauty. He looked at the building of the city sparkling in the distance like giants of glass frozen in the ground.

He began his story. "It was back then when I was dead." He started and was rudely interrupted by a little girl. "Were you in heaven or in hell?" squealed the tiny voice. "I was dead, Elizabeth" the Storyteller repeated. Elizabeth looked amused at the old man. He wore a white cloak of some light and shiny fabric. He had long grey hair and his face was lined with age. He was in his late eighties. He wore a silver chain with a golden cross anchored to it. The cross was imbedded with little red diamonds and seemed far too heavy for the old mans fragile body.

Elizabeth opened her mouth to say something but was beaten by her brother who sat next to her. "Is there a lot of blood in this story?". The storyteller looked tired and said "Just wait and see. How do you expect me to tell you children a story if you won't let me start? I have better things to do you know." He lied. He didn't have anything better to do. He secretly enjoyed it when the children stopped playing when he arrived to listen to his stories of dragons and witches and magic. That's how he managed through each day. He could always look forward to meeting the children the next day.

"Ok", he began. "I was dead and just floating around with the other souls. Oh, I forgot to tell you, this story is about Sailor Moon and her friends." The children looked puzzled. "Who is Sailor Moon. Is she a witch or princess or... " one kid asked. "Yes Jessica, she was a princess. The princess of the moon." The Storyteller couldn't believe how much time had passed. The young generation had forgotten about the guardians of this planet.

Chapter Two: Among The Living.

"So, there I was in a never-ending dimension when the fabric of that reality was ripped open and a good looking young man came through the portal."

"Hello warrior, my name is Orak. I was a pupil of the The Old Ones and am therefore one of the most powerful sorcerers in the Galaxy. I have searched a lifetime for you. I have come to grant you your most desired wish. Soon you shall walk among the living." Orak waited for the king to digest his proposal. "You mean I can live again. Impossible. No Being has that power." Orak looked as if he awaited this reaction from the fallen one. "Oh, did I forget to mention The Old Ones were my teachers? I have the power needed to accomplish such miracles, but there is a price you have to pay..." The king looked suspiciously at the sorcerer. Orak wore a nothing but a cloth around his waist. He had smooth blue skin and eyes without pupils. Orak noticed the defeated soldier staring at his pale white eyes and said, "You know, if you looked close enough in my eyes you would see the captured souls of my enemies."

"What price do I have to pay?" The king asked. "Hhhmm, well to transport you back into the realm of the living I would have to use a lot of my power but also a lot of yours. Which means you would be nothing more than a simple mortal. Well, you would be almost a mortal. You won't age as fast as them and you might have enough power on materialising a coin but that's it."

"I see. In order to walk among them I have to become one of them. Why should I? I was in their realm and failed. My place is here." Orak laid his hand on the dead one's shoulder. "Hey, everybody deserves a second chance. Don't you want to see Sailor Moon die? feel her blood between your fingers?, watch her soul being dragged to the place you are in now?"

"How do you know about Sailor Moon?"

Orak looked nervously around the crowded space. "Damn, they know I'm here. Look warrior, I'll explain later. I'm running out of time. Decide now"

"Ok I'll do it. Let me live again." Orak smiled as if he were a lion about to pounce on his injured pray. "Good, this won't hurt a bit." Orak reached over and grabbed the King's shoulder. He closed his eyes and pointed at the portal he used to enter the realm of the dead. The warrior began to glow and felt warm and cosy. Then he was sucked into the portal. It was like falling through a colourful tunnel. He saw an intense light at the end of the tunnel. The light was approaching him at breakneck speed. He was scared and closed his eyes.

"Look, Orak found the last of us." The voice was muffled a little but he recognised it. "I think he's dead... again" said another familiar voice. He opened his eyes and saw three figures in front of him. His eyes hurt. It was like he was seeing the room under water. He was sitting on a little chair in the middle of the room. Then his vision cleared a little and he could just make out the faces of the three men looking down at him. He immediately knew who they were but couldn't remember their names. One was called Nevrite or was it Neforite? He took a deep breath and said, as best as he could, "What are you guys doing among the Living??"

Chapter Three: A Reunion.

"I feel so heavy, so... weak, so... vulnerable" Neflite held his hands in front of him and looked at them. His voice was shaky. "That's probably how a mortal feels all the time." Zocite said matter-of-factly. All four were in a room drinking coffee. They sat at the only table in the room. They were all excited and couldn't wait for their revenge. "Why would Orak do this for us? Why did he grant us this wish? I've been around long enough to know nothing's for free." Jedite said. He seemed to be the only one thinking about Orak. The others were working out ways to torture Sailor Moon and her friends. Malachite had a broad smile on his face and said, "Yeah, and then we'll peel their skin off and cook them in boiling oil or we could..." Jedite slammed his hand on the table to get the attention of the others. "Are you listening to me?" he roared. "Isn't anybody wondering why Orak made us live again? I mean, what does he want from us? and where are we?" Just then a speaker imbedded close to the ceiling crackled and a tiny voice said, "Ok, you've had enough time to recover from your journey. Come to the main control room immediately!" Jedite looked up to the speaker, scratched his head and said, "The main control room? Where is that?".

"Just follow us. We know our way around here." Malachite said and got up. The others followed him. "Where are we?" Jedite asked. "We'll explain later" Zoycite said.

The four Kings left the room and walked down a wide corridor. As they walked down the corridor Jedite noticed the machines on either side of them. The machines looked like big rusty ovens. They were all turned off and some had been screwed open and had their cords and wires scattered across the floor. Jedite doubted the others knew what the machines were for. They turned left into another corridor. This one had pipes sticking out of the walls. From a few of the pipes thick, green liquid dripped down. The foul smelling solution formed pools on the floor. Jedite saw a creature as big as his hand bath itself in the sticky mixture. The two headed lizard like thing looked at the four pass by and squealed, showing it's tiny white teeth. Jedite looked at the mutated lizard and shook his head. "Where are we?" he whispered to himself.

The main control room was huge and also full of the machines they had seen earlier. Malachite looked around and shouted as if talking to the many dead machines in the room, "Who are you? Why were we told to meet here?"

Suddenly a little fluffy creator came running up to them. It was a pink ball of fur. It had huge blue eyes and a tiny red nose. It sat back on it's two chubby paws and said, "It's me, Orak.", the little voice was extremely high. "What?! Your a little fury rat? I thought you were a scorcher" Zocite said looking worriedly at the cute little animal.

"This isn't my real form you idiot. Just be quiet and let me explain. You see, two hundred years ago I wanted to take over the world. The humans had no idea what magic was so I thought it would be easy to defeat them. To my surprise there were beings who had the courage to challenge me.

They were the Sailor Scouts. They weren't as strong as I was but were smarter than I expected. They found a way to ban me in a realm that robbed me of almost all my power. Before I was taken away to forever pay for my sins in this prison, I was able to make a link between myself and my pet, the animal you see before you.

Through my pet I can see you and teleport things I have in my possession to earth. That's how you were born again. I just teleported your souls to earth and it materialised into flesh and blood. I only had problems with Neflite I had to change his love for that stupid girl into hate before I could send him to earth.

If this animal dies, I will be trapped here forever. The reason I need you four alive is to capture Sailor Moon and the Scouts and bring them here. You will then kill the Scouts and I will be free. I needed you because you know the true identity of Sailor Moon."

"Why will you be free when the Scouts die?" Zoycite asked.

"When beings die, Life Energy is released. The Scouts have more Life Energy than every single human on this planet put together. When they die I will use my pet to beam their Life Energy directly to me. That will give me enough power to escape this fate. Of course when I'm free I will give a...reward like a planet for each of you"

"All we have to do is kill the Scouts and you're free?" Jedite asked.

"It's not going to be easy. I mean, you have failed before and now the Scouts have been given new powers and new bodies from The Gods"

"How do you know that and who are The Gods?"

"The Gods are a race even I wouldn't dare attack. Anyway, your first mission is to get an army to fight for us."

"An army??!" Jedite looked perplexed. "How should we do that."

The little animal hopped up and down and said "Go into town and find some gang. Offer them as much money as they want. You could even offer them more."

"And where do we get money?" Neflite asked.

"I told you, I can teleport things I have in my possession, to you. I have a diamond. My father gave it to me when I was a boy. I can reproduce it as often as I like. One is worth a fortune."

Suddenly the fury animal rose up in the air and began to glow. The light became blinding and the kings had to close their eyes. The light died down and Orak's pet fell to the floor. Landing on it's little, chubby paws.

It opened it's mouth and said "Take these jewels and get me my army!" and with that it jumped up and was gone.

The kings looked at the floor. There in front of them lay four identical diamonds. The jewels were transparent and just a little smaller than their palms. They sparkled in the dim light provided by the globs above them. The men each picked up a diamond and played with it. The diamonds felt cool and heavy in their hands.

Neflite smiled to the other three and said "I love this job."

Chapter Four: No Way Out.

Serena walked through a wooden corridor. There were paintings of buildings and of people framed on the moss covered walls. There was a smell of gunpowder in the air. Serena was exhausted. She had been walking through corridors with mirrors, heads of animals or flowers hanging from the walls. She wanted to get out. She wanted to feel the sun's rays warm her soft skin and the wind blow through long blond hair. Was there a way out of this maze? Was there a way in? She finally came to the end of the corridor. She saw a door. She ran to it. "I've finally found the exit!!" she said to herself and wondered how she generated the power to put one foot in front of the other. The door was made of the same wood as the walls. Thick green moss formed the words No Way Out.

Serena grabbed the handle. It was rather hot. Strange, she thought. She opened the door and was in a small room. The room didn't have any windows. There was a single naked light bulb that hung from the ceiling. It shone it's cold light upon a little white bunny that was sitting directly under it. In front of the little bunny was a man holding a gun and looking terrified at the bunny. Serena stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. She walked closer to the man and noticed he was sweating. He didn't seem to notice the girl. The tall and skinny man had green, hairy skin. His clothes were torn and dirty and he had no shoes. Serena caught a glimpse of a few six-legged insects crawling through his hair.

"Excuse me" Serena said, trying to get the mans attention.

The man jumped up and screamed. He looked at Serena and said "Help me. Help me find my bullet or we are both dead." He looked back at the bunny. He had spoken very softly as if not wanting to make the bunny angry.

"Your bullet?? What do you mean."

The man looked back to her. His eyes were blood red as if he had been crying. "I can't find the bullet for this gun. I can't let this bunny out of my sight. It want's to kill me. It's waiting for me to go back to sleep, so it can chew my eyes out. Help me!!."

"Why don't you just run away?" Serena asked.

"Run away? How should I get out of this room?" The mans eyes were scanning the floor of the room for his bullet. Serena looked at the man as if he taken leave of his senses. "Why don't you just go through the door?"

"Do you think I'm stupid?! Don't you think I would have used the door if this room had one?"

"Huh??" Serena looked behind her to a door that was not there. There was just a wall, no door. "But... that's impossible..." Serena walked to the wall to check if there really was no door. Feeling the moist wall. Disturbing the sea of moss that had grown there. As she examined the wall she felt herself stepping over something small and hard. She looked down and saw the bullet. Through Serena's weight it had sunken a little into the floor. She picked the bullet up and asked "Is this yours?"

"My bullet!! You've found my bullet!! We're saved!! yeah!!!"

"Your not going to shoot that bunny, are you?"

"Of course I will!! I don't want to die."

"I'm sorry, I can't let you do that."

The man glared at the girl, hesitated then run towards her. He knocked her off her feel and pried the bullet from her hands. He ran back to face the bunny, inserted the bullet into the side of the weapon and with one motion send the bullet sliding into the chamber. He trained the gun on the bunny's head. He was sweating even more now. He tightened his grip and thought: I've won. Soon I'll be rid of you."

"No!!!!" Serena jumped to her feet and stopped beside the bunny. She put one hand out and petted the animal "See?, you don't have to be afraid of this bunny. Look, it's so soft and cute. It would never hurt you. Put the gun down. I'm sure you two could become friends." The man was shocked. The bunny didn't attack her. It just sat there. He thought: How could this be? Was I wrong about the bunny? Could we become friends? Can I finally sleep without fear?

He let his hand holding the gun fall to his side but did not part with it's grip. He knelt down and touched the bunny. "Aw, it's so warm and soft. Why was I afraid of this little thing. I was a fool."

"Good, now that that's settled, we have to find a way out of here." Serena said. The man looked at her as if she had parted with her senses. "Why don't you just go through the door?" Serena turned back and sure enough there was the door, mighty and firm, as if it had always been there.

"Oh, right, the door, are you coming with me?" Serena asked the man. "No, I want to stay here with my new friend."

Serena left the room and just as she closed the door she heard a scream.

"No, no, no, please . Stay away from me. Please don't come closer I thought we were friends. PLEASE!! AAAAHHHHA!!!!!!"

Serena turned around. She tried opening the door but it was locked. Then she heard the shot. BOOOOM!!!! The sound of the shot made her teeth rattle. She tried opening the door again, this time it was unlocked. She burst into the room half expecting to see the mutilated bunny. The bunny was fine. It was still sitting under the naked light bulb. Then she saw the man. He was sitting against the wall. His hand stuck out in front of him as if trying to keep something at a distance. Serena could still see the terror in his eyes. The blood that was oozing out of his head made his old clothes stick to his filthy body. He still held onto the gun. Smoke was rising out of the barrel as if imitating the departure of his soul.. He had shot himself. "Why did he use the only bullet he had, to kill himself? Why didn't he shoot the monster that was approaching him?" Serena asked herself quietly. The blood that was flowing out of the dead mans body formed a pool in front of the bunny. It bent down and started drinking the blood, taking little gulps at a time. The bunny quenched it's thirst and looked at Serena. Blood dripping like little diamonds from it's mouth. Serena run out of the room. She ran down the corridor to the other end. There, waited another door. This time there was something else written in moss. It said: He was a Victim, aren't we all?

****************************************************************************************** Hi, do you like my fan-fic so far? Please e-mail me if you liked it. Write me even if you didn't like. My addy is: